
unusual facts about Sicap-Liberté

Stade Demba Diop

It is situated on Boulevard Président Habib Bourguiba in Sicap-Liberté, an urban arrondissement of Dakar.


The book is divided into two roughly equal halves; the first, Simultaneita, contains 12 'simultaneous' poems laid out in standard typography; the second section, Chimismi Lirici, contains 10 poems that use multiple fonts, signs, adverts, brand names, repetition and onomatopoeiac devices that are contemporaneous to Marinetti's similar experiments in Zang Tumb Tumb, and prefigure Marinetti's later, more abstract Les Mots En Liberte Futuristes, 1919.


The person representing Liberté in ad campaigns is Brazilian born model, Gisele Bündchen, who is also the new face for the brand Cacharel Parfums, following Kate Moss who modeled for Anaïs Anaïs and Laetitia Casta for Promesse.

Canon de 305 mm Modèle 1893/96 gun

It equipped the Charlemagne, République and Liberté-class battleships as well as the unique battleships Iéna and Suffren.

Charles René Magon de Médine

Put in command of four ships of the line and two frigates and ordered to capture fort Dauphin, Magon did so so quickly and successfully that the expedition's supreme commander Leclerc immediately promoted him to contre-amiral, stating in his report "This nomination was on the army's unanimous wish, and I do not doubt that the government will confirm it" (as it did so in March 1802).

Flag of France

The three colours are occasionally taken to represent the three elements of the revolutionary motto, liberté (freedom: blue), égalité (equality: white), fraternité (brotherhood: red); this symbolism was referenced in Krzysztof Kieślowski's three colours film trilogy, for example.


This was discovered by the American Archaeologist William Hodges while excavating at Puerto Real, a city founded at the same spot years later.

Pilferage has seen the loss of the cannons and the cannonballs, apart from removal of stones imported from Nantes, France for pecuniary benefits without realising the gravity of the vandalism act.

Grey Poupon

It is still, however, manufactured for export, and a small amount continues to be produced for sale at the historic Maille-Grey-Poupon boutique on the Rue de la Liberté in Dijon itself.

Mademoiselle chante le blues

The song was performed during Kaas' concert tours in 1991, 1994, 1998 and 2005, and was thus included on the live albums Carnets de scène, Tour de charme in an extended edit version, Rendez-vous and Toute la musique... and also on the singer's best of Rien ne s'arrête in a live version and Ma Liberté contre la tienne.

Mon mec à moi

The song was performed during Kaas' concert tours in 1991, 1994 and 1998, and was thus included on the live albums Carnets de scène, Tour de charme and Rendez-vous and also on the singer's best of Rien ne s'arrête and Ma Liberté contre la tienne in a live version.

Olga Kosakiewicz

In Sartre's trilogy of novels, Les Chemins de la Liberté (The Roads to Freedom), the character of Ivich is considered a representation of Olga.

Paix et Liberté

Paix et Liberté (French: Peace and Liberty) was an anti-communist movement that operated in France during the 1950s.

Pelagio Palagi

His formation and first works overlapped with the arrival of the Napoleonic troops in the city; thanks to the request of his mentor, who was a member of the Senate and representative of the Bolognese provisional government, Palagi desgigned uniforms, medals, and emblems with the symbols of Liberté, égalité, fraternité to be used in letters and cards for the Directory.

Pierre Philippeaux

A lawyer then judge at the district tribunal for Le Mans, he created the newspaper Le défenseur de la Liberté at the start of the French Revolution.

Poudre B

For example, two French battleships, the Iéna and the Liberté, blew up in Toulon harbour in 1907 and 1911 respectively with heavy loss of life.

Saint Lucia National Trust

The Trust manages a number of different types of areas, including national landmarks (of which there is currently one: Pigeon Island National Landmark), historic sites (Morne Fortune), nature reserves (Maria Islands Nature Reserve, Anse La Liberte) and environmental protection areas (Pointe Sable Environmental Protection Area).

Si Zerrouk massacre

That night, a number of guerrillas armed with shotguns, knives, and sabres (30 according to The Economist, 100 according to Liberte) stormed into the area by night and started breaking into homes and cutting the residents' throats, killing men, women, and babies, and burning some victims alive.

The Three Colors trilogy

Blue, white, and red are the colours of the French flag in left-to-right order, and the story of each film is loosely based on one of the three political ideals in the motto of the French Republic: liberty, equality, fraternity.

Thomas Storrow Brown

In November, Brown was wounded and partially blinded in one eye during the street fight between the Société des Fils de la Liberté and the Doric Club but nevertheless in December he still fought against the British Army at the Battle of Saint-Charles.

see also