
unusual facts about Reading Railroad

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western 1151 class

Another was the Interstate Express (Train 1301), received from the Reading Railroad/Jersey Central at Taylor Junction, near Scranton, and hauled to Binghamton, New York.

Eastern Berks Gateway Railroad

The Colebrookdale Railroad was leased by the Reading Railroad who operated the line until 1976, when it became a part of Conrail.

Fox Chase Line

The line, opened on February 2, 1878, as the Philadelphia, Newtown and New York Railroad, was built to block the construction of the parallel National Railway, later home to the Reading Railroad's (RDG) Newark, New Jersey service.

Joseph Lapsley Wilson

Following the war, he became secretary of the Little Schuylkill Navigation, Railroad and Coal Company, a division of the Reading Railroad, which transported anthracite from Northeastern Pennsylvania's coal region.

Warminster Line

The North Pennsylvania Railroad was later taken over by the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, later Reading Lines (RDG).

see also

Joseph Harris

Joseph Smith Harris (1836–1910), civil engineer and president of the Reading Railroad

Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Bridge at West Falls

The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Bridge at West Falls is a stone and iron plate girder bridge in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that carries two CSX Trenton Subdivision tracks over Kelly Drive, Schuylkill River, and Martin Luther King Drive (formerly West River Drive).

Short Line Reading Series

The Short Line began on January 9, 2007 with a reading by Michael Turner, author of Hard Core Logo and organizer of The Reading Railroad, a regular literary event of the mid-1990s, and inspiration for the founders of the Short Line.