
11 unusual facts about Recanati

Andrea del Sarto

Andrea married Lucrezia (del Fede), widow of a hatter named Carlo, of Recanati, on 26 December 1512.

Basilica della Santa Casa

In 1294, angels carried it again across the Adriatic Sea to the woods near Recanati; from these woods (Latin lauretum, Italian Colli del Lauri), or from the name of its proprietress (Laureta), the chapel derived the name which it still retains (sacellum gloriosæ Virginis in Laureto).

Felice Damiani

He painted a Martyrdom of St. Paul for a church in Recanati.


Glazersound, alias Matteo Marconi, (born 26 June 1989 Recanati, Italy) is a dance-genre Dj / Producer and host radio come from Italy.

Guzzini Challenger

It is held annually at the Circolo Tennis Francesco Guzzini in Recanati, Italy, since 2003.


The poem is a product of Leopardi's yearning to travel beyond his restrictive home town of Recanati and experience more of the world which he had studied.

Lorenzo Tiepolo

In 1270, an important treaty of peace was signed with Genoa at Cremona, confirming the Venetian predominance in the Adriatic Sea; however, in that same year a war broke out between Venice and a league of Italian cities including Bologna, Treviso, Verona, Mantua, Ferrara, Cremona, Recanati, and Ancona due to commercial disputes.

Pietro Giordani

In 1816, he began his legendary epistolary exchange with Giacomo Leopardi to whom he eventually paid a visit in 1818, accompanying him, during his first travels outside of the small village of Recanati, to Macerata.

Shir ha-Shirim Zutta

Further, Naḥmanides (in Torat ha-Adam, p. 102c) cites it as "Midrash Shir ha-Shirim"; so does his pupil (teacher?) Azriel, in the commentary on Canticles generally ascribed to Naḥmanides himself; Abraham, son of Maimonides (see A. Neubauer, Ḳobeẓ 'Al Yad, iv. 63, Berlin, 1888), calls it "Agadat Shir ha-Shirim"; Recanati, in his commentary on the Pentateuch (on Beha'aloteka), cites the same passage quoted by Judah b. Barzilai.

Susanna Parigi

In 2003 Susanna Parigi was finalist at the "Festival della Canzone d'Autore" in Recanati.

Teodoro Bronzini

His parents were Italian immigrants from the town of Porto Recanati (at that time hamlet of Recanati), in the Italian region of Marche, on the Adriatic Sea coast.

Marchigiano dialect

Only the speakers of the towns which are closer to Macerata (Osimo, Castelfidardo, Loreto, Porto Recanati) use the article lo as in Italian.

Rainald of Urslingen

In that year, he invaded the March and granted privileges to Osimo, San Ginesio, Ripatransone, and Recanati.