Other people offered help, including Major League Baseball shortstop Omar Vizquel, a native Venezuelan, who helped raise over $500,000 in relief funds.
Omar Sharif | Omar Khadr | Don Omar | Omar Bradley | Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam | Omar Khayyám | Omar Karami | Omar Rodríguez-López | Omar | Omar al-Bashir | Omar Abdel-Rahman | Ahmed Omar Abu Ali | Omar Suleiman | Omar Epps | Omar Barghouti | Omar Ayub Khan | Omar Ahmad Omar al-Hubishi | Mohammed Omar | Misha Omar | Abu Omar al-Kurdi | Said Ali bin Said Omar of Grande Comore | Omar Vizquel | Omar Sy | Omar Sívori | Omar Lye-Fook | Omar Little | Omar Khyam | Omar Khayyam | Omar Khan | Omar Faruk Tekbilek |
For over half a century, this corporation has been a renowned source not only of professional players who have shown their skills in Major League Baseball, among others Bobby Abreu, Bo Díaz, Andrés Galarraga, Freddy García, Pablo Sandoval, Luis Sojo and Omar Vizquel, but also of prominent citizens in in different fields of national development.