
unusual facts about organisms

Artificial life organizations

Biota.org is run by Tom Barbalet, and "promotes and assists the engineering of complete, biologically-inspired, synthetic ecosystems and organisms".


In the Michael Bay live action films as well as in the CGI-animated series Transformers: Prime, the title Autobots is explained to be the short version of the title Autonomous Robotic Organisms.


This may take the form of accelerated growth in organisms as diverse as worms like C. elegans to miniature parasitoid wasps such as Spangia endius.

Brain abscess

Organisms that are most frequently associated with brain abscess in patients with AIDS are poliovirus, Toxoplasma gondii, and Cryptococcus neoformans, though in infection with the latter organism, symptoms of meningitis generally predominate.

Cell breathing

Cellular respiration, metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms

Clanking replicator

In his short story "Crabs on the Island" (1958) Anatoli Dneprov speculated on the idea that since the replication process is never 100% accurate, leading to slight differences in the descendants, over several generations of replication the machines would be subjected to evolution similar to that of living organisms.

Complications of pregnancy

Because of this, blood-borne microorganisms (Hepatitis B, HIV), organisms associated with sexually transmitted disease (e.g., Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia), and normal fauna of the genito-urinary tract (e.g., Candida) are among those commonly seen in infection of newborns.

Darwinian Demon

Even though no such organisms exist, biologists use Darwinian Demons in thought experiments to understand different life history strategies among different organisms.

Dipylidium caninum

Dipylidium caninum, also called the flea tapeworm or the double-pore tapeworm, is a cyclophyllid cestode that infects organisms afflicted with fleas and canine chewing lice, including dogs, cats, and pet-owners, especially children.

DNA ligase

It plays a role in repairing single-strand breaks in duplex DNA in living organisms, but some forms (such as DNA ligase IV) may specifically repair double-strand breaks (i.e. a break in both complementary strands of DNA).

Drosophila hybrid sterility

The concept of a biological species as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding to produce viable offspring dates back to at least the 18th century, although it is often associated today with Ernst Mayr.


Echinoderms form part of the diet of many organisms such as bony fish, sharks, eider ducks, gulls, crabs, gastropod molluscs, sea otters, Arctic foxes and humans.

Elizabeth Lee Hazen

She would expose the organisms against two fungi, Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans.

Eugen Bostroem

The agents of actinomycosis are now known to be endogenous organisms of the mucous membranes, in most cases Actinomyces israelii, a species named after surgeon James Israel, who first discovered its presence in humans in the late 1870s.


Nitrogen fixation, a process by which nitrogen is converted from its inert molecular form to a compound more readily available and useful to living organisms

Garfield's Pet Force

On the planet Dorkon, Professor Wally (the professor counterpart to Wally) shows Emperor Jon (the Emperor counterpart to Jon Arbuckle) his new invention, The Moscram ray gun, a device powered by the Klopman crystal that can scramble inanimate objects and organisms into new creatures under the user's control.

Glaucus atlanticus

atlanticus preys on other, larger pelagic organisms: the dangerously venomous Portuguese Man o' War Physalia physalis; the by-the-wind-sailor Velella velella; the blue button Porpita porpita; and the violet snail, Janthina janthina.

Harry H. Goode

Harry Goode worked on the research frontiers of Management Science, Operations Research and Systems engineering in connection with organisms as systems, the reactions of groups, models of human preference, the experimental exploration of human observation, detection, and decision making, and the analysis and synthesis of speech.

Hilbrand Boschma

He is taxon author of (among other invertebrate organisms) different species of Fire coral.

Information Hyperlinked over Proteins

The network presented in iHOP currently contains 28.4 million sentences and 110,000 genes from over 2,700 organisms, including Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Danio rerio, Arabidopsis thaliana, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli.

Isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase

Mutations in IDI1, the gene that codes for IPP isomerase 1, have been implicated in decreased viability in a number of organisms, including the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and the plant Arabidopsis thaliana.

Jeremy Field

The organisms which his team works on most are wasp and bee species Halictus, the hover wasp, and Polistes, the paper wasp.

Jumping plant louse

Thus far, 10 microbial organisms have been identified within these psyllids, among them the primary endosymbiont, whose genome has been sequenced and posted at the NCBI database, as well as a Wolbachia species.

Kiril Bratanov

Between 1943 and 1986, Kiril Bratanov was director of the Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction and Development of Organisms at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Kirsten Bomblies

As a postdoc with Detlef Weigel at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in Tuebingen, Germany, she began to study how individuals interact with other organisms and to examine selection forces within and across species boundaries, accessions, chronological gradients and other delineations.

Lake Buhi

Aside from the sinarapan, Lake Buhi is also home for other marine organisms such as the Irin-irin (Redigobius bikolanus), Dalag (Channa striata), Puyo (Anabas testudineus), Kotnag (Hemiramphus sp.), Burirawan (Strophidon sathete) and native catfish (Clarias sp.).

Lake Vostok

Living Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus micro-organisms have been found in Lake Vostok's deep ice core drillings; they are an extant surface-dwelling species.


Lactate dehydrogenase, an enzyme in a wide range of plants, animals and other organisms; is measured as part of the complete blood test

Léon Croizat

Panbiogeography is a discipline based on the analysis of patterns of distribution of organisms.

Leptogorgia virgulata

These products have been investigated and are being considered for use as anti-fouling agents to prevent the growth of marine organisms on man-made structures.

Live sand

Live sand, a term used in aquarism, is natural reef coral sand populated with millions of beneficial bacteria and organisms which aid in the dissolving of organic wastes like ammonia, nitrites and nitrates produced by larger organisms in saltwater aquariums.

Living Things

Organisms, contiguous living systems (such as animals, plants, fungi, or micro-organisms)


Higher organisms then feed on the fungi and bacteria in a chain of life that comprises the soil food web.

Mesozoic Marine Revolution

The Mesozoic Marine Revolution (MMR) is a term used to describe the rapid adaption to shell-crushing (durophagous) and boring predation in benthic organisms throughout the Mesozoic era, first coined by Geerat J. Vermeij (who based his work on Steven M. Stanley’s).

Mycobacterium pinnipedii

The species is named after the Pinnipeds, the organisms from which M. pinnipedii was first isolated.


Research carried out at the Stanford University School of Medicine in 2005 identified obestatin as a new hormone with a bioinformatics approach by computer search of the sequenced genomes of several organisms.

Oxygen demand

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), the amount of oxygen needed by organisms to break down organic material present in a water sample

Peter Borovsky

He microscopically examined sections of sores excised in their early stages, before they ulcerated, and was able to detect oval bodies with a nucleus and a small process, which were usually located inside host cells, and made the correct conclusion that the observed organisms are the causative agents of this disease, and correctly ascribed it to Protozoa.

Phenotypic screening

Example organisms used for high-content screening include the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), zebrafish (Danio rerio) and mice (Mus musculus).


Other organisms such asBacillus pumilus ATCC 7061, Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus, Corynebacterium urealyticum DSM 7109, and Brevibacterium linens BL2 have been identified with similar TOMM gene clusters that have the potential to produce PZN-like molecules.

Porites furcata

The niches and crevices in this coral are home to a range of invertebrates and other organisms including brittle stars, sea urchins, polychaete worms, chitons and algae.

Sabin–Feldman dye test

The test is based on the presence of certain antibodies that prevent methylene blue dye from entering the cytoplasm of Toxoplasma organisms.

Shirley Poppy

The biometrician Karl Pearson used the Shirley poppy to study his ideas of homotyposis, which he defined as “the quantitative degree of resemblance to be found on the average between the like parts of organisms”.

Signor–Lipps effect

The Signor–Lipps effect is a paleontological principle proposed by Philip W. Signor and Jere H. Lipps which states that, since the fossil record of organisms is never complete, neither the first nor the last organism in a given taxon will be recorded as a fossil.

Sulfonucleotide reductase

(Inorganic sulfate occurs abundantly on Earth; terrestrial organisms must use sulfate assimilation to convert it to sulfide.)

Suncheon Bay Ecological Park

Inhabitants include various groups of organisms, from a microbes to higher lifeforms, including a total of 43 species of benthos, a community of organisms which live on, in or near the seabed.

T. Ryan Gregory

In addition to his scientific and educational interests, he has developed BioArt projects using living organisms.

Themes in Blade Runner

The first draft of the entire human genome was decoded on June 26, 2000, by the Human Genome Project, followed by a steadily increasing number of other organisms across the microscopic to macroscopic spectrum.

Wang tile

The short story Wang's Carpets, later expanded to the novel Diaspora, by Greg Egan, postulates a universe, complete with resident organisms and intelligent beings, embodied as Wang tiles implemented by patterns of complex molecules.


RhoU/Wrch delineates with RhoV/Chp a Rho subclass related to Rac and Cdc42, which emerged in early multicellular organisms during evolution.

see also