
3 unusual facts about Moral

Māori religion

Tapu can be interpreted as "sacred", as "spiritual restriction" or "implied prohibition"; it involves rules and prohibitions.


Following in their line of thought, Thomas Day (1748-1789) wrote Sandford and Merton, elevating the outstanding morals of one young boy above the rapscallion nature of another.

Maria Edgeworth (1776-1849) was another prominent author of moral tales, writing about how a wise adult can educate a child; one of her more famous stories is “The Purple Jar.”

1726 in literature

John Balguy - A letter to a Deist concerning the Beauty and Excellency of Moral Virtue, and the Support and Improvement which it receives from the Christian Religion

Alexander Kanishchev

The main football club FC Zenit Saint Petersburg and its main sponsor Gazprom partly participates in the life of the fund, bringing help for the organization and players themselves, providing some moral and financial support.

Alternative possibilities

John Martin Fischer is best known for the view of "semi-compatibilism" - the idea that moral responsibility is compatible with determinism, whether free will is or is not compatible with determinism.

Arno Schmidt

In Kastel, he was accused in court of blasphemy and moral subversion, which was then still prosecuted in the Catholic parts of West Germany.

Calvary Hospital, Canberra

Due to moral concerns of the Catholic church, the agreement under which the hospital operates allows that certain procedures including In vitro fertilisation and induced abortions not be performed at Calvary.

Ceci n'est pas un conte

In the image of the painting The Treachery of Images by René Magritte, Diderot wants to tell us that a person's behavior is not in itself moral or immoral.


Kenelm Henry Digby wrote his The Broad-Stone of Honour for this purpose, offering the definition: 'Chivalry is only a name for that general spirit or state of mind which disposes men to heroic actions, and keeps them conversant with all that is beautiful and sublime in the intellectual and moral world.'

David Pinski

Ultimately, both return to their marriages, in what Sol Liptzin describes as "an acceptance of family living that neither negated the joy of the flesh nor avoided moral responsibility".

De spectaculis

Written somewhere between 197-202, the work looks at the moral legitimacy and consequences of Christians attending the circus, theatre, or amphitheatre ("the pleasures of public shows").

Eastern philosophy

What can be said to be common to many theistic Hindus is belief in Dharma, reincarnation, karma, and moksha (liberation) of every soul through a variety of moral, action-based, and meditative yogas.

Ernest Fox Nichols

He was the first Dartmouth president since John Wheelock who was not a member of the clergy, yet his deep appreciation of the importance of broad-based scholarship to the moral and spiritual growth of students was internationally recognized.

European Center for Leadership Development

It seeks to contribute, on a global basis, to the creation of a leadership culture rooted in the moral, intellectual and spiritual heritage of Athens, Rome and Jerusalem.

Freedom Evolves

He expects hostility from those who fear that a skeptical analysis of freedom will undermine people's belief in the reality of moral considerations; he likens himself to an interfering crow who insists on telling Dumbo he doesn't really need the feather he believes is allowing him to fly.

French Third Republic

The first historian to denounce la décadence concept explicitly was the Canadian historian Robert J. Young, who, in his 1978 book In Command of France argued that French society was not decadent, that the defeat of 1940 was due to only military factors, not moral failures, and that the Third Republic's leaders had done their best under the difficult conditions of the 1930s.

Gaston Frommel

Like Vinet, he derived his philosophy of religion from a peculiarly deep experience of the Gospel of Christ as meeting the demands of the moral consciousness; but he developed even further than Vinet the psychological analysis of conscience and the method of verifying every doctrine by direct reference to spiritual experience.


The words of the song sung by Gavroche before his death are a parody of conservative views about the French Revolution: blaming all alleged modern social and moral ills on the influence of Voltaire and Rousseau.

Georg Hermes

Hermes himself was very largely under the influence of the Kantian and Fichtean ideas, and though in the philosophical portion of his Einleitung he criticizes both these thinkers severely, rejects their doctrine of the moral law as the sole guarantee for the existence of God, and condemns their restricted view of the possibility and nature of revelation, enough remained of purely speculative material to render his system obnoxious to his church.

Gordon Mirams

After the release of the Mazengarb Report on Moral Delinquency in Children and Adolescents in 1954, Mirams responded to community fears about juvenile delinquency by banning The Wild One starring Marlon Brando and Rebel Without A Cause starring James Dean.

Guilhem Figueira

Guilhem attacked the papacy not only for the Albigensian Crusade and the cruel sack of Béziers, but also for the failures of the Fourth and Fifth Crusades, papal imperialism, and the moral failings of the clergy.

James Redfern

He also carved the four Christian and four moral virtues including Fortitude on the Albert Memorial in Kensington Gardens.

Jean-Pierre Camus

His sermons occasionally took the form of moral exhortation - which foreshadowed the practice of later Neoclassical preachers - and drew on the lives of the saints as moral exemplars, of whom Charles Borromeo and Ignatius of Loyola were favorite of his.

Johann Schweighäuser

Mention may also be made of his Enchiridion of Epictetus and Tabula of Cebes (1798), which appeared at the time when the doctrines of the Stoics were fashionable; the letters of Seneca to Lucilius (1809); corrections and notes to Suidas (1789); some moral philosophy essays.

Juan Martínez de Ripalda

According to Southwell, he taught philosophy at Monforte, theology at Salamanca, and was called from there to the Imperial College of Madrid, where, by royal decree, he taught moral theology.

Khieu Samphan

The historian Ben Kiernan stated that Samphan's protestations (such as the fact that he regarded the collectivisation of agriculture as a "surprise", and his expressions of sympathy for his "friend" Hu Nim, a fellow member of the CPK hierarchy tortured and killed at Tuol Sleng) betrayed the fundamental "moral cowardice" of a man mesmerised by power but lacking any nerve.

Lucky duckies

One of the things that has fascinated me about The Wall Street Journal editorial page is its occasional capacity to rise above the routine moral callousness of hack conservative punditry and attain a level of exquisite depravity normally reserved for villains in James Bond movies.

Ludwig Quidde

Das hat im Grunde genommen schon Kant vorausgesehen, der die Schaffung eines "ewigen Friedens" nicht etwa von einer Hebung der Moral erwartete, sondern vom Kriege, der so unerträglich werden würde, dass die Menschheit sich genötigt sehen würde, den Frieden zu sichern.

Man's inhumanity to man

"The real US healthcare issue: moral deficiency…man's inhumanity to man" Title of MSNBC article on healthcare, December 27, 2009

Mel Lipman

In a Las Vegas Review-Journal article, Lipman stated: "My biggest concern is to counter the propaganda from people who think that people who don't believe in a supernatural deity cannot live moral, ethical lives." Lipman says his top priority "is to change people's attitudes about Humanists".

Moral Essays

Moral Essays (also known as Epistles to Several Persons) is a series of four poems on ethical subjects by Alexander Pope, published between 1731 and 1735.

Moral skepticism

Defenders of some form of moral skepticism include David Hume, J. L. Mackie (1977), Max Stirner, Friedrich Nietzsche, Richard Joyce (2001), Michael Ruse, Joshua Greene, Richard Garner, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (2006b), and the psychologist James Flynn.


Claude Le Jeune and Paschal de L'Estocart both wrote collections of moral chansons, Octonaires de la vanité et inconstance du monde, with 19 texts common to both collections.

Otto Ohlendorf

He expressed no remorse for his actions, telling prosecutor Benjamin B. Ferencz at the trial that the Jews of America would suffer for what the prosecutor had done, and seemed to have been more concerned about the moral strain on those carrying out the executions than those actually being executed.

Particular judgment

With the rise of the cult of Osiris during the Middle Kingdom (c. 2040–1640 BCE) in Ancient Egypt the “democratization of religion” offered to even his humblest followers the prospect of eternal life, with moral fitness becoming the dominant factor in determining a person's suitability.

Peabody Education Fund

Founded of necessity due to damage caused largely by the American Civil War, the Peabody Education Fund was established by George Peabody in 1867 for the purpose of promoting "intellectual, moral, and industrial education in the most destitute portion of the Southern States." The gift of foundation consisted of securities to the value of $2,100,000, of which $1,100,000 were in Mississippi State bonds, afterward repudiated.

Pedro Abarca

Born in Aragon, he entered the Society of Jesus in 1641, and passed almost all his religious life as professor of scholastic, moral, and controversial theology, chiefly in the University of Salamanca.

Petrus Riga

He is known for his work Aurora, which is a commentary on the Bible with emphasis on allegorical and moral interpretation.

Richard Langhorne

When, in October 1677, Titus Oates was expelled from the English College at St Omer "for serious moral lapses", Charles Langhorne entrusted Oates with a letter to his father.

Robert C. Morlino

In 2004 he publicly expressed a traditional conservative religious criticism of the city's apparent lack of a moral compass, claiming that it existed below a religious "moral minimum" and that the city had "virtually no public morality." He specifically cited the popularity of the city's acclaimed StageQ community theater company, a gay and lesbian theater troupe, as evidence of this view.

Robert Dodsley

This was followed by a satirical farce called The Toyshop (Covent Garden, 1735), in which the toymaker indulges in moral observations on his wares, a hint which was probably taken from Thomas Randolph's Conceited Pedlar.

Ropes course

A French naval officer in the early 1900s, Hébert developed his own method of physical education, apparatus, and principles to train in what he called the “Natural Method,” which included the development of physical, moral, and “virile” qualities in an outdoor environment.

Royal Astronomy

The album's title is a reference to an essay by Kurt Vonnegut (collected in Fates Worse Than Death) in which Vonnegut compares commentators on the intellectual and moral decline of society to the Royal Astronomer in The White Deer by James Thurber, who believes that the stars in the night sky are going out one by one, but in fact this is because he is slowly going blind.

Sérgio da Rocha

He received a licentiate in moral theology at the Theological Faculty Nossa Senhora da Assunção, São Paulo, and a doctorate in the same discipline at the Alphonsian Academy, Rome.

Snicker's Gap Turnpike

Thomas Jefferson, who was at least a moral backer of the enterprise, pronounced it a success.

Surviving Japan

Noland credits the moral support of Yoko Ono, Simon Hilton, and Imaginepeace.com for their undying support during his one man production.

Syed Aqeel-ul-Gharavi

# International Seminar on Mulla Sadra at Jamia Millia Islamia in collaboration with the Ministry of Irshaad (Moral Guidance) - Delhi - 1992

The Just Assassins

The play is based on the true story of a group of Russian Socialist-Revolutionaries who assassinated the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich in 1905, and explores the moral issues associated with murder and terrorism.


The practice of tsujigiri has been cited in the philosophical debate over moral relativism, notably by Mary Midgley in her 1989 work Can't We Make Moral Judgements?.

Wallace Stroby

The reviewer for the Chicago Tribune wrote that the novel “moves at a breakneck speed ... Stroby's sturdy plot is augmented by his intriguing look at how money corrupts and how even a crook can have a moral compass. Fans of Elmore Leonard and George V. Higgins' 'THE FRIENDS OF EDDIE COYLE' will find much to like.”

Yuknoom Ch'een II

And far to the west of Calakmul, the accession of a king at Moral-Reforma in 662 took place under the auspices of Kaan, an event apparently coordinated with an attack by Piedras Negras on Moral-Reforma's neighbor Santa Elena that same year — an inscription at Piedras Negras mentions Calakmul six days before this event.

see also