In 1883, Eijkman left the Netherlands for The Indies, where he was made medical officer of health, first in Semarang, then later at Tjilatjap, a small village on the south coast of Java, and at Padang Sidempoean in Western Sumatra.
He married Johanna Sophia Catharina van Reede van Oudtshoorn on 27 March 1850 in Semarang in the Dutch East Indies.
Holy Rosary Cathedral, Semarang (Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary), a Roman Catholic church in Semarang
Therefore, Supper remained in Batavia to serve the congregation there, Bruckner was stationed in Semarang, and Kam himself stationed on Ambon.
He first studied in the Hollandsch-Inlandsche School (HIS) in Sumedang and Subang, and later moved to the Hogere Burger School (HBS) in Semarang in Central Java.
Trimuti was imprisoned for nine months at the Bulu Prison in Semarang.
She was schooled in Semarang until near completion of Junior High School, whence she left Semarang for Jakarta for further studies and eventually her tertiary degrees.
Sri Oetari Ratna Dewi (26 September 1960, Semarang, Central Java - November 2003) was a popular Javanese female Indonesian politician and late wife of currently serving (as of writing in 2007) DPRD-DKI Jakarta Ketua (head) Komisi D: Bidang Pembangunan (Commission D: Development Overeers) Mr Sayogo Hendro Subroto.
Semarang | PSIS Semarang | Holy Rosary Cathedral, Semarang |
After his S2 (master course) at the Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Semarang, he became a Lecturer in Psychology of Communication from 1 June 1971.
On 31 May 1948 he became commander of the Military Police and later that year Military Governor of the Surakarta-Semarang-Pati-Madiun region.
After graduating from high school and becoming the best graduate in Karesidenan Semarang, Hendarman enrolled to military academy, though his teachers suggested him to attend Bandung Institute of Technology.
This National highway ends at Semarang, which is known for its Lawang Sewu, Bandeng Fish and lunpia.
However Javanese cuisine, especially along pesisir (coastal) Javan cities, often demonstrated foreign influences, such as Chinese influences in Semarang, Yogyakarta and Cirebon dishes, Indian and Arab influences in Surabaya, Lamongan, and Gresik, and also European influences in Solo.
From the age of three months until he was nine he and his parents lived out of Europe, firstly in Burkina Faso, West Africa, later in Bangkok, and from 1990 in Semarang in Indonesia, before returning to the Netherlands in 1993.
According to Suara Merdeka, a Semarang-based newspaper, Nasida Ria mixes classic Arabic styles with modern, Western instruments.
The main school is located in Bona Vista, Lebak Bulus and it has seven branches around Indonesia, namely in Kelapa Gading, Kebon Jeruk, Pantai Indah Kapuk (Jakarta), Medan, Cilegon, Semarang, Palembang and Bandung.
He was a town planning consultant for Semarang (1916–20, 1936), Buitenzorg (now 'Bogor') (1920–23), Madiun (1929), Malang (1930–35), Batavia (Jakarta) (1936–37), Magelang (1937–38), Bandung (1941), as well as Cirebon, Meester Cornelis (part of Jakarta which is known as Jatinegara), Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Purwokerto, Padang, Medan and Banjarmasin.