
unusual facts about Online and offline

Online and offline

One includes Saint Peter asking for a username and a password before admitting a man into Heaven.

The Journal of Food Science Education

The Journal of Food Science Education is an online peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Institute of Food Technologists (Chicago, Illinois).

see also

DEX for Android

Comparison of DEX software, list of software programs allowing online and offline access to DEX

Dicționarul explicativ al limbii române

Comparison of DEX software List of software applications that allow online and offline access to DEX

Karl Gomes

Previously as National Creative Director, Digital at Rediffusion YR, Karl created an environment to engage brands in online and offline conversations.


Participants are interviewed online and offline using a standard questionnaire which is based on that used by the Census.

NXTbook Media

Nxtbooks use Adobe Flash and XML to display digital publications both online and offline.