
3 unusual facts about Podesta


According to later tradition, it was Charlemagne who granted the Frisians the title of freemen and permitted them to choose their own podestat or imperial governor from among the chieftains, to organize and lead the defense of two of the three districts of Frisia, in Middle Frisia, from the Flie to the Lauwers and in East Frisia from the Lauwers to the Weser, later the Countship of Ostfriesland

Thus in East Frisia there were podests identical in name and functions with those of the Italian republics; sometimes each province had one, sometimes the federal diet elected a podest-general for the whole country, the term of office being for a limited period or for life.


John Podesta, an American lawyer, White House Chief of Staff of Bill Clinton

Agostino Podestà

Born in Novi Ligure on June the 27th 1905, Podestà graduated in Physics, enrolled in the National Fascist Party (P.N.F.) of Italy in November 1920, and participated as squadrista to the March on Rome.

Bartolomeo Gradenigo

Gradenigo devoted to politics very early in his life, acting as podestà of Ragusa and Capodistria, as well as procuratore in the capital.


The Pinacoteca Comunale in the Palazzetto del Podestà (1371) has a painting by Pietro Perugino, the Madonna of Mercy, as well as other works by Iacopo Siculo, Dono Doni, Fiorenzo di Lorenzo and Della Robbia.

Franco Sacchetti

In 1386 he was chosen ambassador to Genoa, but preferred to go as podestà to Bibbiena in Casentino.


The medieval town of Fucecchio is mentioned frequently in the opera Gianni Schicchi (1917) by Giacomo Puccini - one character, Simone, was once its podestà, and some of the estates to be distributed are situated there.

Håkon Kornstad

From the autumn of 2011 he has been a student at Operahøgskolen (KHiO), and debuted as a tenor singer in Den Norske Opera in February 2012 as Il Podesta in a student production of the Mozart opera La finta giardiniera.

Heather Podesta

In 2009, Podesta donated Shepard Fairey’s iconic Barack Obama “Hope” poster to the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC.


He conducted his investigations under the protection of the Byzantine podestà during the period of the joint Byzantine and Italian podestà and before the capture of Constantinople by Ottoman Turks in 1453.

Jacopino della Scala

However, his friendship network and political skills granted him the title of Imperial vicar at Ostiglia, and podestà of Cerea.

John Podesta

Podesta has supported efforts from the UFO research community to pressure the United States government to release files to the public that could bring light on the simmering allegations of conspiracies and cover-up of the issue.

Perceval Doria

Between 1228 and 1243 he assumed the character of a podestà in several Provençal and north Italian cities, such as Arles, Avignon, Asti, and Parma.

Pietro Fregoso

On the political scene, he obtained a number of position including the rile of Podestà of the city of Novi and, in 1373, he became admiral of the Republic and was in charge of the conquest of Cyprus.


In some of the Italian city states, the term "Potestas" describing the authority of a magistrate developed into "Podestà", which was the chief magistrate's title.

Rossana Podestà

Podesta was born in Tripoli, in the Italian colony of Libya, where she spent her first years and later moved to Rome after World War II.

Ubaldo Bellugi

Ubaldo Bellugi (1899 – 1992) was an Italian poet, writer and playwright and Podestà of Massa.

Ubaldo I Visconti

In mid-January 1213, William of Cagliari led the forces of Massa, Pistoia, the anti-Visconti faction in Pisa, and the militia of Guido Guerra III to victory near Massa over the forces of Lucca supported by the Visconti under Ubaldo, and by the deposed Pisan podestà Goffredo Musto.

see also