Support came from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Asian Cultural Council, and Shanghai Tang.
Her works have been performed at the TARI ‘05 and ‘07 international dance festival in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The reason for this approach was that Rosalind Newman had requested that many changes be made, and with Jigsaw she could arrange the segments how she wished.
The Technology of Tears, commissioned by Rosalind Newman and first performed by her dance company at the Joyce Theatre, New York City in February 1987;
Paul Newman | John Henry Newman | Rosalind Russell | Rosalind Franklin | Newman | Sydney Newman | John Newman | David Newman | Barnett Newman | Peter C. Newman | Ryan Newman | Rosalind Ayres | Robert Newman (comedian) | Newman University, Wichita | Newman's Own | Campbell Newman | Rosalind Chao | Joseph M. Newman | Sam Newman | Rosalind Wiener Wyman | Nick Newman | Newman/Haas Racing | M.W. Newman | Mark Newman | Lorraine Newman | Kim Newman | Jon O. Newman | John Newman (singer) | Hugh George de Willmott Newman | Edwin Newman |