
unusual facts about PSA Poissy Plant

Simca 1000

Dividing his time between Fiat’s Industrial Design Centre at Turin and Simca’s Styling Centre at Poissy, Revello de Beaumont spent the two years between 1959 and 1961 working with Fiat’s Felice Mario Boano, developing the Simca 1000 to production readiness.

Ford Vendôme

The Ford Vendôme is a large car manufactured by Ford France SA in their plant in Poissy from 1953-1954.


Under the occupation, because of its proximity to the German border, the contents of the Matford Stasbourg factory were moved to Ford's Cologne plant, while a new Ford plant opened at Poissy near Paris in 1940.


Following this success, Simca took over the French truck manufacturers Unic in 1951, and Saurer in 1956, the Poissy plant of Ford SAF in 1954.

see also