
3 unusual facts about Roman temple

History of the Order of Christ

It is possible that the 4th-century rotunda's columns were removed from their original location on the façade of the Roman temple.

Neptune Pool

The pool's main axis centerpiece and north terminus is the façade of an actual Ancient Roman temple that William Randolph Hearst had purchased in Europe and imported to San Simeon.

Pula, Sardinia

Not far away a single column indicates the Roman temple and adjacent to it the forum - the social and economic center of the city.

Augusta Raurica

Every important public building had its specific place, starting with the temple of Jupiter as the sacred high point from which the street network would spread.


Pteron (Gr. πτερον – pteron — wing) is an architectural term used by Pliny the Elder for the peristyle of the tomb of Mausolus, which was raised on a lofty podium, and so differed from an ordinary peristyle raised only on a stylobate, as in Greek temples, or on a low podium, as in Roman temples.

see also


Acionna probably had her sanctuary at the Fontaine de l'Etuvée in the commune of Orléans, and remains of a Gallo-Roman temple and a section of an aqueduct were excavated in 2007.


Some 1.5 kilometres to the southwest, at Haut-Bécherel, stand the prominent remains of an extensive Roman temple sanctuary, built at the time of Nero and Vespasian.

Edde, Lebanon

The Mar Jurius (Saint George) Church, which stands in a small square in the middle of the village, was built with Roman temple remains.

Hohe Straße

At this time, it spanned the entire city of Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium, from the Northern Gate, located near today's cathedral, to the Southern Gate, located near today's St. Maria im Kapitol - then site of a Roman temple in honour of the Capitoline Triad.

Israel Roll

He was the former director of the Apollonia-Arsuf excavations, and one of the directors of the excavations of the Roman Temple at Kedesh.

Jordan Archaeological Museum

Two historic sites are nearby on top of the hill, the Roman Temple of Hercules that dates back to the 2nd century, and an Umayyad palace that dates back to the 8th century.

Megalithic architectural elements

The term also describes the groups of three stones in the Hunebed tombs of the Netherlands and the three massive stones forming part of the wall of the Roman Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek, Lebanon.

Ring of Silvianus

In 1929, during excavations of the site of the Roman temple of Nodens at Lydney Park, the archaeologist Sir Mortimer Wheeler discovered details of the curse.

Roman temple of Alcántara

The Roman temple of Alcántara is located at one side of the Alcántara Bridge, Cáceres, Extremadura (Spain).

Tangier Grand Mosque

It was built on the site of a former Portuguese cathedral which in turn stood on a Roman temple dedicated to Hercules.

Walter Charleton

The only argument is that similar stone works exist in Denmark, a fact supplied to Charleton by the Danish antiquary, Wormius, with whom he had corresponded on the book of Inigo Jones in which Stonehenge is said to be a Roman temple.