
2 unusual facts about Star Trek Online

Andrew Probert

On February 6, 2006, Perpetual Entertainment and CBS Media announced that Probert had been employed as an initial design consultant for the first incarnation of the MMOG Star Trek Online.

Gene Hoffman

Vindicia offers a subscription acquisition and retention platform to clients that include NASCAR, Bloomberg, Vimeo, Encyclopedia Britannica, Star Trek Online, eMusic, and Leap Frog.

Michael Stemmle

After 14 years at LucasArts, he left following the 2004 collapse of Sam & Max Freelance Police and after a period of freelancing, joined Perpetual Entertainment, working as Story Lead for Star Trek Online.

see also

Species 8472

A designation given by the Borg (the species' name referred to by Star Trek Online as the Undine, though the Hirogen refer to them as 'Fluidians'), Species 8472 has a dense genetic structure, with each cell containing more than a hundred times the genetic material of a human cell because of their triple-helix DNA structure.