
unusual facts about Svätý Anton

Master MS

Now there are four Passion paintings in Esztergom,Hungary, in the Christian Museum; the painting "The Birth of Christ" is held in Svätý Anton (formerly known also as Hontszentantal) near Banská Štiavnica, and The Adoration of the Magi is in the Museum of Lille in France.

Ferencz József Koháry de Csábrág

He was the son of Ignác József Anton Franz Xaver, Count Koháry de Csábrág and Szitnya, Honti fõispán (obergespan) (Szent-Antal, 2 December 1726 – Vienna, 10 October 1777) and his wife, married at Seiffersdorf, on 15 January 1758 or 4 August 1761, Countess Maria Gabriella Cavriani di Imena (Vienna, 25 April 1736 – Pest, 29 July 1803).

see also