Monte Rosa itself lies near the intersection of a great north and south ridge, extending from the Balfrin through the Mischabelhörner, and the highest peaks of the mountain itself, to the Vincent Pyramide, and thence through the range that bounds the Val de Lys, nearly to Ivrea, with the transverse range lying between the Dent d'Herens and the Pizzo Bianco near Macugnaga.
Gressoney, Champoluc, Alagna Valsesia and Macugnaga (under the impressive east face, intensely glaciated and some 2,500 metres high) are the main mountain and ski resorts that surround Monte Rosa along its southern side.
Monte Carlo | Rosa | Santa Rosa | The Count of Monte Cristo | Salvator Rosa | Rosa Parks | Monte Cassino | Rosa Luxemburg | Vinson Massif | Santa Rosa, California | Santa Rosa Island, California | Rosa DeLauro | Monte Carlo method | Massif Central | Chevrolet Monte Carlo | Del Monte Foods | Del Monte | Santa Rosa Island | Rosa Bonheur | Monte Rosa | Marisa Monte | Hervé Di Rosa | Rosa canina | Opéra de Monte-Carlo | Monte Irvin | Gilberto Santa Rosa | Vida (Draco Rosa album) | Sant'Egidio del Monte Albino | Monte Plata | Monte Hellman |