The film opens with Peppino as a small child singing the popular song “Volare” with his brother in the back seat of a car on the way to a family gathering.
The Modena City Ramblers have recorded a song titled "I cento passi", which contains samples from the movie.
Hundred Years' War | Hundred Days | One Hundred and One Dalmatians | One Hundred Years of Solitude | Council of Five Hundred | Spanish Steps | Hundred Family Surnames | In His Steps | Three Hundred Tang Poems | The Thirty-Nine Steps | Thame (hundred) | Tarr Steps | Steps Ahead | Dorchester (hundred) | Chucho's Steps | Chadlington (hundred) | Capitol Steps | Bullingdon (hundred) | Banbury (hundred) | The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared | The 39 Steps | Hundred Reasons | Company of One Hundred Associates | West Derby Hundred | West Derby (hundred) | United States one hundred-dollar bill | Two Steps from the Move | Stoke (hundred) | Salford (hundred) | Ongar (hundred) |
In 2001, Sperandeo won the David di Donatello award for Best Supporting Actor in "I cento passi" ("One Hundred Steps"), directed by Marco Tullio Giordana, in which he played the role of Mafia boss Tano Badalamenti.