
unusual facts about Organic

4n + 2

Hückel's rule in organic chemistry, also known as the 4n + 2 rule

Adam Gussow

Raised in suburban Congers, New York, educated at Princeton University (B.A. 1979, Ph.D. 2000) and Columbia University (M.A. 1983), Gussow is the son of Alan Gussow, an artist/environmentalist, and Joan Dye Gussow, an author, nutrition educator, and organic farmer.

Aengus Finnan

Aengus Finnan (born on January 31, 1972 in Dublin, Ireland) is a Canadian folk musician, who grew up on an organic farm in Shelter Valley, Ontario (near Grafton), and currently lives in Toronto, Ontario.

Al Rosas

Nicknamed and trademarked as The Organic Chef, he runs the Rosas Farms in Marion County, which produces and sells all grass-fed and organic foods.

Arabia Mountain

Over time, these depressions fill with sand washed down from higher locations, which accumulates a small amount of organic content from decaying dead leaves and other detritus, as well as rain water.

Aurora Organic Dairy

The company supplies and packages private-label, store-brand, organic dairy products for many of the country's largest grocery chains, including Wal-Mart, Safeway, Target and Costco.

Biotinylated dextran amine

Biotinylated dextran amines (BDA) are organic compounds used as anterograde and retrograde neuroanatomical tracers.

Colin Eaborn

Thanks to grants from the United States Air Force and Army, Eaborn was able to assemble a team of 15 researchers and students, and in 1960 published the textbook Organosillicon Compounds, which had "a major influence on the development of what has become one of the most prolific areas of organometallic chemistry, with extensive applications in organic synthesis, catalysis and materials science".

Columbia University traditions

On the day before the Organic Chemistry exam—which is often on the first day of finals—at precisely the stroke of midnight, the Columbia University Marching Band occupies Butler Library to distract diligent students from studying in an attempt to raise the curve on the organic chemistry exam.

Council of the European Union

It considers matters concerning the Common Agricultural Policy, the Common Fisheries Policy, forestry, organic farming, food and feed safety, seeds, pesticides, and fisheries.

Dalibor Vesely

And takes the organic ability of sight only as a point of departure to the phenomenon of vision, i.e. what one is able to recognize and know out of visual perception.

Dieter Brock

In every episode of the Dave Dameshek Football Program on iTunes Dave and Adam Rank compete in who can make the best organic reference to Dieter Brock.


Dimethylsulfoniopropionate, an important component of the organic sulfur cycle

Douglas McAlpine

In 1958, McAlpine was the first to suggest that the Minamata symptoms resembled those of organic mercury poisoning.


In the United States, the firm has worked with the Marathon Petroleum Company at its major gulf coast refinery in Garyville, Louisiana, to develop VOC BioTreat™, a patent-pending biotreatment solution to reduce volatile organic compound emissions at oil and chemical refineries.

Evolutionary developmental biology

An early version of recapitulation theory, also called the biogenetic law or embryological parallelism, was put forward by Étienne Serres in 1824–26 as what became known as the "Meckel-Serres Law" which attempted to provide a link between comparative embryology and a "pattern of unification" in the organic world.

Friedrich Paneth

He studied chemistry at the University of Vienna and after working with Adolf von Baeyer at the University of Munich he received his PhD with Zdenko Hans Skraup at the organic chemistry department of the University of Vienna in 1910.

Gardening Australia

It was originally hosted by Peter Cundall, an experienced gardener with a passion for growing plants using organic methods.


In the book The Omnivore's Dilemma (2006), author Michael Pollan critiques a farm raising organic chickens with unused doors to pastures, writing, "Rosie the organic free range chicken doesn't really grok the whole free-range concept."

Hermann Franz Moritz Kopp

Another question to which he gave much attention was the connection of the boiling point of compounds, organic ones in particular, with their composition.

Jewelled Antler

Jewelled Antler is a musical collective created in 1999 by Loren Chasse and Glenn Donaldson as an extension of their work in the organic drone folk-noise group Thuja.

John Macdonald Cameron

In 1870 he gained a Board of Inland Revenue scholarship in Science and studied at the Royal School of Mines winning 1st class prize in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry.

Kamen Rider J

Early designs by Shotaro Ishinomori give Kamen Rider J a pair of wing-like appendages on his back to mark the organic origins of the character's powers.

Kashin–Beck disease

Studies of the pathogenesis and risk factors of KBD have proposed selenium deficiency, inorganic (manganese, phosphate...) and organic matter (humic acids and fulvic acids) in drinking water, fungi on self-produced storage grain (Alternaria sp., Fusarium sp.), producing trichotecene (T2) mycotoxins.

Liebig's Extract of Meat Company

It was named after Baron Justus von Liebig, the German 19th-century organic chemist who founded it.

Lighthouse Trails Publishing

The company moved its headquarters to Eureka, Montana and launched a new division of Lighthouse Trails Publishing "The Shepherd's Garden", and began creating Shepherd's Organic Bible Verse Tea in order to support their research.

Live sand

Live sand, a term used in aquarism, is natural reef coral sand populated with millions of beneficial bacteria and organisms which aid in the dissolving of organic wastes like ammonia, nitrites and nitrates produced by larger organisms in saltwater aquariums.


Madara Cosmetics, a Latvian manufacturer of organic skin care products

Maritime archaeology

Salt water provides for greater organic activity than freshwater, and in particular, the shipworm, terredo navalis, lives only in salt water, so some of the best preservation in the absence of sediments has been found in the cold, dark waters of the Great Lakes in North America and in the (low salinity) Baltic Sea (where the Vasa was preserved).

Mark Kingdon

Mark D. Kingdon, angel investor, former CEO of Linden Lab and Organic

Merrilees Parker

While cooking on TV, she focusses on how people at home can easily follow that recipe, as well as on the benefits of good and organic ingredients.

Natural American Spirit

California Attorney General Edmund Gerald "Jerry" Brown, Jr. announced on March 1, 2010, that his office has secured an agreement with Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, Inc., the manufacturer of American Spirit tobacco products, that requires the company to clearly disclose that its organic tobacco is "no safer or healthier" than other tobacco products.

Organic certification

Some retailers have their stores certified as organic handlers and processors to ensure organic compliance is maintained throughout the supply chain until delivered to consumers, such as Vitamin Cottage Natural Grocers, a 60-year old chain based in Colorado.

Organic India

Organic India works directly with marginal farmers in tribal villages, providing seeds, fertilizers, organic certification, and the assumption of risk in case of crop failure.

Organic photorefractive materials

Phase distortions created by the atmosphere can be corrected by a four-wave mixing process utilizing organic photorefractive holograms.

Organic Syntheses

Research efforts in this field led to the foundation Eastman Kodak Organic Chemicals Division.

Organic wild

Organic wild refers to organic agriculture products which are collected from wild land.

Overactive disorder associated with mental retardation and stereotyped movements

The extent to which the behavioural pattern is a function of low IQ or of organic brain damage is not known, neither is it clear whether the disorders in children with mild intellectual disability who show the hyperkinetic syndrome would be better classified here or under F90.- (Hyperkinetic disorders); at present they are included in F90-.

Piers Wardle

Wardle was perhaps the first British painter to experiment artistically with the ideas of Benoit Mandelbrot and other 'chaos' mathematicians, exploring in his work how 'the complexity associated with natural and organic forms can be generated, in appearance at least, by simple rules' (from Piers Wardle's catalogue for an exhibition held at the Pomeroy Purdy Gallery in April 1989).

Primordial soup

A graduate student, Stanley Miller, and his professor, Harold Urey, performed an experiment that demonstrated how organic molecules could have spontaneously formed from inorganic precursors, under conditions like those posited by the Oparin-Haldane Hypothesis.

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

On the Umbrella Security Service team there is: Vector (Andrew Kishino), the team's recon expert and is equipped with a cloaking ability; Beltway (Ramon Fernandez), who is proficient in the use of explosives; Bertha (Lydia Look), the medic; Spectre (David Cooley), the marksman; Four Eyes (Gwendoline Yeo), the scientist, with the ability to program the bio-organic weapons (BOWs); and Lupo (Nika Futterman), who is the team leader.

Ronald George Wreyford Norrish

Norrish rejoined Emmanuel College as a Research Fellow in 1925 and later became the Head of the Physical Chemistry Department at the University of Cambridge, occupying part of the Lensfield Road Building with the separate department 'Chemistry' (which encompassed organic, theoretical and inorganic chemistry).

Sidney H. Liebson

At a time when electronics had not been able to make measurements with nanosecond accuracy, he developed several techniques to accomplish this accuracy for measuring organic fluorescence decay times and organic scintillation pulse widths by indirect means.

Standard enthalpy of formation

It is possible to predict heat of formations for simple unstrained organic compounds with the Heat of formation group additivity method.

Sudhir Naik

He is a rare combination of a cricketer and an organic chemist with first class in M Sc in Organic Chemistry from Ruparel College in Bombay.

Total organic carbon

Another variant employs acidification of the sample to evolve carbon dioxide and measuring it as inorganic carbon (IC), then oxidizing and measuring the remaining non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC).

Tulip to Life

It is made from sections of sheeted stainless steel, overlapped and bolted together using brass bolts and acorn nuts, supported by rib-like structures on the underside, and curled to mimic the organic shape of a leaf.


Wedelolactone is an organic chemical compound classified as a coumestan that occurs in Eclipta alba (false daisy) and in Wedelia calendulacea.

Wolfgang Steglich

He succeeded Rolf Huisgen as head of the organic chemistry department of the University of Munich in 1991.


It specializes in manufacturing baijiu, and is best known for Wuliangye, made from five organic grains: Proso millet, corn, glutinous rice, long grain rice and wheat.

see also