In New York, the East Side youth gang, consisting of Muggs McGinnis (Leo Gorcey), Danny Collins (Bobby Jordan), Glimpy Stone (Huntz Hall), Scruno (Ernest Morrison), Skinny (Bill Lawrence), and Peewee (David Gorcey), are falsely arrested on the wharf because the truck they are playing in was stolen.
Family Guy | Buddy Guy | Guy's Hospital | Guy de Maupassant | Guy Ritchie | Guy Maddin | Guy Clark | Morecambe and Wise | Larry the Cable Guy | Guy Debord | Guy | Guy Sebastian | Guy Carleton, 1st Baron Dorchester | Leo VI the Wise | Guy Verhofstadt | Guy Gavriel Kay | Guy Fawkes | The Fall Guy | Guy Fletcher | Guy Chambers | Yaroslav the Wise | Robert Wise | Guy Sigsworth | Guy Mitchell | Guy Lombardo | Wise old man | Guy Pearce | Guy Gibson | Guy Evans | Nathan the Wise |