
unusual facts about Spiritus

Wally Swist

His poems have appeared in literary magazines and anthologies, such as Alaska Quarterly Review and Spiritus, the latter issued by Johns Hopkins University Press, as well as popular magazines such as Rolling Stone and Yankee.

Free election, 1674

Despite protests of Lithuanians, Bishop of Krakow Andrzej Trzebicki initiated the process, by singing the hymn Veni Sancte Spiritus.

Guido Morini

His cycle Vivifice Spiritus Vitae Vis 2005, is composed on texts from the Vulgate Latin Bible.

Julie von Massow

In 1878, von Massow added a prayer society, the Gebetsverein, which prayed a number of prayers (including "Veni Creator Spiritus" by Rabanus Maurus) "with the intention that all may be one".

Sead Lipovača

Lipovača, alongside Marina Tucaković became spiritus movens of the disco band "Mirzino Jato" following the release of their first album in 1978.

St Thomas of Canterbury Church, Chester

The Lady Chapel reredos features a Madonna and Child with the inscription "Magnificat anima mea Dominum, et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deum" from the Magnificat The Lady Chapel Altar has three carved panels featuring a pelican feeding her chicks with her own blood, a Lamb holding a Shepherd's staff with the inscription "Ecce Agnus Dei" and another carved panel depicting an Eagle in flight.

Tropidophis spiritus

Sancti Spiritus dwarf boa, Tropidophis spiritus, is a small species of dwarf boa endemic to the province of Sancti Spíritus, central Cuba.

Women in a Celtic Church

Women in a Celtic Church was also reviewed by Judith L. Bishop of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California for Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality.

see also