
unusual facts about vegetation

Altona Coastal Park

The Park has predominantly saltmarsh vegetation including Shrubby Glasswort and Beaded Glasswort, which provide food for the rare Orange-bellied Parrot.

Asuncion Island

Vegetation includes Swordgrass (Miscanthus floridulus) grasslands on the upper slopes, forests of Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera), with some Pandanus trees and Papaya (Carica papaya) on the lower slopes, along with native Pisonia.

Baa Atoll

Olhugiri is well known for its unique natural vegetation and for providing two of the only perching sites for the Great Frigatebird in the Maldives.

Badger Island

Introduced plants, grazing and burning have had a heavy impact on the original vegetation, of which there are remnant communities of Poa and Stipa species at the western end of the island, as well as patches of Melaleuca and Casuarina scrub.

Battle of Aguere

The path to reach the tableland from the coast, the path of La Cuesta, in those days was covered by thick vegetation that included Canarian pine, broom, beech, heather, palm trees, dragos, savin and other species, and so the accession up the hill was a dangerous undertaking.

Bezovica, Vojnik

The name Bezovica is derived from the Slavic common noun *bъzъ 'elder', thus originally referring to the vegetation.

Cape Woolamai, Victoria

The headland contains remnant vegetation and wildlife such as an important breeding colony of the Short-tailed Shearwater or Australian Muttonbird.

Cat Creek, Montana

The vegetation of the Cat Creek area is diverse with the plains areas featuring a sparse growth of buffalo grass, black sage and greasewood while on the northern bluffs, bull pine grow.

Cogon, Tagbilaran

Many years ago, the place was a vast plain of land with few houses, two roads and a little vegetation including the balite tree and Cogon grass.

Cyclone Rosita

Vegetation in this area were badly damaged, particularly the African Mahogany trees which were either snapped off or uprooted.

Dergholm State Park

These include Pink Gum, Yellow Gum, Brown Stringybark, Red Gum, Swamp Riparian, Clay Heath, vegetation communities.

Desert greening

Another novel technique is cloud seeding, either by artificial means or through the action of cloud-seeding bacteria that live on vegetation (e.g. Pseudomonas syringae).

Dytiscus latissimus

It is an aquatic species and it inhabits in dense vegetation, mainly of Carex and Equisetum, at the edges of lakes or in non-flowing waters and deep ponds.

East Pyramids

What vegetation there is on these rocks is dominated by Poa, Pig Face and ferns.

Floridian highlands freshwater marsh

Shallow areas only submerged during wet season support more graminoid vegetation, including maidencane (Panicum hemitomon) and southern cutgrass (Leersia hexandra).

Francis Raymond Fosberg

He returned to the United States and began doing vegetation work for the Pacific Science Board under the National Research Council with his new assistant, Marie-Hélène Sachet.

Fumaria capreolata

Unlike other Fumaria species which are known as weeds of crops and agricultural areas, Fumaria capreolata can become naturalised in areas of natural vegetation and smother low-growing plants, becoming an environmental weed.

Geography of Namibia

A number of Acacia species are found here, as well as grasses and other shrubby vegetation.

Habitat fragmentation

In the wheat belt of central western New South Wales, Australia, 90% of the native vegetation has been cleared and over 99% of the tall grass prairie of North America has been cleared, resulting in extreme habitat fragmentation.


It provides topography and vegetation data around the globe, in addition to the polar-specific coverage over the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.

Illa Conillera

The land is rocky and arid which supports very little vegetation apart from such shrubs and herbs as Rosemary, Thyme and Rue, which grow in abundance here.

Justicia umbrosa

Justicia umbrosa (Brazilian plume, Yellow Jacobinia; syn. Adhatoda umbrosa Ness, and Justicia aurea Schltdl.) is an ornamental shrub native of Cerrado vegetation of Brazil.


The vegetation of Tower Hill was originally a diverse collection of Manna Gum, Blackwood, Black Wattle, Swamp Gum and Drooping Sheoak.


It is supported by the affluents of the River Varosa, which snake through the municipality of Lamego, forming an accidented relief and dense vegetation of pine, chestnut, heather (Ericaceae), carqueja, tojo, giestas and mimosas trees.

Macquarie Marshes

Among the variety of vegetation types supported by the marshes are River Red Gum forest and woodland, extensive beds of Common Reed, and meadows of Water Couch.

Mala Kostrevnica

The name Kostrevnica is derived from the Slovene plant name kostreva (or kostreba), referring to cockspur grass or rye brome, thus reflecting the local vegetation.

Marsh Tapaculo

It inhabits areas of tall (60–180 cm), dense vegetation dominated by sedges (such as Eleocharis) and grasses.

Michael Brooker

There he worked on Wedge-tailed Eagles, fauna surveys, the environmental impact of wildfire and the conservation value of remnant patches of native vegetation .

Motagua Valley thornscrub

The vegetation consists mainly of thorny species such as cactus of the genus Opuntia, acacias, and thorny bushes of the Fabaceae family.


The semi-personification of eiresin will be noticed; and, according to Mannhardt, the branch embodies the tree spirit conceived as the spirit of vegetation in general, whose vivifying and fructifying influence is thus brought to bear upon the corn in particular.

Ringdown SSSI, Somerset

Amongst the vegetation present are two species which are very restricted in South West Britain, White Beaksedge (Rhynchospora alba) and Dioecious Sedge (Carex dioica).

Rumex acetosella

From the 1950s, the New South Wales Soil Conservation Service undertook an extensive rehabilitation program for the vegetation of the Carruthers PeakMount Twynam area, which was in dire need of growth after a century of grazing.

Santa Cruz Mountains

At higher elevations and on sunny south slopes a more drought-resistant chaparral vegetation dominates: manzanita, California scrub oak, chamise, and chaparral pea.

Schinia immaculata

The larval food plant is unknown, but the vegetation in the areas where it is found are dominated by Tamarix Prosopis, Acacia and desert shrubs.

Sherbrooke Forest

The vegetation is classified as wet sclerophyll forest with the dominant tree species the Mountain Ash, Eucalyptus regnans, the tallest flowering plant in the world.

Silbury Hill

The hill's vegetation is species-rich chalk grassland, dominated by Upright Brome and False Oat-grass, but with many species characteristic of this habitat, including a strong population of the rare Knapweed Broomrape.


The natural vegetation in the Sous is savanna dominated by the Argan (Argania spinosa), a local endemic tree found nowhere else; part of the area is now a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve to protect this unique habitat.

Southern Carmine Bee-eater

Perches may include branches of vegetation or even the backs of large animals, such as the Kori Bustard.


One species (S. bannisterioides) is also found in seashore vegetation along the Atlantic Coast from southern Mexico to northern Brazil, in the West Indies, and along the coast of western Africa (Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone).

Subularia monticola

On Mount Kilimanjaro, which is mostly arid, Subularia monticola grows in oases made by rain or melted snow collecting in depressions, where it forms continuous carpets of vegetation alongside Eriocaulon volkensii, Cyperaceae and Bulliarda elatinoides.

Swakop River

In the arid lower reaches there is a more limited flora on the Swakop River valley itself, with the typical gallery vegetation from Ana Trees (Faidherbia albida), tamarisk (Tamarix), camel thorn (Acacia erioloba), Salvadora, various fig species, Euclea and also tobacco (Nicotiana spp.), Jimsonweed (Datura) and mesquite (Prosopis spp.) as invasive species.

Swami Keshwanand

By one account: "There was no vegetation left on the ground. There was no drop of water. All the animals died for want of fodder. People survived on grasses and the bark of "Khejri" trees. Even that also became scarce. There was nothing like governance. The ruling Samants were least bothered for the poor people....".

Swan Coastal Plain

Kwongan vegetation contains a large number of endemic plant species especially shrubs and wildflowers including yellow flame and toothbrush grevilleas, fan-flowers, and cockies tongues.

Tasman Island

Areas of grassland remain along with other vegetation communities of heathy scrub, regenerating scrub, sheoak woodland, sedgeland and coastal mosaic.

Tracer ammunition

In July 2009, a large fire was started by tracer ammunition near Marseille, France, an area where shrub vegetation is very dry and flammable in the summer, and where normally this kind of ammunition should not be used.

Trinidad and Tobago dry forests

Beard, J. S. (1944) The natural vegetation of Tobago, British West Indies.


The most stunning season of the year is spring, as the flamboyán, guayacán, macuilis, and other tropical vegetation bloom and dress the city with a beautiful sense of joy along its major thoroughfares.

Werrikimbe National Park

There is a great variety of vegetation here, depending on rainfall and altitude: eucalypt woodlands, coachwoods, southern sassafras, stinging trees, long-leaf waxflowers and yellow carabeens with their flying buttressed trunks.

William Julius Eggeling

He regarded this as an opportunity to study the swamp vegetation and published the first of many works, "The Vegetation of Namanve Swamp, Uganda" in the Journal of Ecology in 1935.

see also