Paul Watson of the Toronto Star, for his photograph, published in many American newspapers, of a U.S. soldier's body being dragged through the streets of Mogadishu by a mob of jeering Somalis.
However, it was concluded at the Lancaster House that Somalis from the non-self governing Somali territory of NFD shared a common political destiny with the rest of Kenya despite the findings of an independent Commission appointed by the British Government that Somalis were in favor of an independence and immediate union with Somalia.
Italians, Turks, Kurds, Albanians, Somalis, Serbs and Montenegrins, Mhalmites, Bosniaks, Russians (ethnic Russians as well as Chechens, Russian Jews and German Russians), Eritreans, Greeks, Afghans and Moroccans have all significantly contributed to the membership in Germany.
Most have come as a consequence of the civil war in southern Somalia, including both Somalis and members of Somalia's various ethnic minority groups such as the Bantu.
Already alarmed at the increasing noise the Somalis were making, the Derg government had managed to convince the Ford administration to provide Ethiopia with F-5Es.
Giuseppe Sergi's much-debated book The Mediterranean Race (1901) argued that the Mediterranean race had in fact originated in Africa, probably in the Sahara region, and that it also included a number of dark-skinned peoples from the African continent (North Africa and the Horn of Africa), such as Ethiopians and Somalis.
It is found in areas of low rainfall such as the Arabian Peninsula inhabited by Bedouins, as well as Northeast Africa inhabited by Somalis (where camel, sheep and goat nomadic pastoralism is especially common).
The largest ethnic groups represented in the school include Somalis, Indians, Afghans, Serbians, and many others.
The Gang Prevention project is aimed at young Somalis in the Rexdale area of Toronto with the goal of working in conjunction with the Somali community, Somali parents, and Canadian public systems such as Education, Parks & Recreation, Child Welfare, and Criminal Justice to provide educational and preventative services to the local Somali youth and their parents.
Even during the Siad Barre administration, Somalis were making use of Xeer where authoritative intervention by the state did not interfere.