
2 unusual facts about Rai Sahib

Karam Chand Jain

For his good performance, the British Government conferred him the title of Rai Sahib in 1945 and was nominated for the title of Rai Bahadur in 1947, but due to communal riots across the country, the list of nominees was never made public.

Rai Sahib Karam Chand Jain was the first Legal Advisor of the War & Supply Department of India and Special Police Establishment (SPE), which later developed into the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

see also

Mulji Jagmal Sawaria

In 1935, Rai Sahib Moolji Jagmal laid a private 8 miles long narrow gauge rail line and bridge connecting their Bilaspur railway site with their brick-kiln across Arpa River at Lingiyadih.

In 1935, Rai Sahib Moolji Jagmal Savaria and Ranchhod Jagmal laid a private 1.9 miles long narrow gauge rail line connecting their Bilaspur railway site with their brick-kiln across Arpa River to Lingiyadih.