
4 unusual facts about Moshi, Tanzania

Dalbergia melanoxylon

Clarinets for Conservation is based in Moshi, Tanzania and aims to raise awareness and promote conservation of Mpingo through music education.

Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies

The Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS) is a constituent college of the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Moshi, Tanzania.

Mwenge University College of Education

The Mwenge University College of Education (MWUCE) is a constituent college of St. Augustine University of Tanzania in Moshi, Tanzania.

Mzee Chillo

When he came back from Saudi Arabia, he became a high school teacher and taught in a couple of schools in Moshi, Tanzania, Tanzania.

Air Tanzania

On 21 November 2011, Air Tanzania began negotiations with Export Development Canada (EDC) to explore how EDC could assist the airline to acquire more aircraft from Bombardier, a Canadian airplane manufacturer.

Arusha District

As of 1994, Arusha District was the wealthiest district in Tanzania with 91,024 Tanzanian shillings.


Modern identifications of Rhapta place it on the coasts of modern-day Tanzania—indicating that Azania referred to an area perhaps identical to the later Arab Zanj.

Bende people

The Bende are an ethnolinguistic group based in the Mpanda District of Rukwa Region in western Tanzania.

Calodendrum capense

It is native to a swath of the east side of the continent from the equatorial highlands of Kenya at its northern limit southwards through isolated mountains in Tanzania to both sides of Lake Malawi, the Mashonaland Plateau and Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe, and then along the lower slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains of South Africa and in coastal forest from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town.


Chukwani is a village on the Tanzanian island of Unguja, part of Zanzibar.

Commelina lukei

It is found primarily in coastal areas, many of them densely populated, but it also extends inland into the much more rural Taita Hills in Kenya and the western Usambara Mountains in Tanzania.


Laya Project won various awards (Founder's Choice Award at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival, Best Film Award at the Byron Bay Film Festival, Special Juror's Choice Award at Zanzibar International Film Festival in Tanzania and the Audience Award at Imaginaria Film Festival in Italy) and is being screened at international film festivals in places such as Los Angeles, St. Petersburg, Tel Aviv, Mumbai and Kuala Lumpur.

East African Breweries

Its ongoing projects include the construction of an optical center in Moshi, Tanzania, the support of the Sickle Cell Association of Uganda and the donation of an Ultra Sound Machine to Kirwara Hospital in Thika, Kenya.


Fukuchani is a village on the Tanzanian island of Unguja, part of Zanzibar.


Fuoni is a village on the Tanzanian island of Unguja, part of Zanzibar.

Gangwe Mobb

The group was established in late 90's soon after Kwanza Unit, Mr. II and other had popularized Swahili hip hop music in Tanzania.

Gogo people

The Gogo (or mgogo singular and Wagogo plural ) are a Bantu ethnic and linguistic group based in the Dodoma Region of central Tanzania.

Goodluck Ole-Medeye

Goodluck Joseph Ole-Medeye (born 14 March 1958) is a Tanzanian CCM politician and Member of Parliament for Arumeru West constituency since 2010.

Gregory Teu

Gregory George Teu (born 3 February 1951) is a Tanzanian CCM politician and Member of Parliament for Mpwapwa constituency since 2010.

Hans Paasche

In 1905, Paasche became commander in chief in the Rufiji-region, now southern Tanzania.

Harold K. Schneider

Schneider focused on East Africa in his field work, and was especially influenced by his study of the Turu in Tanzania.

John S. Saul

He has also taught at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, alongside activist-academics such as Giovanni Arrighi (with whom he wrote Essays on the Political Economy of Africa) and Walter Rodney; at the University of Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo, Mozambique, alongside activist-academics such as Ruth First; and at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in South Africa.

Jyrki Otila

Otila worked as assistant office chief of YLE from 1965 to 1970, in the United Nations in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 1970 to 1973, in YLE in 1974, in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs as a development aid expert in Tanzania from 1975 to 1977, and as a factory chief for the Orion Corporation in Arusha, Tanzania from 1977 to 1980.


Salim Abdallah Khalfan, Member of Parliament in the National Assembly of Tanzania


Malangali, Ileje, an administrative ward in Ileje District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania


Mangapwani is a town on the Tanzanian island of Unguja, the main island of Zanzibar.

Marang Centre for Mathematics and Science Education

In addition to South African undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate future science and mathematics teachers, would-be teachers and teacher educators come from Southern African Development Community (SADC) member nations such as Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi', Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, and other African countries.


German strategic thinking was that if the region between the colonies of German East Africa (Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania minus the island of Zanzibar), German South-West Africa (Namibia minus Walvis Bay), and Cameroon could be annexed, a contiguous entity could be created covering the breadth of the African continent from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean.

Moshi Monsters

The Moshi Monster TV show features music from: Sonic Boom, Beatie Wolfe, The Blackout (band), Portia Conn, Mop Top Tweeny Bop, Merry Twistmas.

Mushin Musa Matwalli Atwah

Also known as Abdul Rahman, Abu Abdul Rahman al-Muhajir, Abdel Rahman, Abu Turab, Ibrahim al-Muhajir, and Mohammed K.A., he was wanted by the United States government in connection to the August 7, 1998 American embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya.

Nate Barlow

Born in Middletown, Connecticut, to two musician and teaching parents, he spent two years as a child in Tanzania, where he attended the International School Moshi.

Oreochromis korogwe

Oreochromis korogwe (Korogwe tilapia) is a species of cichlid native to Kenya and Tanzania where it occurs in the Pangani River system as well as the Zigi River.

P. minutus

Phrynobatrachus minutus, a frog species found in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda

Philipo Mulugo

Philipo Augustino Mulugo (born 27 January 1972) is a Tanzanian CCM politician and Member of Parliament for Songwe constituency since 2010.

Phyllocrania paradoxa

Phyllocrania paradoxa have a wide range across the African continent and its islands and can be found in Angola, South Europe, Cameroon, Cape Province, Congo basin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Malawi, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Transvaal, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Polystachya subdiphylla

Polystachya subdiphylla is a species of orchid native to Tanzania (Nguru Mountains and Uluguru Mountains)

Prudence Bushnell

Bagosora has since been arrested for his role in the genocide and is currently on trial in Arusha, Tanzania for war crimes and crimes against humanity (ICTR).

Seifu Mekonnen

Mekonnen received awards and recognition from His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, president Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, president Idi Amin of Uganda, and president Julius Nyerere of Tanzania.

Seth Sendashonga

After Tanzania agreed to host Sendashonga's rebel training camps, he used his contacts with Prunier to go to Uganda and talk to Salim Saleh, President Yoweri Museveni's brother, on 3 May 1998.

Stephen O'Brien

He was born in Mtwara, Tanzania and educated at Loretto School in Mombasa, at the Handbridge School (Chester), the Heronwater School (Abergele), Sedbergh School and Emmanuel College, Cambridge.


Suji, Kilimanjaro, a small village in the north-eastern region of Tanzania


All specimens were collected by F. P. Mennell in 1922 at the Mizimbazi River near Tanga City, northeastern Tanzania.

Tony Fall

Fall died after a heart attack on 1 December 2007 while a member of the organisation team of the East African Safari Classic Rally in his hotel room in Tanzania, leaving his wife Pat and two sons from a previous marriage.

Toussaintia orientalis

In Tanzania, there is intensive agriculture in Ifakara and the species may also have now disappeared from that locality.

Tundi Spring Agardy

Sound Seas explored the feasibility of establishing a research station on Palmyra Atoll for The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and conducted evaluations for the United Nations Development Programme in the Black Sea region, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for its support of WWF climate change work in Cameroon, Fiji, and Tanzania, and International Financial Corporation (IFC) in its support of TNC work in Komodo, Indonesia.

Union Day

"Union Day" on April 26 in Tanzania, commemorating the unification of Zanzibar and Tanganyika in 1964

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1189

United Nations Security Council resolution 1189, adopted unanimously on 13 August 1998, after expressing its deep disturbance at the bombings in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on 7 August 1998, the Council strongly condemned the terrorist attacks and called on countries to adopt measures to prevent further incidents.

Unity Bridge 2

The Unity Bridge 2 is an international bridge and border crossing between Kivikoni, Songea Rural District in Tanzania and Lupilichi in Mozambique.


Uroa is a small coastal village on central eastern Unguja (Zanzibar Island), in Tanzania.

Valerie Davey

After her marriage she moved to Tanzania and taught at the Ilboru Secondary School on Ilboru Road in Arusha.

Walter Rodney

He taught at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania during the period 1966-67 and later in Jamaica at his alma mater UWI Mona.

see also

Weruweru Secondary School

Weruweru Girls Secondary School (formerly known as Assumpta College) is a government secondary school in Moshi, Tanzania.