
unusual facts about Northern Africa

Archaeogenetics of the Near East

The archaeogenetics of the Near East involves the study of DNA or ancient DNA, identifying haplogroups and haplotypes of ancient skeletal remains from both Y-DNA, and mtDNA and other autosomal DNA for populations of the Ancient Near East (i.e., the modern Middle East including Egypt, Iran (Persia), Iraq (Mesopotamia), the Levant, Turkey (Anatolia), Arabia, Northern Africa, etc.


The bodhrán is one of the most basic of drums and as such it is similar to the frame drums distributed widely across northern Africa from the Middle East, and has cognates in instruments used for Arabic music and the musical traditions of the Mediterranean region (see Music of North Africa, Music of Greece etc.).

Nelson Glueck

During World War II, Glueck used his intimate knowledge of Palestine's geography to help the Office of Strategic Services develop a contingency plan for a retreat from Rommel's advance through Northern Africa.

Svante Kede

Svante Kede has painted landscapes and figure motifs from Spain and Northern Africa, the mountains of Lapland and landscapes, and figure motifs from Tahiti.

see also

1826 in birding and ornithology

Eduard Rüppell's "Atlas of Rüppell's Travels in Northern Africa" (1826–30) includes an ornithological section by Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar describing around thirty new species, including Meyer's Parrot, Nubian Bustard, Goliath Heron, Streaked Scrub Warbler and Cretzschmar's Bunting.

C. monspeliensis

Cistus monspeliensis, the Montpelier cistus, a plant species native to southern Europe and northern Africa


Alhagi, a genus of shrubs native to northern Africa and Asia Minor, with some species naturalized in other parts of the world

Cecil John Rhodes Statue

The architectural design is described as an expression of the imperialist’s interest in Northern Africa.


Tichumaren or Tishoumaren, a style of music in northern Africa


The species are the Western Jackdaw (Corvus monedula), which breeds in the British Isles and western Europe, Scandinavia, northern Asia and Northern Africa, and its eastern counterpart, the Daurian Jackdaw (Corvus dauuricus), found from eastern Europe to Japan.

Edmond Gustave Camus

Monographie des orchidées de l'Europe: de l'Afrique septentrionale, de l'Asie Mineure et des provinces Russes transcaspiennes (with Paul Bergon, Aimée Camus), 1908 – Monograph of orchids from Europe, northern Africa, Asia Minor and the Russian Trans-Caspian provinces.

Eduard Rüppell

During his absence Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar had used specimens sent back by Rüppell to produce the Atlas zu der Reise im nordlichen Afrika (Atlas of Travels in northern Africa) (1826).

Eurasian Collared Dove

Subsequent spread was 'sideways' from this fast northwest spread, reaching northeast to north of the Arctic Circle in Norway and east to the Ural Mountains in Russia, and southwest to the Canary Islands and northern Africa from Morocco to Egypt, by the end of the 20th century.

Fat Hen

Hen and chicks, common name for a group of small succulent flowering plants native to Europe and northern Africa

H. coronarium

Hedysarum coronarium, the French honeysuckle or cock's head, a perennial herb species native to Northern Africa and Spain

Lamium amplexicaule

Lamium amplexicaule, commonly known as henbit deadnettle or greater henbit, is a species of Lamium native to Europe, western Asia and northern Africa.

Medina Azahara

Above all, it demonstrated his superiority over his great rivals, the Fatimids of Ifriqiya in Northern Africa.

Michelin Guide

Guides were introduced for Algeria and Tunisia (1907); the Alps and the Rhine, covering northern Italy, Switzerland, Bavaria and the Netherlands (1908); Germany, Spain and Portugal (1910); the British Isles (1911); and "The Countries of the Sun" ("Les Pays du Soleil") covering northern Africa, southern Italy and Corsica (1911).

Moroccan people

Nordics are ancient in Northern Africa as the Egyptian monuments of the Middle Kingdom (circa 2000 B.C.), and perhaps older.

Morocco–Turkey relations

At the same time, the Spanish had been establishing numerous bases in Northern Africa, since 1496: Melilla (1496), Mers-el-Kebir (1505), Oran (1509), Bougie (1510), Tripoli (1510), then Algiers, Shershell, Dellys and Tenes.


The two other known species are found in mountainous areas in eastern North America in the Appalachian Mountains and in the Atlas Mountains in northern Africa during periods of cold weather.

Quart de Poblet

They are made in commemoration of the battle the Cid fought against the troops Almoravids under the leadership of Muhammad, nephew of the emir of northern Africa Tashfin ibn Yusuf, on the Plain of Quart that led to the release of Valencia from Muslim threats of that time for a brief period, in addition to being the first defeat of the Almoravid army in the peninsula from Christian hands.

REFER – Responsible Energy for European Regions

The initiative was formally launched in May 2009 by Michèle Sabban, President of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) and Ricardo Cordoba, President of General Electric Energy (GE Energy) for Western Europe and Northern Africa.

Rory Carroll

In late 1999 he was posted to Rome as Southern Europe correspondent for The Guardian, where he wrote on topics such as The Vatican, Silvio Berlusconi, Macedonia, immigration and human trafficking from northern Africa, and the Middle East.


The name means "Tethys' lizard of Nopsca", a reference to the Greek goddess of the sea Tethys (also the name of the Tethys Ocean, an ancient sea between southern Europe and northern Africa) and to the Hungarian paleontologist Baron Ferenc Nopsca, who made pioneering studies on Adriatic aquatic squamates.

There Be Squabbles Ahead

"Filistata" is the name for a genus of spiders native to Eurasia and Northern Africa.

VH1 Europe

Though produced in Warsaw (Poland), VH1 Europe broadcasts from MTV Networks Europe's premises in Camden Town (London, UK) to the whole continent of Europe, covering also the Middle East, South Africa and parts of Northern Africa.

Victor Vitensis

This is mainly a contemporary narrative of the cruelties practised against the orthodox Christians of Northern Africa by the Arian Vandals.

Water frog

Pelophylax, a genus of frog widespread in Eurasia, with a few species ranging into northern Africa

Wimbledon court surfaces

Nineteen courts are used at Wimbledon, and since 2001 they have all been sown with 100% Perennial Ryegrass, a grass native to Europe, Asia and northern Africa.