
unusual facts about Stewart L. Woodford

Stewart L. Woodford

In 1872, he was elected as a Republican to the 43rd United States Congress and served from March 4, 1873, to July 1, 1874.

Arthur B. Woodford

Woodford worked as a special agent for the U.S. Department of Labor in 1885.

New York state election, 1894

Ex-U.S. Vice President Levi P. Morton (in office 1889-1893) was nominated for Governor on the first ballot (vote: Morton 532½, J. Sloat Fassett 69, Cornelius N. Bliss 40½, Stewart L. Woodford 40, Daniel Butterfield 29, Leslie W. Russell 20, James Arkell 1).

Simeon B. Chittenden

Chittenden was elected as an Independent Republican to the Forty-third Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Stewart L. Woodford; he was reelected as an Independent Republican to the Forty-fourth Congress and as a Republican to the Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth Congresses and served from November 3, 1874 to March 3, 1881.

Stewart L. Gordon

He has served as an adjudicator for many international competitions, including the Gina Bachauer, William Kapell, Rosa Ponselle, Virginia Waring and the finals of the Canadian Music Competitions, and Music Teachers National Competitions at the regional and national levels.

He founded the William Kapell International Piano Competition and acted as its director for 15 years.

Terrence L. Bracy

The Udall Foundation was established by the U.S. Congress in 1992 to honor the 30 year legacy of public service by Congressman Mo Udall and enhanced in 2009 to honor Secretary Stewart L. Udall.

The Joseph Smith Papers

Mark Ashurst-McGee, Ronald O. Barney, Alexander L. Baugh, Joseph I. Bentley, Joseph F. Darowski, Kay Darowski, Karen Lynn Davidson, Steven C. Harper, William G. Hartley, Andrew H. Hedges, Robin Scott Jensen, Gordon A. Madsen, Max H. Parkin, Alex D. Smith, Steven R. Sorensen, Morris A. Thurston, Grant Underwood, Jeffrey N. Walker, David J. Whittaker, Robert J. Woodford.

see also