Nacimiento-Fergusson Road is the only road across the Santa Lucia Range in the Central Coast of California, connecting California State Route 1 and the Big Sur coast to U.S. Route 101 and the Salinas Valley.
Abbey Road Studios | Silk Road | road | Road Rules | Abbey Road | Road to Perdition | New Circle Road | road racing | Jinshajiang Road Station | Waterloo Road | road running | On the Road | National Road | Lansdowne Road | Grand Trunk Road | Nacimiento | Jinyun Road Station | Great North Road | Toll road | Road to Avonlea | Long Island Rail Road | Waterloo Road (TV series) | The Jungle (Wheldon Road) | Road bicycle racing | Portobello Road | toll road | Road to Zanzibar | Road Town | road bicycle racing | Ledo Road |
Bernardo Leighton Guzmán (August 16, 1909, Nacimiento, Bío Bío Province – January 26, 1995) was a Chilean Christian Democrat who was targeted by Operation Condor.
Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Los Ángeles is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío).
Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Mulchén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío).
It was first used as a fort for the Spanish army to advance and control the territory, and it was officially baptised on Christmas Eve of December of 1603 with the name of Nacimiento de Nuestro Señor (Nativity of Our Lord).
The area covered by this geographical indication comprises the following municipalities: Alboloduy, Alhabia, Alhama de Almería, Alicún, Almócita, Alsodux, Beires, Bentarique, Canjáyar, Enix, Félix, Gérgal, Huécija, Íllar, Instinción, Nacimiento, Ohanes, Padules, Rágol, Santa Cruz de Marchena y Terque, in the province of Almería (Andalusia, Spain).
Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Santa Bárbara is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío).