
17 unusual facts about Peregrine Falcon

Adršpach-Teplice Rocks

The area is also one of the largest permanent breeding sites of Peregrine Falcon in Europe, as they are protected here under federal law.

Beneficial Financial Group

During the mid-1980s the Beneficial Life tower achieved notoriety when a rare breeding pair of Peregrine Falcons decided to take residence on the company letters on the north side of the building.

Beta Aquilae

It has the traditional name Alshain from the Perso-Arabic term الشاهين aš-šāhīn "the (peregrine) falcon", perhaps by folk etymology from the Persian šāhīn tarāzū (or possibly šāhīn tara zed; see γ Aquilae), the Persian name for the asterism α, β and γ Aquilae.

Brigantine, New Jersey

The Refuge provides crucial habitat for many different types of endangered or threatened birds, including the American Bald Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, American Black Duck, and the Piping Plover.


It is composed of trees including Wellingtonias and Scots Pines and is home to a variety of rare animal life, including red squirrels, Peregrine Falcons, Roe Deer and Buzzards.

Case Black

One of the more popular is called Sivi Sokole which translates to Peregrine Falcon.

Charleston Lake

For five years culimating in 2005, Charleston Lake was the site for re-introduction of the endangered Peregrine Falcon with The Canadian Peregrine Foundation, Ontario Power Generation and Leeds County Stewardship Council.

Derbyshire County Cricket Club

Its limited overs team is called the Derbyshire Falcons in reference to the famous Peregrine Falcon which nests on the Derby Cathedral (it was previously called the Derbyshire Scorpions until 2005 and the Phantoms until 2010).

Ève Bélisle

In Spring of 2008, she noticed and spread the news of a Peregrine Falcon pair's presence at the Pavillon Roger-Gaudry of the University, eventually leading to the installation of a nest box.

Hawadax Island

Signs show that several species of birds, including Aleutian cackling geese, ptarmigan, peregrine falcons and black oystercatchers, are starting to nest again on the island.

J. A. Baker

The book recounts a single year from October to April (probably of 1962/3) from the author's ten-year obsession with the peregrines that wintered near his home in Chelmsford, Essex in eastern England.

Kamouraska, Quebec

Cliffs along the river provide nesting habitat for Peregrine Falcons, cormorants and great blue herons.

Kazan River

Other wildlife that may be observed in the area include muskox, wolverine, Peregrine Falcon and many species of fish.

Ministers Face

Ministers Face is home to several endangered species of plants, as well as a nesting site for Peregrine falcons.

Snowy Owl

They also compete directly for lemmings and other prey with several predators, including Rough-legged Hawks, Golden Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, Gyrfalcons, jaegers, Glaucous Gulls, Short-eared Owls, Great Horned Owls, Eurasian Eagle Owls, Common Ravens, wolves, arctic foxes, and ermine.

St George's Church, Portobello

In 2010 a nesting box was placed on the church rooftop, which is now home to a breeding pair of peregrine falcons and can view on live stream webcam.

Taita Falcon

Reasons for its scarcity in East Africa possibly include competition for food and nest sites with the larger and more dominant Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) and predation of young by the Peregrine Falcon, Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus) and owls.


It has some welcome visitors from the wild bird community, the red kite, peregrine falcon, chough and stonechat are some of the species to be found in the locality.

Nangar National Park

Birds recorded include wrens, thornbills, falcons, hawks, peregrine falcons and glossy black cockatoos.

Oxbow Lake County Park

It also hold over 50 species of birds including the Cardinal, House Wren, Peregrine Falcon, Eared Grebe and the Blue Winged Teal.

Parkers Marsh Natural Area Preserve

Peregrine falcons have nested in the area since 1998, and the rare Saltmarsh Sparrow has been observed nesting at the site.

Red-shouldered Hawk

Non-nesting adults, being a fairly large and powerful predator, have fewer natural predators, but (both during and after the breeding season) they may be predated by Great Horned Owls, Red-tailed Hawks, Barred Owls, Peregrine Falcons, Prairie Falcons, and Bald and Golden Eagles.

Réunion Kestrel

From reviewing the evidence, the bird was most probably the émerillon, with the pieds jaunes being either migrant falcons (the only species that might occur in the area, the Sooty Falcon, Eleonora's Falcon and the Peregrine Falcon, are larger than F. duboisi was, if not in overall length, then at least in wingspan) or the juveniles of the marsh harrier, which are distinctly colored and also have yellow feet.

Riserva naturale integrale Saline di Trapani e Paceco

Rare animals are the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), the Common Painted frog (Discoglussus pictus) as well as the insect species Bucherillo littoralis, Stenoniscus carinatus, Pterolepis elymica, Cicindela circumdata imperialis, Cicindela littorea goudati, Teia dubia, and Aphanius fasciatus.

River Irthing

Peregrine falcons and ravens nest near the waterfall and derelict military structures, probably pump-houses supplying water for the Blue Streak rocket site at RAF Spadeadam, can be seen just upstream.

Rolls-Royce Peregrine

The engine was named after the Peregrine Falcon in keeping with company tradition of naming its piston aero engines after birds of prey.

Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve

Other threatened bird species that have been observed within the park include Short-billed Black Cockatoo, Peregrine falcon, Hooded Plover, Little Bittern and Red-eared Firetail.