
unusual facts about Herbaceous plant

Tasman National Park

Three species of Euphrasia (a semi-parasitic, herbaceous flowering plant commonly known as eyebright) are found only in Tasman National Park.

Anacamptis pyramidalis

The pyramidal orchid, Anacamptis pyramidalis, is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Genus Anacamptis of the family Orchidaceae.

Box-Ironbark forest

Box-Ironbark forest is characterised by a canopy of box, ironbark and gum-barked eucalypts, growing to 25 m in height, over a sparse understorey of wattles, small-leaved and prostrate shrubs, herbs and grasses.

Collinsia concolor

This is an annual herb producing an erect stem up to about 45 centimeters tall.

Cordylanthus orcuttianus

This annual herb grows to a maximum of half a meter in height and is green to reddish-green in color and coated in stiff hairs.

Cordylanthus rigidus

This is a hairy annual herb growing to maximum heights anywhere from 30 centimeters to 1.5 meters.

Erysimum cazorlense

Erysimum cazorlense is a short-lived, mostly monocarpic herb endemic to the Cazorla and Segura mountain ranges, SE Spain.

Erysimum nevadense

Erysimum nevadense is a perennial short-lived herb endemic to the Sierra Nevada of Spain, although there are some citations in the nearby Sierra de Gádor (Almería).

Moulting Lagoon Important Bird Area

Apsley Marshes contain areas of woody vegetation dominated by paperbarks, some saltmarsh, large areas of Common Reed and freshwater aquatic herbland.

Physaria pallida

This is an annual herb growing mostly erect to a height of 30 to 60 centimeters.

see also

Anemone tuberosa

Anemone tuberosa (desert anemone or tuber anemone) is a herbaceous plant species in the genus Anemone and family Ranunculaceae.

Anisomeles malabarica

Anisomeles malabarica is a species of herbaceous plant native to tropical and subtropical Australia, Malesia, Southeast Asia and Mauritius.


According to him, the region was called ubaurú because of the abundance of an herbaceous plant called ubá, used for hampers and wicker baskets, and urú, a ground bird related to the chicken.

E. australis

Emex australis, the doublegee or three-cornered jack, a herbaceous plant species found in South Africa and Australia

E. japonicum

Eupatorium japonicum, a herbaceous plant species native to China, Japan and Korea

H. nobilis

Hepatica nobilis, a synonym for Anemone hepatica, the kidneywort, liverwort, pennywort or common hepatica, an herbaceous plant species native to the forest floors of temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere

L. compacta

Liatris compacta, the Arkansas gayfeather, a herbaceous plant species native to west-central Arkansas in the United States

L. sibirica

Ligularia sibirica, a perennial herbaceous plant species native to fens and damp grassy meadows in Siberia, Central and Eastern Europe

N. candida

Nymphaea candida, an aquatic perennial herbaceous plant species native to quiet freshwater habitats in Eurasia


Typha latifolia, a perennial herbaceous plant sometimes known as Cat-o'-nine-tails.


Chamerion angustifolium, a herbaceous plant in the Onagraceae family, sometimes referred to by the common name rosebay in Britain

T. chinensis

Tricyrtis chinensis, a herbaceous plant species found in southeastern China

T. giganteum

Tricarpelema giganteum, a monocotyledonous herbaceous plant species native to eastern India and Bhutan.

V. nigrum

Verbascum nigrum, the dark mullein, a biennial or short-lived perennial herbaceous plant species