
unusual facts about She Wolf

Child of the Moon

This episode uses inspired references, elements and quotes from Cinderella and Shakira's 2009 single "She Wolf."

see also

Collection Budé

The Greek authors in the series can be recognized by a yellow cover on which Athena's Little Owl can be seen, the Latin ones by a red one where one finds a she-wolf reminiscent of the Capitoline Wolf.


In Roman mythology, Faustulus was the shepherd who found the infants Romulus and Remus, who were being suckled by a she-wolf, known as Lupa, on the Palatine Hill.


La loba herida (The Wounded She-Wolf), a Venuzuelan telenovela

Midrash Tehillim

Of the interesting myths may be mentioned that of Remus and Romulus, to whom God sends a she-wolf to suckle (Midr. Teh. to Ps. x. 6; Buber, l.c. p. 45a), and the legend of Emperor Hadrian, who wished to measure the depth of the Adriatic Sea (Midr. Teh. to Ps. xciii. 6; Buber, l.c. p. 208a, b).