
2 unusual facts about Salinity


Salinity problems had made agricultural pursuits in this region unprofitable.

Saccostrea cucullata

The hooded oyster is tolerant of a wide range of temperatures and salinities.

Amager Strandpark

With northbound current (from the Baltic Sea) salinity may drop down a bit below 10 PCU (1.0% by weight), but with southbound current (from Cattegat) salinity rises to above 25 PCU, not so far from the northern Atlantic salinity of 30–33 PCU.


Astacus pachypus, the "Caspian crayfish", is a species of crayfish found in the Caspian Sea, the Don river, and parts of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, where it lives in salinities of up to 14.

Atlantic stingray

The Atlantic stingray is capable of tolerating varying salinities and can enter freshwater; it has been reported from the Mississippi River, Lake Pontchartrain, and the St. Johns River in Florida.

Banded Stilt

An exception to this exists where some breeding was attempted at The Coorong during a time in which salinity in the Lower Lakes was significantly elevated due to reduced environmental flows down the Murray River.

Drummond Nature Reserve

The North west corner is a Wandoo Woodland that has been affected by salinity most of the trees are either dead or affect by dieback, the understory has died and been replace by weeds.

Ein Avdat

Growing around the springs are Poplar trees and Atriplexes, commonly known as saltbush, which grows on riverbanks and can tolerate salinity.

Exportadora de Sal, S.A., of C.V.

The salt mine was established around the Ojo de Liebre coastal lagoon taking advantage of the heavy salinity of the place.

Green building in Mexico

Golf Course construction utilizing SeaDwarf Grass, one of the most salt tolerant grasses with the ability to withstand ongoing irrigation having salinity levels in excess of 20 parts per thousand total dissolved solids (TDS) (equivalent to 55% of marine salinity).

Heinz Ellenberg

He developed 9–point scales for rating European plant preferences for light, temperature, continentality (geographic region), nutrients, soil moisture, pH, and salinity.

Inland saline aquaculture

Macquarie perch - wide tolerance over range of salinity and water quality levels, not suitable for commercial quantities

Lavinia exilicauda

With the highest temperature tolerance among the native fish of the Central Valley, they can be found in both warm and cool water; they also have considerable salt tolerance, for instance occurring in Suisun Marsh (7-8 ppt salinity), and Salinas River lagoon (9 ppt).

Maritime archaeology

Salt water provides for greater organic activity than freshwater, and in particular, the shipworm, terredo navalis, lives only in salt water, so some of the best preservation in the absence of sediments has been found in the cold, dark waters of the Great Lakes in North America and in the (low salinity) Baltic Sea (where the Vasa was preserved).

Microwave radiometer

The Microwave Imaging Radiometer with Aperture Synthesis is an interferometer/imaging radiometer capable of resolving soil moisture and salinity over small regions of surface.

Mulinia coloradoensis

Isotope analysis of oxygen in the shells of the clam have also been used to independently estimate rates of salinity, and the results from this approach were found to correspond with observations of the prevalence of the clam shells, and also to agree with numerical models proposed in the past.

North Victorian Wetlands

Many are also affected by salinity caused by land clearance, agriculture and irrigation practices, resulting in raised levels of groundwater and highly saline watertables.

Port of London Authority

Brackish water detailing the type of water of the Thames Estuary as opposed to the North Sea's Kent/Essex Strait which in terms of sea water salinity stops at Gravesend

Pteria colymbus

In El Niño years, there is increased rainfall in the Caribbean Sea which reduces the salinity, more sediment is stirred up from the substrate and there is greater run-off of nutrients from the land.

Salinity in Australia

Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. abdita, commonly known as the Remote Thorny Lignum, is a critically endangered species due to its intolerance to salinity.

Sensory receptor

:*Ampullae of Lorenzini respond to electric fields, salinity, and to temperature, but function primarily as electroreceptors


Syneresis cracks, cracks formed in mudstone by changes in the salinity of water

Water Education Foundation

In 2009 the Foundation won a regional Emmy award for the 2008 public television documentary, Salt of the Earth: Salinity in California’s Central Valley hosted by comedian Paul Rodriguez.

White spot syndrome

Many crustaceans like crabs (Scylla spp., Portunus spp.), spiny lobsters (Panulirus spp.), crayfish (Astacus spp., Cherax spp.) and freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium spp.) are reported to be infected with variable severities depending on the life stage of the host and presence of external stressors (temperature, salinity, bacterial diseases, pollutants).

see also