
3 unusual facts about Strife


Angermeans is the third full length album release by Californian hardcore band Strife.

Harold Chapin

A true man of the theatre, he worked as an actor (appearing extensively in the West End and in the original productions of What Every Woman Knows by J.M. Barrie and Strife by John Galsworthy), director and stage manager, and was closely associated with Harley Granville Barker.


Cloud Strife, the main protagonist in the Final Fantasy VII game

Andrej Nikolaidis

In 1992, following the breakout of ethnic strife in Bosnia that soon evolved into an all out war, Nikolaidis' family moved to the Montenegrin town of Ulcinj, his father's hometown where he owns a summer home.

Bates Lowry

David Rockefeller, chairman of the museum, said he was dismissed because he had attempted to take on the job of curator of the painting and sculpture at the museum which caused strife in the department and because he did a major renovation to his office without MoMA board approval.

Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Middle Ages

He was succeeded by his nephew Tvrtko who, following a prolonged struggle with nobility and inter-family strife, gained full control of the country in 1367.


Due to the religious strife that has marked the Balkan Peninsula and Anatolia, instances of crypto-Christian behavior are reported to this day in Muslim-dominated areas of the former Yugoslavia, Albania, and Turkey.

Cyclone Kesiny

Cyclone Kesiny struck Madagascar during a period of political strife after the Malagasy presidential election in 2001.

Dambyn Chagdarjav

The victory of revolution of 1921 soon led to strife within the party as various factions jockeyed for power, particularly between Soliin Danzan and Prime Minister Bodoo.

Days of Despair

Days of Despair by Rajiva Wijesinha is a darker sequel to the author's political comedy Acts of Faith which came out in the early years of the racial and political strife in Sri Lanka.


He was involved in the strife for the succession of the aged king, leading to the rulership of Shamshi-Adad V.


The Battle of Dithakong in 1823 was part of the conflict and upheavals ending a period of strife referred to in the interior as the Difaqane, and is subject to debate following Cobbing's critique of once orthodox views of the Mfecane as a period of conflict generated by Zulu expansion.

Eleutheran Adventurers

This conflict spread to Bermuda where a period of civil strife resulted in a victory for the supporters of the Royalist party in the English Civil War.

Emperor Go-Reizei

1051 (Eishō 6): In Michinoku, Abe no Sadatō and Munetō instigate a rebellion which becomes known as the Nine Years War (1051–1062) because, even though the period of strife lasts for 11 years, the actual fighting lasts for nine years.


On the other hand, Fëanor and Nerdanel, as well as many other spouses of the Exiled Noldor, such as Fingolfin's wife, do not follow the husbands into exile, Eöl and Aredhel are the only known case of an Elven couple separating or indeed, having any real marital strife outside of the Exile.

Fantasy General

The game's music featured original settings of Strife is O'er, the Dies Irae, the Easter sequence Victimae Paschali Laudes, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Dona Nobis Pacem and two works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Komm, süßer Tod, komm selge Ruh and Wir essen und leben.


Under Agathocles (317-289 BC) the city suffered again for internal strife between the general population and the aristocrats.

Ghost word

The supposed Homeric Greek word στητη = "woman", which arose thus: In Iliad Book 1 line 6 is the phrase διαστητην ερισαντε = "two = Achilles and Agamemnon stood apart making strife", where later someone not familiar with dual number verb inflections read it as δια στητην ερισαντε = "two making strife because of a στητη", and he guessed that στητη meant the woman Briseis who was the subject of the strife.

Gothic paganism

A civil strife between the Christian reiks Fritigern and the pagan reiks Athanaric prompted Roman military intervention on the side of the Christian party, leading to the Gothic War (376–382).

Guo Jing

Guo's most outstanding trait is his constant strife for moral rectitude, as observed when he faces a dilemma after Genghis Khan attempts to force him to lead the Mongol army to attack his native land.

Hellenic Navy

Plagued by internal strife and financial difficulties in keeping the fleet in constant readiness, the Greeks failed to prevent the capture and destruction of Kasos and Psara in 1824, or the landing of the Egyptian army at Modon.

Ilan Grapel affair

Yaroslav Trofimov of The Wall Street Journal asserted that the arrest of Grapel and other Westerners in the aftermath of the 2011 Egyptian revolution was part of a "military-inspired xenophobia campaign" to distance Egypt's new military rulers from the West, "portraying pro-democracy activists as spies and saboteurs, blaming the country's economic crisis and sectarian strife on foreign infiltrators, and blasting the U.S. for funding agents of change."

Italian Republican Party

Spadolini's second government fell in November 1983 due to a strife between Beniamino Andreatta (DC) and Rino Formica, ministers of the Treasury and Finances respectively.

Johann Eck

A ducal commission, appointed to find a way of ending the interminable strife between rival academic parties, asked Eck to prepare fresh commentaries on Aristotle and Petrus Hispanus.

Joya de Cerén

It was explored in depth by Payson Sheets, a professor of anthropology at the University of Colorado at Boulder, in 1978 and 1980, after which work at the site was interrupted by civil strife and warfare.

Laurel Goodwin

Augusta becomes distraught as her father (played by Jackie Gleason) makes some questionable business deals under the influence of alcohol and, without consulting the rest of the family, causing strife within the household and making her beau's dad, who happens to be the local bank owner, forbid his offspring from associating with the Griffith family.

Little Liberia, Staten Island

The Liberian Civil War led to a flight of Liberian immigrants, fleeing ethnic struggles between the Kru, Gola and Grebo communities, corrupt government, and political strife.

Lyman E. Johnson

The schismatic strife followed them, but in Far West, the loyalists were able to keep control by excommunicating the leadership of the Missouri church—David Whitmer, John Whitmer, W. W. Phelps along with Oliver Cowdery, Johnson, and others.

Mabelle Arole

Returning to India after their studies in the US, the Aroles decided to work in Jamkhed, a poor and drought-prone Taluka strife with inequalities.

Magic Shop Books

The Greek goddess of strife Eris breaks into the Magic Shop while Mr. Elives is away and gives the shy but acid-tongued Juliet Dove a crystal amulet containing Cupid that causes every boy she meets to become truly, madly and strongly in love with her.

Marie Helvin

In the 1970s and 1980s she appeared in many fashion stories for British Vogue and posed for a series of nude photographs made by David Bailey, which were published in his 1980 book Trouble and Strife.

Minoan chronology

Some possibilities are any or all of civil strife, the Sea Peoples, the Dorians.


The bull ant famously appears in the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer's major work, The World as Will and Representation, as a paradigmatic example of strife and constant destruction endemic to the "will to live".

Polycarpos Georgadjis

He was also the leader of the underground Greek Cypriot pro-Enosis movement, initially known simply as the Organisation, which later clashed with the Turkish Cypriot TMT in the intercommunal strife which began in December 1963.

Revolutionary United Front

Law & Order episode "Blood Money" was heavily mounted around the strife in Sierra Leone and the traffic in conflict diamonds.

Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829

Sir Robert Peel, the Home Secretary, who had until then always opposed emancipation (and had, in 1815, challenged O'Connell to a duel) concluded: "though emancipation was a great danger, civil strife was a greater danger."

Sally Wolfe

Wolfe’s time in China was marked by much political strife, as she arrived four years after the Chinese Revolution of 1911 and witnessed the Chinese Civil War, which began in 1927.

Sense of Purpose

Over the years Sense Of Purpose have supported a host of touring bands including: Agnostic Front (US), H20 (US), AFI(US), Cro-Mags (US), Terror (US), Ensign (US), No Fun at All (Sweden), Strife (US), Champion (US), Citizen Fish (UK), Agent Orange (US), Balance (NZ), Shank (Scotland), DSM (NZ), Shutdown (US), Good Clean Fun (US), Strike Anywhere (US), Dayglo Abortions (Can) and Vitamin X (Neth).

Sicilian School

A sirventese is, in effect, eminently political: it usually refers to real battles and attacks real military or political enemies, the author often being the soldier or the knight involved in the strife, as in Guittone d'Arezzo's Rotta di Montaperti (Defeat of Montaperti), a bloody battle where Manfred of Sicily, Frederick's son, defeated the guelfs.

Sig Herzig

Born Siegfried Maurice Herzig in New York City, Herzig began his career as the director of the comedy short Husband and Strife (1922), but he switched gears to create plot lines for more than three dozen silent films.

Stuart period

The Stuart period was plagued by internal and religious strife.

The King's Wrath

Nicknamed the "King of Misfortune," he witnessed the death of his father Crown Prince Sado, who was executed by a royal decree ordered by his grandfather, then-King Yeongjo, and was subsequently caught in the midst of fierce party strife between the Noron and Soron factions during his reign.

The Knight of the Sacred Lake

It follows the lives of Queen Guinevere, or Guenevere, and her strife with Agravain and Gawain, as well as that of her lover's, Lancelot, as they both enter different paths in their lives, away from each other.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 303

Meetings at the Council were called following a deterioration in relations between India and Pakistan over a series of incidents, including Jammu and Kashmir, and the additional strife in East Pakistan.

Wisbech Stirs

Peter Burke sees the faultline, traditionally described as "Jesuits and seculars" (for example in Thomas Graves Law, The Conflicts between Jesuits and Seculars in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1889) as between Counter-Reformation Catholics and Catholics of a more traditional mould; he takes as example the strife over a hobby horse brought out for Christmas celebrations.

Zack Fair

He was designed by Tetsuya Nomura, and his name derived from "fair weather," to contrast with Cloud Strife's name.

see also