
unusual facts about Mitterrand–Pasqua affair

Mitterrand–Pasqua affair

The writer Paul-Loup Sulitzer has also been indicted, charged of having received €380,000 from Falcone, as well as the Union for a Popular Movement deputy Georges Fenech, charged of having received €15,200 in 1997 from Brenco.

Jacques Mitterrand

Jacques Mitterrand (1908-1991) was the Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France and a founder of the small left wing party Union progressiste, for which he was an MP between 1947 and 1958.

Jean Lacouture

He is mainly known to the public because of his biographies, including the lives of Ho Chi Minh, Nasser, Léon Blum, De Gaulle, François Mauriac, Pierre Mendès-France, Mitterrand, Montesquieu, Montaigne, Malraux, Germaine Tillion, Champollion, Rivière, Stendhal and Kennedy.

Prime Minister of France

For example, right after the legislative election of 1986, President François Mitterrand appointed Jacques Chirac as prime minister, Chirac was a member of the RPR and a political opponent of Mitterrand's, and despite the fact the Mitterrand's own Socialist Party was still the largest party in the Assembly, the RPR had an ally in the UDF, which gave them a majority.

René Bousquet

After Mitterrand's election in the presidential election in 1981, Bousquet occasionally met him at the Élysée to "talk about politics".

Roland Dumas

Nevertheless, he returned to the Quai d'Orsay after the re-election of Mitterrand in May 1988, until the PS defeat in the March 1993 legislative elections.

Urba affair

The Mitterrand election campaign of 1988 was directed by Henri Nallet, who then became Justice Minister.

see also