
4 unusual facts about Richelieu

Dornier Seastar

In May 2010, Dornier Seaplane announced that it would build the Seastar in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, about half an hour away from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Lucien Gagnon

He was among the first to take part in the agitation in Canada against the British government, was present at the assembly of the six confederate counties at St. Charles, 23 October 1837, and left the meeting convinced that insurrection was the only remedy for Canadian grievances.

Pierre Guerout

He later set up his own business and had moved to Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu by 1783.

Richelieu, Indre-et-Loire

He engaged the architect Jacques Lemercier, who was already responsible for the Sorbonne and the Cardinal's hôtel in Paris, the Palais Cardinal (now the Palais-Royal).

1986 Rose Bowl

The game was presiding over by the 1986 Rose Queen Aimee Richelieu, San Marino High School, the Royal Court (Shannon Guernsey, Christine Huff, April Lake, Tracey Langford, Julene Penner and Loreen Weeks), the Tournament of Roses President Frederick D. Johnson, Jr., and Rose Parade Grand Marshal Erma Brombeck.

A. D. Lublinskaya

Her magnum opus was a series of books on the history of the administration of Richelieu.

Acadia River

The course of the river flows through seven municipalities (or cities): Hemmingford, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington (where it flows eastward) Saint-Cyprien-de-Napierville, Napierville, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (Saint-Luc and Acadia sector), Carignan and Chambly.

Antoine de Vignerot du Plessis

Madame de Pompadour wished Louis to marry her daughter but his father avoided that demand by pretending that Louis's mother was Princess of Lorraine (much superior to the house of Richelieu) and that he would thus need the permission of the head of that house (Francis I) for the marriage.

Armand-Emmanuel de Vignerot du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu

After a short stay in Austria, however, Richelieu joined the counter-revolutionary émigré army of Louis XVI's cousin, the Prince de Condé, which was headquartered in the German frontier town of Coblenz.

Battle of La Marfée

This demonstrated the power of Cardinal Richelieu, who dared to assassinate a Prince of the blood of France and go against Pope Urban VIII.

Bayley Hazen Military Road

The Bayley–Hazen Military Road was a military road that was originally planned to run from Newbury, Vermont, to St. John's, Quebec, not far from Montreal.

Bryn Allen

Whilst serving on the Duke of York, he took part in a football match at Scapa Flow against a team from the French battleship Richelieu.

Charles Warner

He first appeared in 1861 at a special performances of Richelieu before Queen Victoria.

Château de Condé

Highlights include the "Watteau" wing and its recently discovered frescoes, Richelieu's bed chamber, the magnificent "trompe-l'œil" effects of Servandoni, the "little private apartments" and the outstanding drawing room decorated by Oudry.

Comte de Rochefort

Having been put into bad favor with Richelieu's successor Mazarin, he only comes out of the Bastille after five years.

Duke of Richelieu

# 1715–1788: Louis François Armand de Vignerot du Plessis (1696–1788), 3rd Duke of Richelieu, marshal of France, son of the former.

Duke of Richelieu was a title in the French nobility.

Edict of Fontainebleau

Though Protestants had lost their independence in places of refuge under Richelieu, they continued to live in comparative security and political contentment.

Ferrante Pallavicino

Despite the fact that Richelieu died while the two were en route to Paris, de Breche convinced Pallavicino to continue the journey, and as they were crossing one of the bridges at Orange in the neighborhood of Avignon, a papal enclave within France, there de Breche betrayed him to the local papal authorities.

France–Morocco relations

The men of Razilly saw the fortress of Castelo Real in Mogador, and landed 100 men with wood and supplies on Mogador island, with the agreement of Richelieu.

François Girardon

His Tomb of Richelieu (church of the Sorbonne) was saved from destruction by Alexandre Lenoir, who received a bayonet thrust in protecting the head of the cardinal from mutilation.

François Hédelin, abbé d'Aubignac

Francois Hédelin was educated in law, but after practising some time at Nemours, he abandoned law, took holy orders, and was appointed tutor to one of Richelieu's nephews, the duc de Fronsac.

François Sublet de Noyers

He himself was constantly on the move, accompanying Richelieu and the King and visiting all the fronts of French involvement in the Thirty Years' War in turn.

Free French Naval Forces

When it did, important ships based in Dakar were obtained: the modern battleship Richelieu, the heavy cruiser Suffren, light cruisers Gloire, Montcalm, Georges Leygues, and a few destroyers, including cruiser-sized Le Fantasque class destroyers.

Geneviève Halévy

After a few years, she opened her own salon where distinguished society, such as Baron and Baronness Alphonse de Rothschild, Comtesse Potocka, Duchesse de Richelieu, Comtesse de Chevigné, née de Sade (another model for the Duchesse de Guermantes), etc. could meet with writers and intellectuals such as Guy de Maupassant, Henri Meilhac, Georges de Porto-Riche, Paul Bourget, Paul Hervieu, Joseph Reinach, and of course her cousin Ludovic.

Hôtel de Lauzun

The Hôtel de Lauzun passed on to the great-niece of Cardinal Mazarin, who fled from the convent of Chaillot with the Marquis de Richelieu and eloped him in London.

Jacques de Chambly

He immediately was in charge of the construction of Fort Saint-Louis (now known as Fort Chambly) on the Richelieu Rapids.

James Hay, 1st Earl of Carlisle

Next year he went to Paris on the occasion of Prince Charles's journey to Madrid, and again in 1624 to join Henry Rich, afterwards Lord Holland, in negotiating the prince's marriage with Henrietta Maria, when he advised James without success to resist Richelieu's demands on the subject of religious toleration.

Keefe Brasselle

During the 1964-65 season, Brasselle's "Richelieu Productions" banner produced three new but untested series: The Baileys of Balboa, The Cara Williams Show, and The Reporter.

King's Royal Regiment of New York

Johnson soon left Montreal to chase the retreating Continental Army southwards down the Richelieu Valley towards Lake Champlain.


Lacolle River, a tributary of the Richelieu River in Montérégie, Quebec, Canada

Lawrence Barrett

Among his many and varied parts may be mentioned Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Shylock, Richard III, Wolsey, Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing, Richelieu, David Garrick, Hernani, Alfred Evelyn, Lanciotto in George Henry Bokers (1823–1890) Francesca da Rimini, and Janies Harebell in The Man o' Airlie.

Louis Lacouture

He worked for the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company (later Canada Steamship Lines), first as a local agent, then as chief accountant and later as a director.


The village has attracted celebrities during its history (including François I, Richelieu, Molière), and until the French Revolution, due to the presence of a "healing" spring, the spring of Fontcluse.

Richard Bonney

He submitted his D.Phil. on the intendants of Cardinal Richelieu and Cardinal Mazarin (1624-1661) in 1973, which was subsequently revised and published as Political Change in France under Richelieu and Mazarin, 1624-1661 by Oxford in 1978.

Richard Lodge

Lodge’s many publications included a biography of Richelieu in 1896.

Robert C. Schnitzer

While a young actor in New York City, Schnitzer appeared in or helped manage The Brothers Karamazov, Hamlet, An Enemy of the People, Richelieu, Henry V, Richard III, Caponsacchi, Macbeth, and Cyrano de Bergerac.

Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy

In 1641 he was sent to the Bastille by Richelieu for some months as a punishment for neglect of his duties in his pursuit of gallantry.

Roman Catholic Diocese of La Rochelle and Saintes

But in 1627 the alliance of La Rochelle with the English proved to Louis XIII and to Richelieu that the political independence of the Protestants would be a menace to France; the famous siege of La Rochelle (5 August 1627-28 October 1628), in the course of which the population was reduced from 18,000 inhabitants to 5000, terminated with a capitulation which put an end to the political claims of the Calvinistic minority.

Rue de Richelieu

The old Fauré Le Page store located 8 rue de Richelieu at the corner of the rue de Richelieu and the rue de Montpensier.

Saratoga campaign

On June 13, 1777, Burgoyne and Carleton reviewed the assembled forces at St. John's on the Richelieu River, just north of Lake Champlain, and Burgoyne was ceremonially given command.

United Counties Railways

UCR was formed in 1883 and operated rail operations in Quebec from Sorel to Richelieu, then expanded to Iberville, St. Hyacinthe and Bellevue.

Walter Herries Pollock

Among the subjects he discussed included the works of Richelieu, Colbert, Victor Hugo, Sir Francis Drake and Théophile Gautier.

see also