He prepared annotated editions of Phaedrus, Martial, Juvenal, Tertullian, Minucius Felix, Saint Cyprian, and also some mixed collections: Rei accipitrariæ scriptores, 1612; Rei agrariae scriptores, 1613.
There he collected materials for an English edition of the works of Jacques August de Thou and Nicolas Rigault, which were purchased and published by Dr Mead.
Nicolas Sarkozy | Nicolas Cage | Nicolas Poussin | Nicolas Baudin | Nicolas Roeg | Nicolas Anelka | Nicolas Philibert | Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot | Nicolas Winding Refn | Nicolas Steno | Nicolas Bourriaud | Nicolas | San Nicolás | Nicolas Slonimsky | Nicolas Oudinot | Nicolas Hulot | Nicolas Hodges | Nicolás Guillén | Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux | Nicolas Berggruen | San Nicolas Island | San Nicolas | Nicolas Louis de Lacaille | Nicolas Ghesquière | Louis Nicolas Vauquelin | Theodore Nicolas Gobley | San Nicolás District, Carlos Fermín Fitzcarrald | Nicolas-Théodore de Saussure | Nicolas Schöffer | Nicolás Sarquís |