
unusual facts about Nationale


Jardin botanique de l'École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort, botanical garden operated by the École Nationale Vétérinaire

Musée Fragonard d'Alfort, museum of anatomical oddities located at within the École Nationale Vétérinaire


Then Pierre Galet of the École nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier made a systematic assembly of criteria for the identification of vines.

Banque Nationale

National Bank of Canada (Banque Nationale du Canada), commercial bank

By the Grace of God

Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte was crowned Napoléon III, Emperor of the French By the Grace of God and the Will of the Nation (Par la Grâce de Dieu, et la Volonté Nationale) after a plebiscite organized among the French people.

Canton of Marseille-Les Grands-Carmes

It is composed of the part of the 1st arrondissement of Marseille situated north of the streets rue Colbert and rue Nationale until the border with the Canton of Marseille-Les Cinq-Avenues and the 2nd arrondissement of Marseille.

Chadian National Union

The Chadian National Union (Union Nationale Tchadienne or UNT) was a radical Muslim political party founded in 1958 in Chad by Issa Dana, Mahamut Outman and Abba Siddick.

Chimie ParisTech

The École nationale supérieure de chimie de Paris was founded in 1896 by Charles Friedel, a chemist and mineralogist who headed the school until 1899.

Dewoitine HD.730

Despite the Armistice, development continued, with a significantly revised third prototype being built by the Société nationale des constructions aéronautiques du Sud-Est (SNCASE) at Marignane, the HD.731.01.

École nationale supérieure d'informatique et de mathématiques appliquées de Grenoble

The École nationale supérieure d'informatique et mathématiques appliquées, or Grenoble INP - Ensimag, is a prestigious French Grande École located in Grenoble, France.

École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs électriciens de Grenoble

The École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs électriciens de Grenoble (ENSIEG, French for Superior National School of Electrician Engineers of Grenoble) is a centenary school in Grenoble, France.

École nationale supérieure de création industrielle

ENSCI–Les Ateliers, the École nationale supérieure de création industrielle, is a French design school located in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.

École nationale supérieure de physique, électronique et Matériaux

The École Nationale Supérieure de Physique, Électronique et Matériaux (Phelma) is a Grande École located in Grenoble, France.

Ernst Wahle

In: H. Steuer (Hrsg.), Eine hervorragend nationale Wissenschaft. Deutsche Prähistoriker zwischen 1900 und 1995 (Berlin 2001) 199-310 (mit Schriftenverzeichnis)

Fédération nationale des déportés et internés résistants et patriotes

The Fédération nationale des déportés et internés résistants et patriotes (National Federation of Deported and Imprisoned Resistance Fighters and Patriots) is an organization founded by Marcel Paul and Henri Manhès in October 1945, five months after the defeat of Nazi Germany at the end of World War II.

Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain

The Scout emblem of the Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain, as well as those of most federation members, incorporates the seal of Suleiman of the flag of Morocco.


FN Herstal or Fabrique Nationale de Herstal, a Belgian arms factory

Francis Muguet

He was a researcher at ENSTA (Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancées) from 1993 to 2009 and worked, during the last months of his life, as a consultant for International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the University of Geneva.

Füsun Köksal

The prominent performers and ensembles who have featured her music include Derek Bermel, Benjamin Reissenberger, International Ensemble Modern Academy, Pacifica Quartet, eighth blackbird, Penderecki String Quartet, Ensemble Calliopée, Orchestre Nationale de Lorraine, Arditti String Quartet, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra’s 10/10 Ensemble, Ensemble Fire-Wire, Dafô Quartet, Bilkent Symphony Orchestra, Hezarfen Ensemble, and Vertixe Sonora.

Garba Lompo

He was previously the President of the National Commission on Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties (Commission nationale des droits de l'Homme et des libertés fondamentales, CNDHLF).

Georges Diebolt

He came to be valued for works in an academic style which prefigured his 1841 plaster bas-relief La mort de Démosthène (now at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts), or La Villanelle, exhibited at the Salon of 1848 and remarked upon by Théophile Gautier, who described it as

Impur II

It was composed in 1996 by Frith and performed in December 1997 in RamDam in Lyon, France by students and teachers from L’Ecole Nationale de Musique, Villeurbanne.

Institut Mines-Télécom

The group of telecommunications schools was established in the form of an Établissement public à caractère administratif (public establishment of an administrative nature), for the purpose of managing the three schools: the École nationale supérieure des télécommunications; the École nationale supérieure des télécommunications de Bretagne and the Institut national des télécommunications.

Télécom ParisTech in Paris and Sophia Antipolis (ex École nationale supérieure des télécommunications, Télécom Paris, or ENST)

Joe Ekins

From this position they overlooked a large open section of ground and were able to watch as German tanks advanced up Route nationale 158 from the town of Cintheaux.

Jules Buckley

This year, he has worked with the WDR Big Band, Jose James and the Royal Concertgebouworkest, Patrick Watson and L'Orchestre Nationale d'ile de France, and arranged and conducted Caro Emerald's number one album "The Shocking Miss Emerald".


The village is the meeting point of several roads, the largest of them being the Route Nationale RN61 (Phalsbourg - Saarbrücken).


The LRAC F1, officially called Lance-Roquettes AntiChar de 89 mm modèle F1 (89 mm anti-tank rocket launcher model F1) is a French reusable rocket launcher developed by Luchaire Defense SA, and manufactured in cooperation with Manufacture Nationale d'Armes de Saint-Étienne and was in the 1970s marketed by Hotchkiss-Brandt.


FN 303, a semi-automatic non-lethal launcher manufactured by Fabrique Nationale de Herstal

Marcelo Grassmann

His works figure, among others, in the collections of the MoMA in New York, the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, the Museum of Fine Arts in Dallas and the Pinacoteca do Estado in São Paulo.

Mariano Vivanco

Vivanco has also published seven books for the Dolce & Gabbana label: Calcio (2003), which was the first book of its kind to capture the emergence of the soccer superstar, Milan (2004), Nationale (2006) and Milan Family.

Media of Burkina Faso

Two radio stations, one in Ouagadougou and one in Bobo-Dioulasso, are run by the government radio corporation Radiodiffusion Nationale.

Mercator 1569 world map

The Paris copy is a single combined sheet that came into the possession of the Bibliothèque Nationale from the estate of Julius Klaproth (1783–1835).

Nantes Atlantique Airport

In 1936/7 the Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques de l'Ouest opened an aircraft factory adjacent to the airfield, initially building MB.210 bombers, followed by M.S.406 fighters and LeO 45 bombers.

Nord Noralpha

Construction of the Messerschmitt Bf 108 was transferred to the Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Nord (usually known simply as Nord) at Les Mureaux, to the West of Paris, in occupied France in 1942.


Party for National Rebirth (Parti pour la renaissance nationale, PARENA) - a political party in Mali

Party of New Forces

The group also launched its own well-produced journal, Initiative nationale, organised protests against the 1977 visit to Paris by Leonid Brezhnev (on the pretext of his support for the Polisario Front, which had taken French hostages) and in 1979 launched the Eurodroite alliance with the Italian Social Movement, Fuerza Nueva and the Belgian PFN.

Photojournale Connections Across A Human Planet

Photojournale Connections Across A Human Planet is a held in the collection of Bibliothèque Nationale Suisse ( Swiss National Library)

Rally for Congolese Democracy

Sporadic fighting reported between Mai Mai elements led by commander Christophe of the 8th Military Region's 4th Brigade and ex-Armee Nationale Congolaise (former armed wing of the RCD-G) soldiers from the 8th Military Region's 11th Brigade headed by Colonel Bonne-Annee in the North Kivu localities of Bwerema, Bishange, and Bitonga (Masisi territory) beginning the week of October 24th and continuing periodically until November 5th.

Rally for Congolese Democracy–Goma

However Armée Nationale Congolaise (ANC) troops, the armed forces of the RCD-Goma, continued to occupy the city of Kanyabayonga along with local mostly Hutu militias created and directed by the North Kivu Governor Eugene Serufuli.

Sergio Ortega

During his exile, Ortega directed L'Ecole Nationale de Musique, in Pantin, France.

Simon Pierre Tchoungui

The participants decided to "reinforce national unity" by merging their parties into one, the Cameroon National Union (In French: Union Nationale Camerounaise - UNC).

T. Alexander Harrison

He was a member of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris; of the Royal Institute of Painters in Oil Colours, London; of the Secession societies of Munich, Vienna and Berlin; of the National Academy of Design, the Society of American Artists, New York, and other art bodies.

Telecommunications in Madagascar

Radio stations: State-owned Radio Nationale Malagasy (RNM) has an extensive national network reach; privately owned radio broadcasters in cities and major towns; state-run radio dominates in rural areas; relays of 2 international broadcasters are available in the capital, Antananarivo (2007).

Thiam Diombar

He studied at the École Nationale des Services du Trésor (ENST) in Paris.

Trondhjems nationale Scene

Trondhjems nationale Scene was a theatre that opened in Trondhjem in 1911, and closed in 1927.

Union des Banques Congolaises

Banque Bruxelles Lambert held 41.5% of its capital, directly and indirectly through SFOM, which was then equally owned by BBL, Deutsche Bank and Banque Nationale de Paris.

Winfried Nachtwei

Namibia : Von der antikolonialen Revolte zum nationalen Befreiungskampf; Geschichte der ehemaligen deutschen Kolonie Südwestafrikas, Mannheim: Sendler, 1976 (Book series Nationale Befreiung; 7) ISBN 3-88048-029-X

see also