
unusual facts about Primary source

Alfred Escher

Those wishing to research Alfred Escher have a rich store of source material at their disposal.

Henri de Boulainvilliers

For instance, when stressing the importance of sources in developing fact, he contrasted Thomas Rymer's way of access to the London archives to that of his own where he had to bribe the keepers of the French archives.

Prussian Privy State Archives

A Federal statutory body, it is one of the largest repositories of Primary source documents in Germany and spans the history of Prussia, Brandenburg, the House of Hohenzollern and the Prussian Army.

see also

British occupation of Manila

Many valuable oil paintings from the Palacio del Gobernador in Intramuros, rare maps, charts, historical manuscripts and official documents, precious books, letters and papers of religious orders, together with bundles of primary source materials about the Philippines during the 17th century, were taken away by Dawsonne Drake and his successor, Alexander Dalrymple, and eventually ended up at the British Museum in London or auctioned by Sotheby's.

Cantino planisphere

The geographical information given on the Cantino map was copied into the Italian-made Canerio (or Caveri) map shortly after the Cantino map arrived in Italy and the Canerio, in turn, became the primary source for the design of the newly discovered western lands on the highly influential wall map of the world produced by Martin Waldseemüller in 1507 under the auspices of Rene, Duke of Lorraine.


Pedro Cieza de León, primary source historian of Incan Peru at the time of the Spanish conquest.

Cynthia Dunbar

As a sitting member of the Texas State Board of Education, in March 2010, Dunbar proposed and won ratification of a number of modifications to Texas K-12 social studies curriculum, notably the removal of Thomas Jefferson and mention of the Age of Enlightenment (in which reason was advocated as the primary source and legitimacy for authority).

Deadly Voyage

The screenplay for Deadly Voyage was written by Stuart Urban, who used interviews with Ofosu as his primary source material.

Dōshi, Yamanashi

From 1897, the Dōshigawa River, which runs through the village, was designated as a primary source of water for the growing city of Yokohama, and from 1916 a large portion of the village land area was designated as a protected watershed.

Football in Paraguay

This account has much primary source documentation (newspaper articles) As this version goes, football was first introduced in Paraguay by Dutchman William Paats, who moved from the Netherlands to Asunción (the capital of Paraguay) in 1888.

Four harmonious animals

The primary source for the Buddhist legend of the four harmonious brothers is the Vinayavastu (´dul ba´i gzhi) which forms the first section of the Kanjur (ka´gyur), the canon of Tibetan Buddhism.

Gajabahu I of Anuradhapura

The primary source for his reign is the Mahavamsa, though he is also the only early Sri Lankan king (along with Elara) to be extensively mentioned in the Chera Cilappatikaram (also spelled Silapathikaram).

Gorton's of Gloucester

Gorton’s purchases a wide variety of seafood raw materials, of which Alaska Pollock, a fish native to the Bering Sea, is the most important and primary source of supply.

Gustave Reese

Reese is known mainly for his work on medieval and Renaissance music, particularly with his two publications Music in the Middle Ages (1940) and Music in the Renaissance (1954); these two books remain the standard reference works for these two eras, with complete and precise bibliographical material, allowing for almost every piece of music mentioned to be traced back to a primary source.

Hannah Connell Barker

She also owned the land that was used for the construction of Barker Meadow Reservoir, Boulder’s primary source of water.

Harry Tiebout

The primary source for the steps was a religious movement popularized by Frank Buchman, with elements of the Higher Life movement tradition combined with the personal-evangelism techniques developed within the YMCA movement in the early 20th century.

Heritage Documentation Programs

By creating an archive of historic architecture, HABS provided a database of primary source material for the then-fledgling historic preservation movement.

Jackson Bentley

Robert Bolt's revision focused on Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom as its primary source; Thomas's character was scaled down, and his name changed.

Kan Creek

Tehran's district 22 municipality has considered Kan Creek a primary source of water for the currently under construction Chitgar Lake, the stream will provide 80 percent of the artificial lake's inflow.

Leon Davidson

He convinced a Congressional Committee to force the Air Force to permit him to publish and distribute, in its entirety, the Air Force's Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14, the primary source book on the Air Force’s findings related to UFO’s.

Midland Line, New Zealand

The other primary source of coal traffic is from the Solid Energy facility at Ngakawau, north of Westport.

Movement for a New Society

The publications of NSP, most notably the co-operatively authored Resource Manual for a Living Revolution (known affectionately within movement circles as the “monster manual”) were a primary source of inspiration and guidance for citizens across the United States as opposition to nuclear expansion grew, and influenced movements as far afield as the Tasmanian Wilderness Society’s campaign to prevent the damming of the Franklin River.

Oedipus Aegyptiacus

The primary source for Kircher's study of hieroglyphs was the Bembine Tablet, so named after its acquisition by Cardinal Bembo, shortly after the sack of Rome in 1527.

Power Rangers Collectible Card Game

Toei's Super Sentai Series television franchise is the primary source of Japanese footage for Power Rangers.

Prohibition of Kohen defilement by the dead

One primary source of lenient application focuses on the beraita of Evel Rabbati (Semachot);

Q source

For example, in his 1953 book The Gospel Before Mark, Pierson Parker posited an early version of Matthew (Aramaic M or proto-Matthew) as the primary source.

Ron Borges

He has severely criticized Bill Belichick; some media figures, including Bill Simmons, have asserted that this is because Borges relied on former quarterback Drew Bledsoe, benched and traded by Belichick, as his primary source of Patriots information.

Samuel Chamberlain

Chamberlain is also the author of a harrowing account of his early adventures entitled My Confession: The Recollections of a Rogue. It was the primary source for author Cormac McCarthy's 1985 novel Blood Meridian.

Shepaug River

The river is a primary source of drinking water for the city of Waterbury, and has been the subject of regional litigation over how much water may be removed from the river.

Singapore Armed Forces ranks

The primary source of regular specialists is from institutes of technical education (ITE) and polytechnics, through various schemes which provide study grants.


Aliens who rule the planet Neptune realize that they have run out of their primary source of nutrition, "man-ham livestock," and decide to invade Earth to feed off the humans.

Suisun Valley AVA

The primary source of water for the valley is the Putah South Canal, which was completed 7 November 1957 in conjunction with the controversial Monticello Dam and Lake Berryessa reservoir.

The Wounds of Civil War

Lodge's primary source on the First Civil War in ancient Rome was the Roman History of Appian; an English translation of Appian's work, by "W. B.," had been published by Henry Bynneman in 1578.

W. A. R. Goodwin

As his primary source of funding, Dr. Goodwin was fortunate in this effort to sign on John D. Rockefeller Jr., the wealthy son of the founder of Standard Oil, and his wife, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller.

War Witch

Word of her supernatural gifts gets back to the Great Tiger (Mizinga Mwinga), who summons her to his side and dubs her his protective “war witch.” It is here that Komona learns of Coltan mining as the primary source of funds backing the war lord.

William Philo Clark

Clark was the author of The Indian Sign Language, 1885 (published posthumously), to this day the definitive and comprehensive primary source on the rich sign language of The Great Plains tribes.