
unusual facts about Omar Suleiman

Murad Muwafi

# Appointed as a Director of the Egyptian Intelligence by former President Hosni Mubarak on January 31, 2011 after the previous Director Omar Suleiman was appointed as a Vice President.

Elections in Egypt

Four major candidates (Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, Ayman Nour, Khairat El-Shater, Omar Suleiman) and six minor candidates have been disqualified for violation of election rules.

President of Egypt

Both Sadat and Mubarak served as vice-presidents at the time the presidential office became vacant, however on Mubarak's succession in 1981 as president he did not appoint a vice-president until 29 January 2011 when during substantial protests demanding reforms he appointed Omar Suleiman to the role.

see also