
32 unusual facts about Read


This out-of-the-box functionality is one of the main features in AppFuse that separates it from the other "CRUD Generation" frameworks, including Ruby on Rails and Grails.

Apple HD SC Setup

The version of Apple HD SC Setup that shipped with the Mac OS was only able to manipulate hard disks that featured Apple ROMs.


It provides an ASCII form painter, which automatically binds form fields to a database using ABF, a programming language, with embedded SQL, simplifying the task of making a "CRUD" application for textual data.

Bitter Suites to Succubi

The Special Edition features a teaser for the video for "Born in a Burial Gown" as ROM content, along with a trailer for Cradle of Fear and a "Gallery of the Grotesque" (containing the sleeve art).

Blue Board

Among BBS software available in its day, Blue Board was notable in that it made creative use of the computer's limited RAM space, including the shadow RAM behind its ROMs, to store frequently-referenced data such as usernames, passwords, and message headers.

Business logic

In computer software, business logic or domain logic is the part of the program that encodes the real-world business rules that determine how data can be created, displayed, stored, and changed.


REST uses the HTTP methods POST, GET, PUT and DELETE for the four basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on all resources.


DaDaBIK is a commercial software (formerly GPL) written in PHP for quickly creating a CRUD (create, read, update, delete) database front-end or a simple database-driven application without coding.

Data as a service

"Service Automation Units" (code that expresses the service interface) may contain methods for all "CRUD" operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete), as in traditional data operations, but data as a service is generally limited to Read.


It has a CRUD engine together with user management, lightboxes, forms, themes and more, all with support via forum.


It included Record Browser - CRUD engine, designed by Arkadiusz Bisaga (ethnar), which is a high-level database abstraction layer, handling not only Create/Read/Update/Delete operations, but also handling automatic pagination, lazy delete, full record history, sorting, filtering and more.

Fast loader

A few commercial fast loaders, most notably CMD's JiffyDOS, were not cartridge-driven but instead replaced the KERNAL ROM in the C64 and the DOS ROM in the 1541.

As a result, the KERNAL ROM routines were hastily rewritten to transfer a single bit at a time, using a slow software handshaking protocol.

Hierarchical File System

More importantly, HFS was hard-coded into new Plus' 128K ROM, freeing not only space from the system software disk, but also RAM.

History of Bridgeport, Connecticut

Bridgeport saw commercial development too, such as the formation of several banks and commercial establishments like D. M. Read's department store in its thriving downtown.

JBoss Seam

One can automatically generate a CRUD (create-read-update-delete) web-application from an existing database using the command-line tool seam-gen supplied with the framework.


The layer provides the logic to handle those objects including CRUD-operations (create, read, update, delete).

Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science

# Redwoods Are the Tallest Trees in the World, David A. Adler

# Evolution: The Story of How Life Developed on Earth, Joanna Cole

Martyn Wyndham-Read

In 1960 he moved from Sussex to Australia where he worked on Emu Springs sheep station in South Australia.


Despite the machines' hardware being designed to accommodate for this, older, non 32-bit clean software in ROM forced these machines to run in 24-bit mode.


MyBatis Generator will introspect a database table (or many tables) and generate MyBatis artifacts needed to perform CRUD operations (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete).

NABU Network

The logic module included four socketed chips: a TR1865CL-04, a full-duplex UART, an SC87253P 8-bit microprocessor, an N8X60N FIFO I/O controller and a pre-programmed ROM.

Old World ROM

Old World ROM Macintosh computers are the Macintosh models that use a Macintosh Toolbox ROM chip, usually in a socket (but soldered to the motherboard in some models).


OpenIDM 2.0, released January 17, 2012 - provided the initial architecture, Basic CRUD capabilities all exposed via REST and password synchronization capabilities.


It not only allows rapid and easy development of CRUD modules and report generation, but also provides flexibility to develop complex real life business applications like accounting packages, customer relationship, invoicing, warehouse management, etc.

Quick Objects

Comprehensive data access and modification capabilities are complemented by a very flexible object model that allows developer to specify and control every aspect of CRUD operations.

Read's Drug Store

This decision blocked the plan by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Lexington Square Partners to build a $150 million development on the site.

Richard Altwasser

His first assigned job was to write some programs to demonstrate the capabilities of the new 8 kB ROM and 16 kB RAM expansion for the ZX80.

Altwasser left Sinclair at the beginning of May 1982 to establish his own company, along with Steve Vickers, author of the Spectrum's ROM firmware and manual.


Uberdata (also known as Überdata or Uber data) is a ROM editing software designed specifically for On Board Diagnostics (OBD) Honda Engine control units.


A folk music/Christmas music project by Greenwich Village Records, various artists appear on the album, lead by Martyn Wyndham-Read (who also was co-producer of the album) and Martin Carthy.

A Lecture on Modern Poetry

A Lecture on Modern Poetry was a paper by T. E. Hulme which was read to the Poets' Club around the end of 1908.

Anjana Ahuja

Ahuja, who was educated at a comprehensive school in Essex, read physics at Imperial College London, followed by a postgraduate course in space physics during which she worked on data about the Sun's magnetic field from the Ulysses probe.

Ann Maxwell

The last one that she read, Corporate Affair by Stephanie James (a.k.a. Jayne Ann Krentz) made her fall in love with the genre.

Ann Nolan Clark

However, in the early 1920s, she transferred to a job teaching Native American children how to read for the Tesuque pueblo people, which lasted for 25 years.

Barbara Ikai

She read Noam Chomsky's Noam Chomsky on The Generative Enterprise, A discussion with Riny Hyybregts and Henk van Riemsdijk., Vilayanur S. Ramachandran's Phantoms in the Brain : Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind, and Andrew B. Newberg's Why God Won’t Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.

Becky Jago

While she was a Newsround presenter, she appeared on a celebrity version of The Weakest Link but was the first to be eliminated after incorrectly answering the 50/50 question, "What is the safest way to read a firework instruction manual - A torch or a match?"

Carlos Loret de Mola Mediz

Read what he said in Diario de Yucatán who questioned him at the beginning of his administration.

Casio Exilim

Adobe Acrobat Reader — to read the Camera User's Guide, which is a PDF.

Champion Racing

In fact, this livery was used on all Champion Racing entered cars, except for the special Stars & Stripes variation, using the blue and read colors of the American flag only, as tribute to the victims of the September 11 attacks.

Charles Bonnet

The account of the ant-lion in Noël-Antoine Pluche's Spectacle de la nature, which he read in his sixteenth year, turned his attention to insect life.

Childbirth positions

People have promoted the adoption of these birthing positions, particularly squatting, for Western countries, such as Grantly Dick-Read, Janet Balaskas, Moysés Paciornik and Hugo Sabatino.

Chris Read

Several years in the international wilderness followed, Read being overlooked in favour of first Paul Nixon and then James Foster as keeper-in-waiting in preparation for the retirement of Alec Stewart.

Compulsory education

During the Reformation in 1524, Martin Luther advocated compulsory schooling so that all parishioners would be able to read the Bible themselves, and Palatinate-Zweibrücken passed accordant legislation in 1592, followed by Strasbourg—then a free city of the Holy Roman Empire— in 1598.

Crooked Zebra

Bob Knight, former head basketball coach at Texas Tech University and Indiana University, calls Crooked Zebra “Entertaining, exciting and an easy read.

Digital Linear Tape

SDLT adds an optical servo system that reads servo patterns on the back of the tape to keep the data tracks on the front of the tape correctly aligned with the read/write heads.

Douglas Century

and a finalist for the 2003 Audie Awards ("Best Audiobook of the Year, Non-Fiction, Abridged", as read by actor Christopher Meloni).

Edward Wyke Smith

J. R. R. Tolkien, author of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings is known to have read, The Marvellous Land of Snergs to his children.

First inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson

Johnson also asked Jack Valenti, Bill Moyers, and Liz Carpenter to write a brief statement for him to read on the day's events, which he then edited slightly himself.

Fort Saskatchewan

Other newspapers commonly read in the Fort Saskatchewan area are the Edmonton Journal and the Edmonton Sun.

Francis J. Lippitt

After graduating from Brown University, Lippitt, who could speak and read French fluently, was hired by Alexis de Tocqueville to read the American pamphlets that he had collected during his visit to the United States and summarize them in French.

Fucking Smilers

The title of the album comes from a thread Mann read about 20 years ago on a newsgroup called alt.bitter where someone was complaining about the "fucking smilers" who would approach him at work when he was in a bad mood and try to cheer him up.

Generación decapitada

They all read this poetry in the original language, by authors including Baudelaire, Hugo, Rimbaud, and Verlaine.

George Windle Read

General Read’s awards and decorations included the Distinguished Service Medal and the British Order of the Bath.

Gesta Danorum

It is thought that Shakespeare never read Gesta Danorum, and instead had access to an auxiliary version of the tale describing the downfall of the Prince of Denmark, whose real name, Amleth, was used in anagram by Shakespeare for Hamlet.

Heckler v. Campbell

Ms. Campbell had been born in Panama, and though she had limited ability to speak and write English, she could read and understand English fairly well.

Hypnotherapy in childbirth

In 1942, Childbirth without Fear was published; it was a book written by English obstetrician Grantly Dick-Read and French obstetrician Michel Odent, that introduced the idea of using hypnotherapy for childbirth.

J. Meredith Read

J. Meredith Read was the son of Philadelphia jurist John M. Read.

James Skillen

In 2009, he signed a public statement encouraging all Christians to "read, wrestle with, and respond to Caritas in Veritate" the social encyclical by Pope Benedict XVI.

Jane Clarke

This audio edition is produced by Beatstreet Productions, NYC, directed by Cheryl Smith, read by Cassandra Morris and features music composed by Michael Abbott.

Japanese wordplay

it was intended to be read as "ichi kyu san", but can also be read as "I-Ku-Sa" as in Kamen Rider IXA or Iku-san.

Kenneth Turpin

Entering Oriel to read Greats, quickly changing to history, he graduated in 1939 with a first class degree and was awarded his BLitt for a thesis on Robert Harley in 1940.

Leadership Institute

While the Institute does not provide instruction in philosophical conservatism, it does encourage its graduates to read classic conservative authors like Edmund Burke and "classical liberal" authors like Frederic Bastiat, as well as more modern conservative thinkers including William F. Buckley Jr., Russell Kirk, Barry Goldwater, and libertarian thinkers such as economists Milton Friedman and F. A. Hayek.

Leonard Woodcock

A Doonsbury cartoon at the time read, "If he can take on the Big Three, he can handle the Gang of Four".

Michel Rubini

In 1992 he wrote and performed music for the Merlin & The Dragons audiobook by Jane Yolen (read by Kevin Kline).

New Birth of Freedom Council

Another feature of the Mall is a reflection area where Scouts can read a bronze plaque bearing the words of Rudyard Kiplings's poem If— The recently renovated indoor chapel at the top of the mall was dedicated in memory of Rabbi Goode, one of the Four Chaplains from the USAT Dorchester.

Ram Moav

He has been cited as an early childhood read and influence by author Lavie Tidhar, amongst others.

Randy Wigginton

Wigginton collaborated with Wozniak on the circuit design and ROM software for the Apple II in 1977.

Raw Spirit

Jimmy Chisholm read an abridgment by Laurence Wareing in the BBC Radio 4 "Book of the Week" slot between 8 December and 12 December 2003.

Retreat to Move Forward

He tells her to do her research on Joplin on Wikipedia, then quickly edits the page contents with nonsense when Jenna goes off to read it.


R. A. Stewart Macalister in his Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum Celticarum published in 1949 stated that an inscription in a panel on the side of the cross read REGIS RICATI CRUX, translating to "Cross of King Ricatus".

Sadik Ahmad Turkistani

During a debate in 2005 on Senator Lindsey Graham's motion to prevent detainees having access to the US courts, Senator Jeff Bingeman had several Washington Post articles on the plight of the Uyghur detainees read into the Senate Record.


The letter was read to journalists by Mohsen Armin, one of the organizers of the MPs sit-in criticizing the vettings of the Council of Guardians.

Spatial cutoff frequency

If it were not for the effects of diffraction, a 2" aperture telescope could theoretically be used to read newspapers on a planet circling Alpha Centauri, over four light-years distant.

Statistical process control

Shewhart read the new statistical theories coming out of Britain, especially the work of "Student", Karl Pearson, and Ronald Fisher.

Stéphane Lupasco

(Lupasco unfortunately did not read English well, and hence no references to the “anti”-psychiatry of Laing and Bateson, close in spirit to his work, are to be found.)

The Shallows

The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, published in the UK as The Shallows: How the Internet Is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember, is a 2010 book by American journalist Nicholas G. Carr.

Timex Sinclair 2048

According to an early Timex Sinclair 2000 computer flyer, it would be a cut-down TS2068 with 48 KB of RAM and advertised as a 48 KB memory machine (The TS2068 might have been called the 2072 because of the add of 24 KB ROM + 48 KB RAM = 72KB).

Woodford v. Ngo

In that dissent, joined by Justices Ginsburg and Souter, Stevens writes that "The plain text of the PLRA simply requires that such administrative remedies as are available be exhausted before the prisoner can take the serious step of filing a federal lawsuit against the officials who hold him in custody." He interprets this to mean any exhaustion, not just "proper exhaustion," and says that the Court has read its own interpretation into the statute.