
unusual facts about Prepared piano

Prepared piano

More recent composers to use prepared pianos include John Wolf Brennan, Roberto Carnevale, Philip Corner, Stephen Scott, Richard D. James, Jason Moran, Erdem Helvacıoğlu, Marina Leonardi, Hiromi Uehara, and Volker Bertelmann.


A significant part of the OGOGO sound is use of "funny instruments" (closely related to prepared piano of John Cage) in addition to the traditional jazz lineup of guitars, saxophones, trumpets, trombones, bass and drums, as well as the theatrical outfits and invited guest artists while performing.

see also

Cold Dark Matter

300 Year old Tibetan Thigh Bone Trumpet; New Guinea Bamboo Bass Flute; African Tree Trunk Ceremonial Drum; Marcel Duchamp Ready-Made Bicycle Wheel; Burmese Temple Gong; Nepali Temple Bells; Tibetan Singing Bowl; John Cage Prepared Piano; African Gazelle Horn Pipe; Thai Military Bass Drum; Japanese Koto; one "found" and warped audio cassette of Christian Devotional Choir (actually original recordings made at Jonestown, Guyana prior to the mass suicides)