
unusual facts about Ninth Doctor

Doctor Who: Original Television Soundtrack – Series 5

As well as the theme song, most of the recurring themes for the season were introduced in the opening episode, "The Eleventh Hour", including Amy’s childhood themes ("Little Amy", "Can I Come With You?", "Little Amy: The Apple", "Amy in the TARDIS") and the Eleventh Doctor’s themes, "I Am the Doctor" and "The Mad Man With A Box", replacing tracks previously associated with the Ninth and Tenth Doctors ("The Doctor’s Theme" and "The Doctor Forever").

The Unquiet Dead

In the episode, alien time traveller the Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) and his companion Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) travel to Victorian Cardiff on Christmas, 1869 where there have been sightings of strange gas-like creatures.

see also

Character Options

Figures based off the first four series of the revival included variants of, the Ninth Doctor, the Tenth Doctor, companions such as Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and Donna Noble, various secondary and minor characters, and alien enemies encountered such as Daleks, Cybermen, Slitheen, Autons, Clockwork Robots, Scarecrows, and Weeping Angels.

Ninth Doctor comic stories

Ninth Doctor comic stories were a small number of comic stories featuring the ninth incarnation of the Doctor, the pratagonist of the hit sc-fi series, Doctor Who.

The Ninth Doctor comic tenure were perhaps most notable for two things: the brevity of their run and the involvement of Rose Tyler.