Chemical synthesis | synthesis | Cambridge Low Frequency Synthesis Telescope | chemical synthesis | Williamson ether synthesis | wave field synthesis | Wöhler synthesis | Wave field synthesis | Synthesis Toolkit | Synthesis | Speech Synthesis Markup Language | Speech synthesis | Neon Synthesis | National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis | National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis | Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope | Modern evolutionary synthesis | modern evolutionary synthesis | Microwave Imaging Radiometer with Aperture Synthesis | Meyers synthesis | Hantzsch pyrrole synthesis | Hantzsch pyridine synthesis | Grundmann aldehyde synthesis | Granular synthesis | Gabriel synthesis | Frequency modulation synthesis | Festival Speech Synthesis System | Distortion synthesis | distortion synthesis | Debus-Radziszewski imidazole synthesis |
He published treatises and papers in journals and periodicals such as Vidici (1968), Filosofija (1969–70), Praxis (1969–71), Problemi (1969–90), Kamov (1970), Kolo (1970), Pitanja (1971), Dijalog (1977), Polja (1978), Gordogan (1979, 1982, 1983, 1985), Filozofska istraživanja (1984, 1986, 1988), Godišnjak za povijest filozofije (1984, 1990), Synthesis philosophica (1986) and others.