
11 unusual facts about Poseidon


The firm's name is derived from the mythical horse Areion—belonged to Adrastus and born to Demeter and Poseidon.


It is also believed that she is related to the Greek god of the ocean, Poseidon.

Dalkeith Palace

Several marble chimney pieces were installed, as well as an intricately carved marble bas-relief of Neptune and Galatea.

Disney's Port Orleans Resort

Disney's Port Orleans Resort French Quarter features the Doubloon Lagoon 225,000 gallon swimming pool which has a sea-serpent themed water slide named Scales that is jockeyed by King Neptune.


Apollo and Poseidon were angry at King Laomedon because he refused to pay the wage he promised them for building Troy's walls.

Odyssey: The Compleat Apventure

While sailing, the player may encounter the god Poseidon who will tell the player where a great treasure may be found (the player's ability to find the treasure will depend upon whether he/she was able to obtain a sextant during the island expedition).

Poseidon and the Bitter Bug

The title is drawn from lines in tracks "Fleet of Hope" and "Second Time Around" – "You're all washed up when Poseidon has his day" and "I've been bitten by the bitter bug."

Poseidon's Gold

A convoluted and entertaining reference to Indiana Jones and the "Raiders of the Lost Ark."


Triturus (from Triton, son of Poseidon and Greek: ura, meaning tail) is a genus of newt, commonly known as the crested or marbled newts, depending on the species.

W. Timothy Liu

Dr. Liu is also a Principal Investigator on both the NSCAT and TOPEX/Poseidon Projects.

Wheels of Poseidon

The name, used by Willy Ley, derives from the supposed resemblance of a luminescent wake to the spokes of a wheel, Poseidon being the Ancient Greek god of the sea.

Age of Empires: Mythologies

Each has three “major” Gods to choose from before each game, these being Zeus, Hades and Poseidon for the Greeks; Ra, Isis and Set for the Egyptians and Odin, Thor and Loki for the Norse.

Alen Pol Kobryn

Poseidon's Shadow, a novel projecting the theme of the Iliad in cold war terms, published by Scribner, contains one of the earliest references to the existence of stealth technology.


Mythological accounts of the Greek takeover of Miletus in circa 9th century BC have the legendary son of Poseidon, Neleus, leading a massacre of the men of Miletus and settling the city in the Milesian men's stead.


Pausanias (1.12.4) writes that during the reign of Aras, the first earth-born king of Sicyonian land, Asopus, said to be son of Poseidon by Celusa (this Celusa otherwise unknown but possibly identical to Pero mentioned above), discovered for him the river called Asopus and gave it his name.


Some say Amycus was a brother of Mygdon and another Bebrycian king; both were sons of Poseidon and Melia.

Canaanite religion

Carried west by Phoenician sailors, Canaanite religious influences can be seen in Greek mythology, particularly in the tripartite division between the Olympians Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, mirroring the division between Baal, Yam and Mot, and in the story of the Labours of Hercules, mirroring the stories of the Tyrian Melkart, who was often equated with Heracles.

Hazel Levesque

Hazel's love interest is Frank Zhang, a son of Mars, (the Roman form of Ares) and a descendent of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, and the Greek form of Neptune


About 150 years after the disaster, the philosopher Eratosthenes visited the site and reported that a standing bronze statue of Poseidon was submerged in a "poros", "holding in one hand a hippocamp", where it posed a hazard to those who fished with nets.

Heracles Chariot Racing

Players control Heracles or one of a number of characters from Greek mythology (such as Poseidon, Medusa and the Minotaur) in a series of horseless chariot races for the honor of being crowned the Champion Charioteer without a horse.

Hippocampus kuda

Greeks and Romans believed the seahorse was an attribute of the sea god Poseidon/Neptune, and the seahorse was considered a symbol of strength and power.


Benvenuto Cellini created the Cellini Salt Cellar of gold and enamel in 1540 featuring Poseidon and Amphitrite (water and earth) placed in uncomfortable positions and with elongated proportions.


Mygdon of Bebryces, in Greek mythology, killed by Heracles, son of Poseidon

Neptune and Triton

Bernini’s Neptune and Triton references the mythological characters of Neptune (or Poseidon) and his son Triton, the rulers of the seas.


In excavation sites, valuable mosaics have been found, including those of Triton, Dionysos' Wedding, Poseidon, Perseus, Gypsy Girl or Gaia, Dolphin and Eros, Physke, Akhilleus, Aphrodite's Birth, the God of Euphrates, and Europa.

On the Steel Breeze

It is the second part of Reynolds' future history Poseidon's Children trilogy, following his 2012 novel Blue Remembered Earth.

Pegasus Airlines

In Greek mythology, Pegasus (Greek: Πήγασος, Pégasos, 'strong') was a winged horse sired by Poseidon, in his role as horse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa.

Phantom Below

Phantom Below (also known as Tides of War and USS Poseidon: Phantom Below) is the first film released by Hawaii-based studio Pacific Films.


During the ensuing battle, known as the Gigantomachy, the god Poseidon defeated Polybotes by ripping a part of the island Kos apart with his bare hands or trident, and hurling it at him.

Poseidon 644

The Poseidon is a ship owned by Triton, placed in Culemborg, the Netherlands and is made in 1973 by shipping company 'Beenhakker', Kinderdijk.

Poseidon bubble

In the late 1980s, Robert Champion de Crespigny took over the Poseidon Company and it became part of Normandy Mining, the largest gold miner in Australia.

Proteus vulgaris

The term Proteus signifies changeability of form, as personified in the Homeric poems in Proteus, "the old man of the sea," who tends the sealflocks of Poseidon and has the gift of endless transformation.

Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures

The player controls Shamu, the protagonist, who attempts to defeat Poseidon and the evil Kraken.

The Poseidon Adventure

Beyond the Poseidon Adventure 1979 sequel to The Poseidon Adventure, directed by Irwin Allen

The Wrong Object

On 15 June 2008, the band first performed their "Ode to Paestum", recorded live in Paestum (Italy), next to the 6th century BC temple of Poseidon in collaboration with Biagio Francia (a.k.a. Blaise de France) and Alexandros Hahalis.

Tom Clayton

On 24 March 2004 the presentation whips Clayton was given for his Melbourne Cup wins on Acrasia and Poseidon were sold at Public Auction in Victoria.

Troy VII

These dates correspond closely to the mythical chronology of Greece as calculated by classical authors, placing the construction of the walls of Troy by Poseidon, Apollo and Aeacus at 1282 BC and the sack of Troy by the Greeks at 1183 BC.

UGM-73 Poseidon

By 1992, the Soviet Union had collapsed, 12 Ohio-class submarines had been commissioned, and the START I treaty had gone into effect, so the 31 older Poseidon- and Trident I-armed SSBNs were disarmed, withdrawing Poseidon from service.