
4 unusual facts about Reed bed

Ashihara no Nakatsukuni

Perhaps the term was considered appropriate to describe Japan because the land was damp and covered with reeds (ashi) in ancient times.

Reed bed

Reed beds are part of a succession from young reed colonising open water or wet ground through a gradation of increasingly dry ground.

Utterslev Mose

Utterslev Mose is a large semi-natural area of lakes, Reed beds and parkland located on the border between Gladsaxe and Copenhagen municipalities, approximately six kilometer to the northwest of central Copenhagen, Denmark.

Yanchep National Park

The word Yanchep is derived from Yandjip or Yanget which is the aboriginal name for the local bulrush reed found fringing the lakes in the area.


The reed grasses of the subfamily Arundinoideae were probably far less widespread in Africa 35 million years ago (Ma) than they are today, but it is fairly likely that other Poales reeds—Cyperaceae (maybe including the ancestors of the Papyrus Sedge Cyperus papyrus), Juncaceae and Typhaceae—grew in aquatic habitats back then already.

Kayrakkum Reservoir

Silted areas are characterised by multiple small lakes and shallows, with tugay vegetation of tamarisk, oleaster, poplar thickets and reed beds, supporting many thousands of wintering waterfowl, waders and birds of prey.


Tornanádaska (earlierly simply "Nádaska"; "Torna-Nád·as-ka" means "reedy (place) in the Torna County") is a village in the Edelényi kistérség, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County.

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