
unusual facts about Quasi-periodic oscillation

Quasi-periodic oscillation

A QPO, on the other hand, appears as a broader peak, sometimes with a Lorentzian shape.

Ardens Grafton

As it is included among Ethelwig, Abbot of Evesham's acquisitions ('Alia Graftun') it may in the meantime have been lost by the monastery, and with Temple Grafton seized by the Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, quasi lupus rapax, (like a ravaging wolf) after Ethelwig's death.

Balanced module

The study of balanced modules and rings is an outgrowth of the study of QF-1 rings by C.J. Nesbitt and R. M. Thrall.

Boom tube

The initial Kirby comics depict boom tubes as a sort of quasi-technological equivalent of Bifröst, the Rainbow Bridge linking Asgard and Earth; indeed, boom tubes are described as a "bridge to Earth."


In 2007, Hyderabadi Muslims living in Pakistan constructed a small-scaled quasi replica of the Charminar at the main crossing of the Bahadurabad neighborhood in Karachi.

Climax vegetation

Climax vegetation is the vegetation which establishes itself on a given site for given climatic conditions in the absence of major disturbance after a long time (it is the asymptotic or quasi-equilibrium state of the local ecosystem).

D-sharp minor

The second movement from Charles-Valentin Alkan's Grande sonate 'Les quatre âges', subtitled Quasi-Faust, is also in D-sharp minor (but ends in F-sharp major), and modulates into even sharper keys along the way, some even being theoretical keys, such as G-sharp major and A-sharp major.


The First Whitlam Ministry in Australia is sometimes called the "Duumvirate" because it consisted entirely of the Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, and his deputy, Lance Barnard, who between them split up all ministerial and quasi-ministerial positions for two weeks in December 1972.

Endoscopic group

Roughly speaking, an endoscopic group H of G is a quasi-split group whose L-group is the connected component of the centralizer of a semisimple element of the L-group of G.


Falkland Islands Development Corporation, Falkland Islands quasi-autonomous government agency

George Arundale

This was considered scandalous: Rukmini belonged to a Hindu Brahmin family orthodox enough to disapprove of Sriram's involvement with the Theosophists, whom they regarded as a bizarre quasi-Christian sect; there were considerations of race, religion and cultural background; and Rukmini was young enough to be Arundale's daughter, being twenty-six years younger than he was.

George Washington's Farewell Address

Despite his stated desire to retire from public service, Washington would later accept a commission from President John Adams, although Adams was largely forced into providing the commission by members of the Federalist Party, as the Senior Officer of a Provisional Army formed to defend the nation against a possible invasion by French forces during the Quasi-War.

Government of Fresno County, California

The board operates in a legislative, executive, and quasi-judicial capacity.

Huon of Bordeaux

Andre Norton retold the tale in quasi-modern English prose as Huon of the Horn in 1951.

Jabhat al-Akrad

Jabhat al-Akrad operates in Kurdish and ethnically-mixed areas in Syria's Aleppo and Raqqa provinces, mainly outside of the quasi-autonomous Kurdish enclaves in Kurd Dagh, Jazira, and the Ayn al-Arab (Kobanê) area which are controlled by the YPG.

John Arch

His style is similar to the quasi-operatic stylings of Geoff Tate of Queensrÿche and Midnight of Crimson Glory in that all three prefer singing in a tenor range appended with a well-developed head voice, not falsetto as is often assumed to be used by these singers.

La Bourse

Music: Gambara, in which is described a quasi-mathematical creation of a musical work of art, and in which Balzac also gives us a meticulous analysis of one of Giacomo Meyerbeer's operas.

Malazan Book of the Fallen

Erikson uses a handful of words from that chapter as an epigraph for a quasi-autobiographical essay in The New York Review of Science Fiction.

Manitoba Human Rights Commission

The Manitoba Human Rights Commission is a quasi-judicial arms-length agency of the Government of Manitoba that is responsible for enforcing The Human Rights Code (Manitoba).

Menahem ben Hezekiah

Menahem ben Hezekiah was a quasi-Messianic Jewish teacher born on the day the Second Temple was destroyed.

Mēness dejas

Thus, its concept could be compared to stopgap quasi-compilation releases from other synth pop artists like Kraftwerk's The Mix (1991) and Yello's 1980–1985 The New Mix in One Go (1986), both of which likewise contained newly recorded versions of previously released material.

Miskito grammar

Relationals are quasi-nouns expressing some relationship (often spatial) to their possessor complement.

Molecular beam epitaxy

In solid-source MBE, elements such as gallium and arsenic, in ultra-pure form, are heated in separate quasi-Knudsen effusion cells until they begin to slowly sublime.

Mucoid plaque

In a review of websites promoting products that claim to remove 'mucoid rope' or plaque from consumers' intestines, Howard Hochster of New York University wrote that these websites are "abundant, quasi-scientific, and unfortunately convincing to a biologically uneducated public."

Multiple single-level

N.b. that the term "high-assurance" as employed here is to be evaluated in the context of DCID 6/3 (read "dee skid six three"), a quasi-technical guide to the construction and deployment of various systems for processing classified information, lacking both the precise legal rigidity of the Orange Book criteria and the underlying mathematical rigor.


The Niesen was the subject of a number of paintings by Paul Klee, in which it was represented as a quasi-pyramid.

Nonlinear conjugate gradient method

Newton based methods - Newton-Raphson Algorithm, Quasi-Newton methods (e.g., BFGS method) - tend to converge in fewer iterations, although each iteration typically requires more computation than a conjugate gradient iteration as Newton-like methods require computing the Hessian (matrix of second derivatives) in addition to the gradient.

NSU Spider

Invented by Felix Wankel, the Wankel engine differed from a piston engine because the quasi-oval design of the combustion chamber, containing a rotor that ascribed within the chamber an Epitrochoid shaped trajectory, enabling the combustion pressure to be converted directly into a rotary motion.

Otto of Stolberg-Wernigerode

He was born into the ancient noble family of Stolberg-Wernigerode which had been quasi-sovereign rulers of their county until the German Mediatisation when they came under the jurisdiction of Prussia.

Piano Sonatas Nos. 13 – 14, Opus 27

Ludwig van Beethoven's opus number 27 is a set of two piano sonatas both entitled Sonata quasi una Fantasia for their combination of freedom of form with sonata structure.

Quasi-perfect equilibrium

In contrast, for a certain two-player voting game no extensive-form trembling hand perfect equilibrium describes admissible behavior for both players.

Robert Luskin

Luskin was lead counsel for Lance Armstrong after the June 2012 allegations of blood doping by the US Anti-Doping Agency, a quasi-official American sports governing entity.

Rodney Baxter

His use of the Yang-Baxter equation led to the formulation and the study of representations of the quantum group by Vladimir Drinfeld in the 1980s, and quantum generalizations of affine algebras, and they are quasi-triangular Hopf algebras which yield solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and provide insight into the properties of corresponding statistical models.

Romancing SaGa 2

The names of the Seven Heroes, in particular, are quasi anagrams of the seven major train stations on the Tokyo Yamanote Line.


Gilles de Rais (15th century, France) was a French nobleman who was tried and executed for the murders of hundreds of children in quasi-Satanic rituals.

Shape resonance

This quantum interference in many body system has been described using quantum mechanics by Gregor Wentzel, for the interpretation of the Auger effect, by Ettore Majorana for the dissociation processes and quasi bound states, by Ugo Fano for the atomic auto-ionization states in the continuum of helium atomic spectrum and by Victor Frederick Weisskopf.

Synthetic genomics

The J. Craig Venter Institute has assembled a quasi-synthetic Mycoplasma genitalium yeast genome by recombination of 25 overlapping fragments in a single step.

Todd Susman

For this role, Susman mentioned he admired James Garner's portrayal in The Rockford Files for getting "into quasi-hero situations but isn't a hero".

Trọng Thủy

Trọng Thủy, full name Triệu Trọng Thủy, is a prince of the Nam Viet country in the quasi-historical story of the transition from the kingship of An Dương Vương to the Triệu Dynasty (207-111 BCE).

Van Hove singularity

Highly anisotropic solids like graphite (quasi-2D) and Bechgaard salts (quasi-1D) show anomalies in spectroscopic measurements that are attributable to the Van Hove singularities.

Variable-speed air compressor

The most common form of VSD technology in the air compressor industry is a variable-frequency drive, which converts the incoming AC power to DC and then back to a quasi-sinusoidal AC power using an inverter switching circuit.

Virtual incumbent

John Fund described Obama as the "quasi-incumbent" on CNN Late Edition on November 2, 2008, by which he also meant that the election had become "referendum on Barack Obama".

David Plouffe, Obama's campaign manager, had previously described Hillary Clinton as the "quasi-incumbent" during the primaries.

see also