
4 unusual facts about Pedro Gual Escandón

Pedro Gual Escandón

Being arrested at his home, on 16 September 1861, the military custody retires from his house, but despite the relative freedom that have, don't separated from his home until his definitive exile, going to the islands of Saint Thomas and Charlotte Amalie in the West Indies, receiving a message from General Juan José Flores to travel to Ecuador, accepting the invitation, goes along with his son.

Nevertheless Gual arrives to the island of Saint Thomas, returning to Cartagena in September, 1814, participating in the organization of the patriot army, and from January, 1815, as governor of the state.

However, these plans fail due to the progress of the forces of José Tomás Boves and the emergencies of war.

During this time helps Bolívar in the preparation of Los Cayos Expedition (March–May, 1816), participates with Lino de Clemente and Juan Germán Roscio, preparing the failed invasion of Amelia Island (June–December, 1817) and travelling between 1818 till 1819, to Haiti, Jamaica and Buenos Aires.

see also