"Sarah's Garden", the Victorian cut flower garden, with original heirloom roses and perennials began restoration in 2001 and is near completion.
The Liverpool Plains is generally regarded as the richest agricultural region in Australia owing to its rich black soils, which originally supported a mixed grassland vegetation containing both annual and perennial grasses, which early in the region's history were used to feed cattle and sheep.
Neoplasene is a new cancer-treating drug derived from certain chemicals extracted from a perennial herb, Sanguinaria Canadensis(the bloodroot plant).
The floral succession approximates to that of a coastal dune system, without the wind-blown deposition, so salt-tolerant plants are replaced by an attractive sward of legumes and perennials before turning to birch/willow scrub woodland.
Southern hairy-nosed wombats, along with other wombat species, select native perennial grasses and sedges, but do consume introduced pasture species, forbs, and the leaves of woody shrubs if their favoured food is not available.
plant | Robert Plant | Iris (plant) | perennial plant | Castor oil plant | Mustard plant | Perennial plant | Annual plant | Salvadora (plant) | Plant nursery | pitcher plant | ornamental plant | nuclear power plant | herbaceous plant | Bureau of Plant Industry | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant | native plant | Herbaceous plant | Violet (plant) | PSA Poissy Plant | Plant System | Plant City, Florida | Canna (plant) | Whitley plant | Ural Automotive Plant | PSA Rennes Plant | Plant stem | Plant City | Plant |
Acaena emittens is a species of perennial plant limited to scrubland and forest clearings at an altitude of 450-1500 m in central North Island, New Zealand.
Acaena juvenca is a species of perennial plant found in scrubland and forest margins up to an altitude of 1200 m on the eastern side of both North and South Islands, New Zealand.
Acaena sericea is a species of low growing perennial plant native to southern Chile and Patagonia.
Acaena tesca is a species of low growing perennial plant restricted to the upper slopes of the mountains of central Otago and northern Southland in the South Island of New Zealand.
Alloteropsis semialata, known commonly as black seed grass, cockatoo grass, donkersaad gras, swartsaadgras, tweevingergras, and isi quinti, is a perennial grass distributed throughout the tropics and subtropics of Africa, Asia and Australasia, including Pacific Islands and Madagascar.
The pyramidal orchid, Anacamptis pyramidalis, is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Genus Anacamptis of the family Orchidaceae.
Barbarea balcana (also known as Balkan yellow rocket) is a perennial herb of the genus Barbarea from the family Brassicaceae / Cruciferae that grows in wet spring areas.
Erysimum nevadense is a perennial short-lived herb endemic to the Sierra Nevada of Spain, although there are some citations in the nearby Sierra de Gádor (Almería).
Galium verum (Lady's Bedstraw or Yellow Bedstraw) is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family Rubiaceae, native to Europe and Asia.
Lycopus europaeus, common names gypsywort, gipsywort, bugleweed, European bugleweed and water horehound, is a perennial plant in the Lycopus genus, native to Europe and Asia, and naturalized in the United States.
Oxalis caerulea, the blue woodsorrel, is a perennial plant and herb in the Oxalidaceae family.
Artemisia princeps, the Japanese mugwort, a perennial plant species found in Japan
Achnatherum robustum, the sleepy grass, a perennial plant species found on dry soil in the American Midwest
This is a beach-adapted perennial plant native to the coastlines of southern California, including the Channel Islands, and northern Baja California.
Aegopodium podagraria L. commonly called ground elder, herb gerard, bishop's weed, goutweed, and snow-in-the-mountain, is a perennial plant in the carrot family (Apiaceae) that grows in shady places.
Baptisia australis, the blue wild indigo or blue false indigo, a herbaceous perennial plant species native to North America
Cyclamen africanum, the African cyclamen, a perennial plant species native to northern Algeria and Tunisia
Dasylirion durangense, common name "sotol," is a perennial plant in the family Asparagaceae, native to Durango, Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico.
Eupatorium capillifolium, a perennial plant up to about 2 m tall, native to eastern North America
Fallopia japonica, the Japanese knotweed, a large herbaceous perennial plant species native to Japan, China and Korea
Gentiana triflora (三花龙胆 san hua long dan in Chinese, called Clustered Gentian in English) is a tall, flowering perennial plant in the genus Gentiana native to higher-elevation (600-1000 m) meadows and forests of China (Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol), Mongolia, Eastern Russia, Korea and Japan.
Spigelia marilandicaperennial ornamental plant in the Loganiaceae family
Arisaema triphyllum, a herbaceous perennial plant native to eastern North America
Lycopus europaeus, the gypsywort, gipsywort, bugleweed, European bugleweed, water horehound or ou di sun, a perennial plant species native to Europe and Asia, and naturalized in the United States
Doronicum orientale, an ornamental perennial plant in the Asteraceae family
Houttuynia cordata, also known as chameleon plant, heartleaf, fishwort, or bishop's weed, a herbaceous perennial plant native to Japan, Korea, southern China and Southeast Asia
Psoralea esculenta, an herbaceous perennial plant species native to prairies and dry woodlands of central North America
Anthriscus sylvestris, a herbaceous biennial or short-lived perennial plant in the family Apiaceae
Romulea rosea, a herbaceous perennial plant species endemic to the western Cape Province in South Africa
Eryngium yuccifolium, Rattlesnake Master; a common herbaceous perennial plant, native to the tallgrass prairies of North America
Stypandra grandis, a rhizomatous perennial plant species in the genus Stypandra
Salvia leucantha, the Mexican bush sage, a herbaceous perennial plant species native to Mexico
Salvia uliginosa, the bog sage, a herbaceous perennial plant species native to southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina
Salvia amissa (Galiuro sage, Aravaipa sage) is a herbaceous perennial plant that is endemic to Arizona, growing in the Galiuro Mountains and the Superstition Mountains.
Salvia glutinosa (glutinous sage, sticky sage, Jupiter's sage, Jupiter's distaff) is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family.