
unusual facts about Psychologist


Psychologist Saul Benjamin takes on a patient temporarily as a favor to a colleague friend, Otto Jaffe, who is infatuated with her.

Alison Bechdel

Bechdel's richly imagined, but also diligently researched, historical portrayals of psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott, and author Virginia Woolf, spliced together with Bechdel's own therapeutic journey with text from the psychoanalytic writings of Alice Miller, along with the story of Bechdel's own reading-through and relating to the works of Sigmund Freud.

Andy Barter

Andy Barter is a photographer living and working in London, where he lives with his partner Psychologist, and Television Presenter Laverne Antrobus and their three children.

Arnold Gesell

He also served as the school psychologist for the Connecticut State Board of Education and helped to develop classes to help children with disabilities succeed.


Mumtaz Mufti - Renowned Pakistani writer, philosopher and psychologist, awarded the high Pakistani civilian award Sitara-e-Imtiaz and Munshi Premchand award.


Steve Blinkhorn (born 1949), British occupational psychologist and psychometrician.

Boundaries of the Mind: The Individual in the Fragile Sciences

TESEE conceptions of vision and visual consciousness relies on the sensorimotor theory of visual consciousness of philosophers Alva Noë and Susan Hurley, and psychologist J. Kevin O'Regan, arguing that vision, like touch, involves active and dynamic exploration of the contingent features of the environment.

Celia Green

Green’s empirical work, some of it undertaken in collaboration with an Oxford psychologist, Charles McCreery, has focussed mainly on hallucinatory experiences in ostensibly normal people.

David Elkind

Elkind obtained his doctorate at UCLA and then spent a year as David Rapaport's research assistant at the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.


eHarmony was founded by Neil Clark Warren, a psychologist and author of relationship advice books, along with Greg Forgatch, Warren's son-in-law.

Ex-gay movement

Joseph Nicolosi is an American clinical psychologist, founder and director of the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic in Encino, California, and a founder and former president of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH).

False memory syndrome

Some of the influential figures in the genesis of the theory are forensic psychologist Ralph Underwager, psychologist Elizabeth Loftus and sociologist Richard Ofshe.


Leon Festinger (1919–1989), American social psychologist, responsible for the development of the theory of cognitive dissonance

Fritz Arndt

Arndt's son Heinz Wolfgang Arndt (1915–2002) was a noted Australian economist based in Canberra while his granddaughter Bettina (1949- ) is a noted Australian journalist, clinical psychologist and sex therapist.

Ghetto benches

The list included the "elite of Polish scholarship", signatories such as Tadeusz Kotarbiński, sociologists Józef Chałasiński, Stanisław and Maria Ossowska and Jan Stanisław Bystroń, biologists Stanisław Kulczyński and Jan Dembowski, psychologist Władysław Witwicki, physicist Konstanty Zakrzewski, and historians Seweryn Wysłouch, Tadeusz Manteuffel and Natalia Gąsiorowska.

Hugh Prather

His work underscored the importance of gentleness, forgiveness, and loyalty; declined to endorse dramatic claims about the power of the individual mind to effect unilateral transformations of external material circumstances; and stressed the need for the mind to let go of destructive cognitions in a manner not unlike that encouraged by the cognitive-behavioral therapy of Aaron T. Beck and the rational emotive behavior therapy commended by Albert Ellis.


The concept of intentionality was reintroduced in 19th-century contemporary philosophy by the philosopher and psychologist Franz Brentano in his work Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint (1874).

International Society for Justice Research

Early steps towards the establishment of ISJR were taken when the social psychologist Melvin J. Lerner accepted the Cleveringa Chair at the University of Leiden in 1984.

Intervening variable

The term “intervening variable” was first used by behavioral psychologist Edward C. Tolman in 1938.

Ironic process theory

Social psychologist Daniel Wegner and his colleagues first studied thought suppression in a laboratory setting in 1987 by instructing participants to avoid all thoughts of a white bear.

Jeremy Leven

Leven is a practicing clinical psychologist, a theme incorporated in his second novel, Satan, His Psychotherapy and Cure by the Unfortunate Dr. Kassler, J.S.P.S., which was published in 1982 and filmed as Crazy as Hell in 2002.

Joel Brooks

He also appeared in two episodes of Three's Company as Dr. Prescott, a psychologist that Jack sees to build up his self-confidence, and in an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as Falow in the episode "Move Along Home".

Joseph C. Sharp

In 1961, he began his career as a research psychologist at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research where, in 1970, he was appointed Deputy Director of Neuropsychiatry.

Joseph Henderson

Joseph L. Henderson (1903-2007), American physician and psychologist.

Jutta Rüdiger

Born in Berlin but raised in Düsseldorf where her father was an engineer, Rüdiger was trained as a psychologist.

Mathilda Malling

Malling's first novel was cited by prominent American psychologist G. Stanley Hall, in his pioneering study of adolescence, as a parallel to the famously frank (and accusedly egotistic) authors Marie Bashkirtseff, Hilma Angered Strandberg, and Mary MacLane.


Prominent employees and consultants to the company included musicologist Dr. Robert Gjerdingen, psychologist Daniel Levitin and record producer/e-music.com co-founder Sandy Pearlman.

Moral skepticism

Defenders of some form of moral skepticism include David Hume, J. L. Mackie (1977), Max Stirner, Friedrich Nietzsche, Richard Joyce (2001), Michael Ruse, Joshua Greene, Richard Garner, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (2006b), and the psychologist James Flynn.

Moscow Mission

They are a hacker girl who once broke through Pentagon servers, a former special operative officer who enjoys speed and adrenalin, psychologist, a lady whose beauty outshines her intelligence and her rank of major, and a blind field engineer whose sense of smell and intuition substitute for his eye sight...


Anjula Mutanda, a British psychologist, life coach and therapist

Nadja Hirsch

She then worked as a freelance psychologist and mediator and in 2007 entered the International Visitor Leadership Program of the United States Department of State.

Nancy Wexler

Wexler's father, Dr. Milton Wexler, was a psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist, and her mother was a geneticist who taught biology before her children were born.

Pål Johan Karlsen

At the end of 2013, he launched the Open Access journal Scandinavian Psychologist together with the Norwegian Society of Psychological Science.

Paola Krum

Her starring role as psychologist Dr. Laura Santini in the 2004 HBO mini-series Epitafios (shown in the United States in 2005) has made her acting skills well known in North America.

Porter College

The provosts of the college have included the writer James B. Hall, the painter and psychologist Pavel Machotka, filmmaker Eli Hollander and composer David Cope.

Pralhad Keshav Atre

The other professors at London Day Training College whose influence on him Atre acknowledges in his autobiography are Messrs Cyril Burt ( An educational psychologist), James Fairgrieve ( A geographer and educator ) and John Dover Wilson ( professor and scholar of Renaissance drama).

Refrigerator mother theory

Many articles and books published in that era blamed autism on a maternal lack of affection, but by 1964, Bernard Rimland, a psychologist who had a son with autism, published a book that signaled the emergence of a counter-explanation to the established misconceptions about the causes of autism.

Richard Ryder

Richard D. Ryder (born 1940), British psychologist and animal rights advocate

Rind et al. controversy

The study's lead author was psychologist Bruce Rind, and it expanded on a 1997 meta-analysis for which Rind was also lead author.

Robert Zajonc

Zajonc was married to American social psychologist Hazel Rose Markus, known for her contributions to cultural psychology.

Sandra Jovchelovitch

Sandra Jovchelovitch was trained as a clinical social psychologist at the Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) in Brazil.

Shane Dunphy

The respected book One Child by author and child psychologist Torey Hayden was Dunphy's first motivation to work in child protection.

South Hadley, Massachusetts

George Herbert Mead (1863–1931) was an American philosopher, sociologist and psychologist, primarily affiliated with the University of Chicago, where he was one of several distinguished pragmatists.

Steve Biddulph

Steve Biddulph (born Saltburn, England 1953) is an Australian author, activist and psychologist who has written a number of influential bestselling books; and lectures worldwide on parenting, and boys' education.

The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy

In the American novel The Great Gatsby (1925), by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the rich man Tom Buchanan says that "civilization's going to pieces", based upon his reading of The Rise of the Coloured Empires, by "this man Goddard"; allusions to Lothrop Stoddard's book of scientific racism, and to Henry H. Goddard, a prominent American psychologist and eugenicist.


Michael Tomasello (born 1950), an American developmental psychologist

Valech Report

The commission included María Luisa Sepúlveda (executive vice president), lawyers Miguel Luis Amunátegui, Luciano Fouillioux, José Antonio Gómez (PRSD president), Lucas Sierra, Álvaro Varela and psychologist Elizabeth Lira.

Vidocq Society

The Society was formed in 1990 by William Fleisher, Richard Walter, and Frank Bender.

WAVE Trust

George Hosking, founder and Chief Executive Officer, economist, psychologist and clinical criminologist

Western Behavioral Sciences Institute

WBSI became best known, perhaps, as the place Carl Rogers, considered by many to be the most influential psychologist in American history, developed his theories of group behavior, or the place famed psychologist Abraham Maslow wrote his most important book, Toward a Psychology of Being, or the place that produced the winner of the Academy Award for Documentary Feature, Journey Into Self.

William K. Thierfelder

He is a licensed psychologist, a two-time NCAA Division I All-American, a former NCAA Division I coach, and a member of the United States Olympic Committee's Sports Psychology Registry (2000–2004).

see also