
unusual facts about Pashtuns


Afghan National Anthem

This is the country of every tribe,
The land of Baloch and Uzbeks,
Pashtuns and Hazaras,
Turkmen and Tajiks.

Afghanistan–Pakistan relations

This entire area is inhabited by the indigenous Pashtuns who belong to different Pashtun tribes.

Bannu District

The Chinese pilgrim Hsüan-tsang visited Bannu and Jaguda, Ghazni, while crossing the lands of O-po-kien (Afghans i.e. Pashtuns).


In the 14th century, the Wazir tribe of pashtuns, who were living in Birmal in the west, migrated eastwards to the Shawal area and fell into dispute with the Shitaks (Bannuchis and Dawars), and succeeded to oust the Shitaks northeastwards towards the land between the Tochi and Kurram rivers.


However, in the early part of the 18th century, the Rohilla Pashtuns established their independence in the country called by them Rohilkhand; and about 1748 the Rohilla chief Ali Mohammed Khan made his first annexations in Bijnor, the rest of which soon fell under the Rohilla domination.

Black Jackets

Italians, Turks, Kurds, Albanians, Somalis, Serbs and Montenegrins, Mhalmites, Bosniaks, Russians (ethnic Russians as well as Chechens, Russian Jews and German Russians), Eritreans, Greeks, Afghans and Moroccans have all significantly contributed to the membership in Germany.

Dara-I-Nur District

Its population, which is 99% Pashai with a small number of Pashtuns, was estimated at 120,000 in 2002, of whom 28,000 were children under 12.

Demography of Rawalpindi District

The main tribes of the district are Rajput, Ghakars, Awan, Dhund Abbasi, Dhanyal, Kethwal, Bhatti, Chauhan, Janjua, Maliar, Mangral, Jasgam, Mughals, Pashtuns, Jats, Qureshi, Rawal, Satti, Sheikh, Kashmiris, Gujars and Sayyid.

Haplogroup G-M377

However, this does not negate a possible Medieval Jewish origin for some of the Pashtun sub-tribes, but this would depend on the frequency of G2b among the Pashtuns, since any Jewish genetic admixture in relatively recent times would have been limited in scope.

Human rights in Afghanistan

Warlords in the north have used property destruction, rape, and murder to discourage displaced Pashtuns from reclaiming their homes.

Mausoleums of Multan

The Shrine of Musa Pak Shaheed is also frequented by a large number of Pashtuns from all parts of Pakistan.

Mohammed Nadir Shah

Nadir Khan was born on 9 April 1883 in Dehra Dun, British India, into the Telai branch of the then Royal dynasty of Afghanistan (of the Mohammadzai section of Barakzai Pashtuns).


Sarbans, or Sarbani, the largest tribal group of Pashtuns in Afghanistan

Turkic migration

It is ethnically diverse, and includes homelands of non-Turkic peoples like the Tajiks, Pashtuns, Hazaras, Dungans, Dzungars.

see also