
3 unusual facts about Reichstag

Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff

After being elected a member of the Reichstag he finally succeeded in convincing the Bismarcks to settle the dispute with the long dead father.

Reichstag building

Before reconstruction began, the Reichstag was wrapped by the Bulgarian-American artist Christo and his wife Jeanne-Claude in 1995, attracting millions of visitors.


The name is a cognate of the names of several legislatures in other Germanic countries, such as the Reichstag in Germany, the Riksdag in Sweden, or the Riksdag in Finland.

Adalbert Falk

In 1879, his position becoming untenable because of the death of Pope Pius IX and the change of German policy with regard to the Vatican, he resigned his office but retained his seat in the Reichstag until 1882.

Andreas Blunck

In 1912, he was elected as the Reichstag delegate for the TondernHusumEiderstedt constituency for the Freisinnige Volkspartei.

Arthur Garfield Hays

Hays attended the Reichstag trial in Berlin on behalf of Georgi Dimitrov, a Bulgarian Communist accused by the Nazis in 1933 of burning the Reichstag.

Bayern-class battleship

Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz used public outcry over the British involvement in the Agadir Crisis of 1911 to pressure the Reichstag into appropriating additional funds for the Navy.


Dorfprozelten stonemasons took part in building, among other projects, the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg, Mainz Cathedral and the Reichstag.

Eugène Ricklin

In 1900, the Bezirkstag sent him to the Landesausschuss (Alsace-Lorraine's parliament) in Strasbourg, in place of the deseded Anton Cassal from Ferrette and, in 1903, he sat in the Reichstag in Berlin, having been elected deputy of the constituency of Thann-Altkirch.

Georg Michaelis

After the Reichstag and the High Command forced the resignation of Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg on 14 July 1917, Michaelis became both Chancellor of Germany and Minister President of Prussia.

German Revolution of 1918–19

Other noteworthy parties in the Reichstag of 1912 were the Catholic Centre Party (91), the Conservatives (57), the National Liberals (45) and Progressive People's Party (42), the Poles (18) and the Alsatians (9).

Harry H. Laughlin

The Reichstag of Nazi Germany passed the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring in 1933, closely based on Laughlin's model.

Imperial Throne of Goslar

Passing through various hands, it came into the possession of Prince Charles of Prussia in 1871 and was used for the last time in an imperial ceremony at the opening of the first Berlin Reichstag as the seat of Emperor William I.

Josef Bürckel

Joseph Bürckel (30 March 1895, Lingenfeld, Germersheim–28 September 1944, Neustadt an der Weinstraße) was a German politician and a member of the German parliament (the Reichstag).

Joseph Wirth

In March 1933, two months after Hitler was appointed chancellor by Hindenburg, Wirth spoke passionately in the Reichstag against the Nazi-sponsored Enabling Act, which gave Hitler dictatorial powers.

Karl von Cramer

From 1848 he had been a member of the Bavarian second chamber, at first representing the district of Erlangen-Fürth, and afterwards Nuremberg, which city also sent him after the war of 1866 as its deputy to the German customs parliament, and from 1871 to 1874 to the first German Reichstag.

König-class battleship

In his effort to force the Reichstag to pass the bill, Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz threatened to resign from his post as the State Secretary for the Navy.

Kroll Opera House

On 23 March 1933, the majority of the Reichstag delegates in the Kroll Opera House disempowered themselves passing the "Enabling act" that gave Adolf Hitler virtually unlimited authority.

Leopold Kaufmann

Although he recognized the necessity for the government taking measures with the object of regulating its attitude towards the Church, and declared himself prepared in his official capacity to carry out the May Laws, his confirmation was refused by the administration on 8 May 1875, a measure which resulted in an interpellation by Windt-Lorst in the Reichstag and the Prussian Diet.

LGBT history in Germany

1929 - On October 16, a Reichstag Committee votes to repeal Paragraph 175; the Nazis' rise to power prevents the implementation of the vote.

Ludwig Lenel

The grandfather on the mother's side of Ludwig Lenel was the Prussian democrat Friedrich Kapp (1824–1884), who emigrated to the USA, but returned later and became a national-liberal deputy to the German Reichstag and a friend of Bismarck.

Matthias Erzberger

On the other hand, he incurred the strong opposition of the conservative and landed section of the Catholics, of some of the higher clergy like Cardinal Archbishop Felix von Hartmann of Cologne, and of the Bavarian agricultural interests as represented by the Bavarian Catholic People's Party in the State Diet at Munich and in the Reichstag in Berlin.

Name of Sweden

The word rike, meaning realm or kingdom, is the same as Danish rige and German Reich and also appears in the name of the legislature, Riksdag, Danish rigsdag, German Reichstag.

National Assembly

In Germany, a Nationalversammlung was elected following the revolutions of 1848–1849 and 1918–1919, to be replaced by a permanent parliament (Reichstag) later.

Otto I, Duke of Bavaria

In the Dominium mundi conflict between emperor and pope culminating at the 1157 Reichstag of Besançon (Bisanz), fiery Otto could only be kept from smiting the papal legate Cardinal Rolando Bandinelli by the personal intervention of Frederick.

Perceptual art

Christo and Jeanne-Claude's wrapping of the Reichstag was another milestone in this succession.

Post Impact

But the satellite can only be controlled from the command center below the Reichstag.


From the late 19th century onwards, the Wünschelburg sandstone pits supplied notable buildings like the Berlin Reichstag via the new Eulengebirgsbahn railway line to Mittelsteine.

Reichstag building

The official German reunification ceremony on 3 October 1990, was held at the Reichstag building, including Chancellor Helmut Kohl, President Richard von Weizsäcker, former Chancellor Willy Brandt and many others.


About 750 m in length, it ran northwards through the Tiergarten park from Kemperplatz (an intersection of roads on the southern edge of the park near Potsdamer Platz), to Königsplatz, in which stood the Berlin Victory Column, in its original position in front of the Reichstag (German Parliament building).

Soběslav I, Duke of Bohemia

At the Reichstag of Bamberg in the same year, he gave Soběslav the hereditary dignity of the archcupbearer of the Holy Roman Empire and the promise to vest his eldest son Vladislaus with Bohemia upon his death.

Ursula Katharina Lubomirska

This title was only honorific, because only national Princes had seats and votes in the Reichstag.


In addition the Wachbataillon executes the Großer Zapfenstreich on special occasions (for example on the 50th anniversary of the Bundeswehr in front of the Reichstag in Berlin on the night of October 26, 2005) or takes part in (inter)national events like the ceremonial oath of the Bundeswehr ceremony, parades, military tattoos and shows with its drill team which is the best trained special unit of the battalion.

Yevgeny Khaldei

He persuaded his uncle to create a gigantic Soviet flag after seeing Joe Rosenthal's photo of the flag raising at Iwo Jima while the Soviet army closed in on Berlin and took it with him to Berlin for the Reichstag shot.

see also