
4 unusual facts about St. Lawrence

St. Lawrence, Toronto

At the intersection of Front and Yonge are two performing arts houses, the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, Toronto's "centennial" project and the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts.

The Ontario Heritage Trust has set up the Parliament Interpretive Centre at Front and Berkeley to provide historical information about this parliament that was destroyed by American troops during the War of 1812.

St. Lawrence's Church, Söderköping

During its history, it has been reconstructed, renovated (not least as a consequence of damage from recurrent floodings caused by the nearby Söderköpingsån) and altered on several occasions, but retains much of its medieval form and look.

St. Lawrence’s Girls School, Karachi

Bernadette Louise Dean, Principal of St. Joseph's College, Karachi

A. W. Lawrence

In 1951 he resigned his post at Cambridge to become the Professor of Archaeology at the University College of the Gold Coast where he established the National Museum and was the Secretary and Conservator of the Monuments and Relics Committee.

He resigned these posts in 1957 after Ghana became independent and soon after settled at Pateley Bridge in Yorkshire, later moving to Bouthwaite.

He was Laurence Professor of Classical Archaeology at Cambridge University in the 1940s, and in the early 1950s in Accra he founded what later became the Ghana Museums and Monuments Board as well as the National Museum of Ghana.

An Nafud

Col. T. E. Lawrence asked Auda ibu Tayi to allow their group to stray from their course into the Nafud.

Azraq, Jordan

During the Arab Revolt in the early 20th century, Qasr Azraq was an important headquarters for T. E. Lawrence.

Battle of the St. Lawrence

U-43’s failed attack on SQ-43 off Gaspé resulted in “one of the most effective counterattacks during the St. Lawrence battle. It was stated that” Six depth charges from the Bangor-class minesweeper Gananoque knocked out it's lights, blew the battery circuit breaker and activated a torpedo in one of the sub’s stern tubes.


The bergall, alxo known as the cunner, conner or chogset, Tautogolabrus adspersus, is a species of wrasse native to the western Atlantic, where it is found from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Newfoundland to the Chesapeake Bay.

Boulton Carbon Company

In 1886, former Brush Electric Company Superintendent/General Manager Washington H. Lawrence led a group of investors (including Myron T. Herrick, James Parmelee and Webb Hayes) in buying a controlling interest in the Boulton Carbon Company.


T. E. Lawrence, who would later be known as Lawrence of Arabia, celebrated his 20th birthday at the former Grand Hôtel du Midi, Place de la Fountain, on August 16, 1908, whilst tracing the route of Richard I of England, on a cycling tour of France in preparation for his thesis: The Influence of the crusades on the European military architecture at the end of the XIIth century.

Charles S. Lawrence

He took over the secretary's role from Carl R. Fellers, head of the food technology department at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and moved the national offices to its present location in Chicago.

Coral Magazine

Published bimonthly by Reef to Rainforest Media LLC in Charlotte, Vermont, Coral is edited by James M. Lawrence, with a board of advisors composed of prominent aquarium authors and marine scientists, including Dr. Andrew Bruckner of NOAA, Dr. Gerald R. Allen of Conservation International, Julian Sprung, and Dr. Sylvia Earle, oceanographer.

Cuper's Cove

Given the failure of Walter Raleigh to establish a colony at Roanoke Island in 1584 and the successful settlement at Jamestown in 1607 and on learning that Samuel de Champlain had sailed into the St. Lawrence to initiate the settlement of New France, pressure was mounting to lay claim to the resource rich New World.

Edward Mayhew

Becoming affiliated with the Spanish congregation in 1612, it was given an equal share in St. Lawrence's monastery at Dieulwart, Lorraine, henceforth the centre of the English congregation.

F. R. Leavis

Frank Raymond Leavis was born in Cambridge, in 1895, about a decade after T. S. Eliot, James Joyce, D. H. Lawrence and Ezra Pound, literary figures whose reputations he would later contribute to enhancing.

Finnegan Foundation

Founders of the foundation included: Pittsburgh Mayor Joe Barr, Commonwealth Judge Genevieve Blatt, Democratic National Committeewoman Louise M. John, Pennsylvania Gov. David Lawrence, U.S. Ambassador Matthew H. McCloskey II, U.S. Ambassador John Rice, and Pennsylvania State Treasurer Grace M. Sloan.

Florence of Arabia

The title of the novel is a play on "Lawrence of Arabia", a popular name for the British Army officer T. E. Lawrence, who became famous for his exploits in the Middle East, particularly as a liaison during the Arab Revolt of 1916-1918.

Frederic C. Lawrence

He was later appointed rector of St. Paul's Church in nearby Brookline.

Garry Shead

During the late 1980s his style (figurative, allegoric, lyric, moody) crystallized with the Bundeena paintings, the Queen series and the D. H. Lawrence series.

Gigi Perreau

As the "top child movie actress for 1951", the then ten-year-old was given the keys to the city of Pittsburgh by its mayor, David L. Lawrence, the youngest to be so honored.

Guarapero/Lost Blues 2

The lyrics of "The Risen Lord", an alternative version of which appeared on the 2004 EP Black/Rich Music, are taken from a poem by D. H. Lawrence.

Helen Corke

As a schoolteacher in Croydon, she became acquainted with D. H. Lawrence, and her diary served as the inspiration for Lawrence's second novel The Trespasser.

International Karate

Forbidden Colours, the main theme from the movie Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence, which partly inspired the game's soundtrack by Rob Hubbard

Irina Petraș

Petraş has also translated from English and French into Romanian (Henry James, Marcel Moreau, Jacques De Decker, Jean-Luc Outers, Michel Haar, G.K. Chesterton, D.H. Lawrence, Guy de Maupassant, Anatole France, Mac Linscott Ricketts, Philip Roth, Michel Lambert, Philippe Jones etc.)

James Oppenheim

Notable writers who contributed to the magazine under his guidance included Sherwood Anderson, Van Wyck Brooks, Max Eastman, Robert Frost, D.H. Lawrence, Vachel Lindsay and Amy Lowell.

Jan Juta

Jan C. Juta (September 1, 1895-December 4, 1990) was a painter and muralist closely associated with the writer D. H. Lawrence.

John Bale

He also quarreled bitterly with the aged and respected judge Thomas St. Lawrence, who travelled to Kilkenny to urge the people to reject his innovations.

John L. Lawrence

From June 7, 1814, to May 19, 1815, he was Chargé d'Affaires at Stockholm, representing the United States during the absence of Minister to Sweden Jonathan Russell.

L. Brooks Leavitt

Among the manuscripts owned and collected by Leavitt, who turned to book collecting after the Wall Street Crash of 1929, was an original Shakespeare First Folio, as well as the original manuscript of D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers, written in Lawrence's own hand.

Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence

In 1996, Francesco Marino Mannoia, an informant and former member of the Sicilian Mafia, claimed he had stolen the painting as a young man on the orders of a high-ranking mobster, but other sources say it was stolen by amateurs and then sold on to various Mafiosi; at one point it is said to have ended up in the hands of Rosario Riccobono, who was killed in 1982, after which it passed on to Gerlando Alberti.

Nicole Corriero

On March 27, 2005 Corriero tied the all-time collegiate record of 59 goals in a season, set by Michigan State's Mike Donnelly in 1986, with her first goal against St. Lawrence in the Frozen Four.

Peter B. Lawrence

He has appeared on Blue Peter and his skills and advice are much sought after in the field of solar and planetary imaging.

Peter B. Lawrence is a British amateur astronomer best known for his popularization of astronomy on the BBC's The Sky at Night with Sir Patrick Moore, Paul Abel and Dr. Chris Lintott.

Poetry and the Microphone

Notable for including Orwell’s sentence: "Poetry on the air sounds like the Muses in striped trousers.", the article mentions some of the material used in the broadcasts, mainly by contemporary or near-contemporary English writers such as T. S. Eliot, Herbert Read, Auden, Stephen Spender, Dylan Thomas, Henry Treece, Alex Comfort, Robert Bridges, Edmund Blunden, and D. H. Lawrence.

Royal Literary Fund

The Royal Literary Fund has given assistance to many distinguished writers over its history, including Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Samuel Rousseau, François-René de Chateaubriand, Thomas Love Peacock, James Hogg, Leigh Hunt, Thomas Hood, Richard Jefferies, Joseph Conrad, D. H. Lawrence, James Joyce, Ivy Compton-Burnett, Richard Ryan (biographer), Regina Maria Roche and Mervyn Peake.

Saadat Hasan Manto

Saadat Hasan Manto is often compared with D. H. Lawrence, and like Lawrence he also wrote about the topics considered social taboos in Indo-Pakistani Society.

Sandy Arbuthnot

Colonel Sir Aubrey Herbert (1880–1923; twice offered the throne of Albania, 2nd son of 4th Earl of Carnarvon), but later also reflected T.E. Lawrence.

Scottish Renaissance

Where these earlier movements had been steeped in a sentimental and nostalgic Celticism, however, the modernist-influenced Renaissance would seek a rebirth of Scottish national culture that would both look back to the medieval "makar" poets William Dunbar and Robert Henrysoun as well as look towards such contemporary influences as T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and D. H. Lawrence.

The Cambridge Edition of the Letters and Works of D. H. Lawrence

The First Women in Love (1916–17) edited by John Worthen and Lindeth Vasey,Cambridge University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-521-37326-3

The Plays, edited by Hans-Wilhelm Schwarze and John Worthen, Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-521-24277-0

Love Among the Haystacks and other stories (1930), edited by John Worthen, Cambridge University Press, 1987, ISBN 0-521-26836-2)

The Oxford English Centre

Among those who have lived and worked in the local area are the author of Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien, also Iris Murdoch, T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), Philip Pullman, Crime writers PD James and Colin Dexter (author of the Inspector Morse series), the poet Philip Larkin, and more recently novelist and screenwriter Ian McEwan (Atonement).

United States obscenity law

Many historically important works have been described as obscene or prosecuted under obscenity laws, including the works of Charles Baudelaire, Lenny Bruce, William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, James Joyce, D. H. Lawrence, Henry Miller, Samuel Beckett, and the Marquis de Sade.

W. H. C. Lawrence

Eighty-five years later, in 1974, another Canadian author, Richard Rohmer revisited the theme in his novel, Ultimatum.

Wendy B. Lawrence

Highlights included the exchange of U.S. crew members Mike Foale and David Wolf, a spacewalk by Scott Parazynski and Vladimir Titov to retrieve four experiments first deployed on Mir during the STS-76 docking mission, the transfer to Mir of 10,400 pounds of science and logistics, and the return of experiment hardware and results to Earth.

Whales Alive

Winter and Halley also collaborate with Leonard Nimoy, who reads poems and prose from various writers, including D.H. Lawrence and Roger Payne.

see also

Action of 17 July 1628

Charles I of England commissioned David Kirke of Dieppe to seize French shipping in North America and expand English trade in the St. Lawrence valley.

Alessandra Bange-Hall

Alessandra is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, and a former member of the St. Lawrence Cross Country and Track and Field Programs.

Alexander McKenzie Ross

Ross was chief engineer for Canada's Grand Trunk Railway, including the Victoria Bridge over the St. Lawrence River.

Alien abduction insurance

The very first company to offer UFO abduction insurance was the St. Lawrence Agency in Altamonte Springs, Florida.

Anykščiai Church

The church also has a large organ which was bought in 1998 from Baptist Church of St. Lawrence, Southampton.

Aultsville, Ontario

Increased hydro needs as well as a recognition of the importance to national security put pressure on legislatures to get the project underway; however, a second major delay of the project happened in October 1942 (a year after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor) when President Roosevelt declared that the St. Lawrence project was to be halted immediately due to a shortage of men and metal.

Canterbury, New Brunswick

The large contingent of British troops debarked passenger trains at the station and were then driven by horse drawn sleigh up the Saint John River and then across to the St Lawrence to Levis (opposite Quebec City) where they re-boarded passenger trains operated by the Grand Trunk Railway.

Cape Vincent, New York

The lighthouse marking the entrance to the St. Lawrence Seaway is now a youth hostel operated by Hostelling International USA.

Claire Loewenfeld

Claire Loewenfeld died on 20 August 1974, and is buried at St Lawrence's Church, Cholesbury, Buckinghamshire, near where she lived, alongside her husband Gunther Loewenfeld's cousins, Margaret Lowenfeld and Helena Wright née Lowenfeld.

Clarkson, Mississauga

a Holcim Canada (formerly St. Lawrence Cement) Cement plant, which distributes cement via truck throughout Toronto.

Cross of Gaspé

The Cross of Gaspé was originally erected on July 24, 1534 overlooking the bay of Gaspé, by the team of Jacques Cartier on his first trip exploration in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Derrick Pitts

Dr. Pitts is a graduate of Germantown Academy, Fort Washington, PA., St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY and received his Doctor of Science degree from LaSalle University, Philadelphia, PA.

Elizabeth Plunkett, Countess of Fingall

Lucas Plunkett's last wife was Margaret St. Lawrence, daughter of Nicholas St Lawrence, 9th Baron Howth.

François-Marie Picoté de Belestre

British General Jeffery Amherst then ordered Major Robert Rogers to ascend the St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes, to take command of the French forts at Detroit, Michilimackinac and elsewhere.

Gambell, Alaska

St. Lawrence Island has been inhabited sporadically for the past 2,000 years by both Alaskan Yup'ik and Siberian Yupik people.

Jayville, New York

Black River and St. Lawrence Railway:The company was reorganized as the Carthage and Adirondack Railway in the spring of 1883 after a mine owner in Jayville acquired the Black River and St. Lawrence Railway.

John Le Fondré Jr

He has taken a keen interest in parish affairs, acting as treasurer to the St Lawrence Battle of Flowers Association from 2001 – 2005, and also treasurer to the St Lawrence Parish Magazine – Les Laurentins from 2003 to the present.

Laurentian Channel

The channel is of glacial origin and is the submerged valley of the historic St. Lawrence River, running 1400 km from a sharp escarpment downstream from the confluence of the St. Lawrence with the Saguenay River, past Anticosti Island and through the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the edge of the continental shelf off the island of Newfoundland.

Long Point State Park

Long Point State Park – Thousand Islands, on the St. Lawrence River in north central New York, United States

Niagara Frontier League

Representatives from Lackawanna, Tonawanda, North Tonawanda, Niagara Falls, Trott, Kenmore and Lockport merged the former RPI basketball and St. Lawrence football leagues to found the NFL.


Orentius and Patientia (d. 240), Christian martyr and saint, father of St. Lawrence


Pointe-aux-Outardes, Quebec, is a municipality in Quebec on the north shore of the St Lawrence estuary, between the mouths of the Outardes and Manicouagan Rivers

Paulinus II of Aquileia

Meanwhile, from Charlemagne, Paulinus obtained diplomas for the free election of the future patriarchs by the cathedral chapter of Aquileia, and other privileges for his patriarchate as well as for the monastery of St. Mary in Organo, the church of St. Lawrence in Buja, and the hospitals of St. John at Cividale and St. Mary at Verona.

Pessamit, Quebec

The Innu and Oblate missionaries used Betsiamites, whereas Bersimis was preferred by Admiral Henry Wolsey Bayfield during his hydrographic surveys of the St. Lawrence and by the Hudson's Bay Company.

Richard Gethin

Major Sir Richard Gethin, Sir Richard Joseph St Lawrence Gethin, 10th Baronet (born 1949), of the Gethin baronets


Originally from Ouanne in the Burgundy region, he exchanged property he owned on the Île d'Orléans with Augustin Rouer de la Cardonnière for the Seigneurie of Rimouski, which extended along the St. Lawrence River from the Hâtée River at Le Bic to the Métis River.

Rooseveltown, New York

Seaway International Bridge, bridge across the St.Lawrence River to Canada, from Rooseveltown through Akwesasne to Cornwall

Ryan International Group of Institutions

Agnelo High School, St. Lawrence High School,ryan International School CBSE ( Kandivali), Holy Family High School, (Marathi Medium), St. Thomas High School, St. Louis High School, St. Mary’s High School, Ryan International malad ts.St.Lawrence High School (Borivali) ST.Xavier`s High School MIRA ROAD.

School District of Slinger

The School District of Slinger educates students from K4 through 12th grade residing in the southeastern Wisconsin municipalities of Slinger, Addison, St. Lawrence, Polk, and portions of Richfield, Jackson, Hartford, and West Bend, in Washington County, Wisconsin.

Sieciechów, Masovian Voivodeship

It had a parish church of St. Lawrence, which controlled parishes of large parts of northern Lesser Poland, at such towns, as Kozienice, Stężyca, Dęblin, Zwoleń and Kazimierz Dolny.

Siege of Cahir Castle

During the night, the garrison made an effort to steal away, but were spotted and met by Charles Percy and St Lawrence with four companies of Flanders veterans.

Simon Mark Aiken

Subsequently he was Vicar respectively at St Thomas the Apostle, Musbury, Helmshore (1994-1999), and at St Lawrence with St Paul, Longridge, north east of the city of Preston (1999-2006).

St. Lawrence Boom and Lumber Company

The St. Lawrence Boom and Lumber Company is one of the "central backdrops" to the plot of Pocahontas County author W. E. Blackhurst book, "Riders of the Flood." Every September the town of Ronceverte holds an outdoor drama of Riders of the Flood just belowstream the location of the mill company.

St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts

The Centre has since hosted a wide variety of performers, including the Gryphon Trio; the St Lawrence and Tokyo string quartets; Marc-André Hamelin; Jon Kimura Parker; the Chamber Players of Toronto; MegaCity Chorus; Nexus; the ORIANA Women's Choir; Youth and Music Canada; and the Elmer Iseler Singers, who premiered Pimooteewin: The Journey (Melissa Hui, composer; Tomson Highway, librettist) at the Centre in February 2008.

St. Lawrence Choir

In 1999 and 2000, St. Lawrence Choir performed with the MSO and Charles Dutoit at Carnegie Hall and the Lincoln Center to critical acclaim, presenting works by Faure, Dallapiccola, Szymanowski, Orff, de Falla, and Theodorakis.

St. Lawrence Iroquoians

Based in part on material from the 18th century, Mark Linn-Baker and Lars Sweenburg developed a theory that the Mohawk (in some cases, they also postulated Onondaga and Oneida) had migrated and settled in the St. Lawrence River valley before relocating to their historic territory of present-day New York.

Thomas Firmin

John Tillotson Archbishop of Canterbury and a friend of Firmin, who had lectured on the Socinian controversy at St. Lawrence, Jewry, in 1679–80, felt himself compelled by ‘calumnies’ to publish the lectures in 1693.